I've been coming here for years and I can't believe that my fellow retards still fall for this shit.

Niggers don't come to Jow Forums. The only sites that niggers use are Twitter, WorldStarHipHop and PornHub. You'll find the occasional "based black man" here, but black nationalists do not come here.

Anyone coming on here with the Pan-African flag spitting anti-White vitriol is likely a Jew or some faggot from /b/ who just came here who hasn't eaten the red pill yet. Quit giving the kikes the time of day so we can actually be productive. Dumb niggers.

Attached: Flag_of_the_UNIA.svg.png (1200x800, 6K)

t. assblasted whiteboi kek

You forgot snapchat

I agree. This should be a Jow Forums rule.

Meme flags should be removed.

And YouTube occasionally.

I support white ethnostate

why you cryin tho whiteboi

As a Black Nationalist, I believe we should all go back to Africa. We don't belong in America. We cannot coexist with Europeans. This is what's best for everyone. We're too different. Delaying only adds to the tragedy.

Fuck outta here white boi

Fuck you crackers. We are the ones that start the Nigger Hate threads because we know ya'll obsessed with us.

Attached: D5em6IZW0AA_ypq.jpg (718x714, 50K)

You're white too, Spaniard. (unless you're an immigrant, then fuck off from Europe please)

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Based meta poster

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Thanks senpai

Attached: 48987141_322877681888521_5216006127635922944_n.jpg (720x833, 58K)

No one cares because the majority fall into one of two sides.
1) the daily le I’m anonymous dynamic vpn stale trolls
2) the masochistic twats that bump these reruns with actual replies and emotional twitter level outbursts

The rest of you have to swim through shit at times because of the perpetual cycle of the above. Pic somewhat related.

Attached: 3FCCE7A0-6B7C-4F2E-A7B2-F6992639DF4A.png (540x540, 149K)

Hey genius it’s the internet.You don’t need a secret fucking password to get onto /Pol.

Absolutely SEETHING. Stay mad micro dick cumskin

Don’t tell me what to do.

As a strong AFRICAN man descended from KEMET royalty, I feel it is my DUTY to keep track of all the HONKEYS and CRACKAS on your pathetic board. WE WILL OUTBREED YOU. White women CRAVE the BBC.

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hahah xbox logo



Attached: 1553200289664.jpg (1200x1800, 186K)

Muh dick is a weapon of mass destruction against you whiteboi.

Learn to filter niggers.


Meme flags are all the same and should be permanently removed from this site. They're an identity on this anonymous board other than the one forced upon you by means of geographical location. If you want to identify as black then VPN yourself in Uganda.

U scare white boy?

Truth. Fuck the gook that took over.

RETARD ALERT: Want’s to ban meme flags on an anonymous encryption social media platform.


Most people of them are just Indians trying to pull of a JIDF on Jow Forums

use meme flag delouser extension dumb burger

Attached: 1555354145749.jpg (470x384, 13K)

You wyte boi like a pajeet, it shows.

if you reply to any memeflags kys

Good looks bro. Wish everyone who replied to those bait threads knew that too.

>Anyone coming on here with the Pan-African flag spitting anti-White vitriol is likely a Jew or some faggot from /b/

It's actually Indians and the rare Roach, you dumb fucking newfag

>No one cares

Use Jow Forums x and filter all meme flags your retarded fucking newfaggot.

>Niggers don't come to Jow Forums.

Yes they do, to make hey rabbi posts. The "He will not divide us" meetups and entire campaign illustrated the point that most of this board is non-whites LARPing as whites. Their motives unknown, I honestly don't care. No idea why this board became obsessed with a fat quadroon girl, but you faggots did. Still ashamed of you.

Attached: brilliant black man.jpg (1448x874, 166K)