NASA aint telling shit because people would freak out and stop (((working))), its fucking over and you cant do shit about it niggers

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Other urls found in this thread:

i genuinely believe this

Darn. All I have will be gone...

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thank goodness
I wish apocalypse came sooner so I can stop working

only good news if it hits anything other than the south or midwest

1.8 mile wide asteroid

we would be lucky if did enough damage to rival a nuke
>the world is safe OP is a massive faggot

Can we get a count down then? how long have we got? lets have a comp to see how many time we can jerk off before then.

I'd like to take a moment to laugh at all the space nerds. You will never see a spaceship or another planet but I hope you learn to enjoy being a peasant big brain grub living on a slave planet as slave labor.

That’s bullshit but I believe it.

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the speed it's going would destroy the planet

They have us talking about bunk asteroids while the plans for war with Iran are being laid out.

Why working if everything is going to end thou?

was just going to ask this.
OP is a tard.

Good. We're overdue for a restart. Fucking indians and chinks breed like a pizzabox full of roaches.



It'd just produce another tunguska event.

Because on the off chance that they are actually wrong, the total collapse of society into widespread barbarism and isolated authoritarian pockets would be on them. Better to die with a clean conscience than live with that.

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quick calculation, its kinetic energy amounts to about 50 gigatons.
So, about 1000 tsar bombs, it would certainly create some havoc, but it would be less than the total US nuclear stockpile going off in one place, it would probably kill millions if not hundreds of millions, but it would probably not lead to human extinction.

Assuming the impact is eminent, care to tell WHEN is suppose to happen?¿

Sometime in the next 15 hours.

RIP in pupperonis, thanks for all the fish

Where will it hit?

Now is your time to hit synagogues


i'll spread my cheeks and direct my ass towards the asteroid desu
please smash me space rock

These communication satellites launched yesterday will come in handy post impact

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The Earths atmosphere would significantly decrease its speed, also the van-allen radiation belt would destroy parts of it.

Moons gravitation pull would decrease it's speed also.

Multiple factors, it would maybe make a mile high tsunami if it was hit off the coast of Texas, or the UK, or even NC-Georgia-FL it would extinction to those state residents, but states like WV-Kentucky, etc and Northern Virginia would be completely safe.


Projected impact point somewhere east of Florida down to Puerto Rico. Big fucking wave is going to sink CA, and everything near PR is going to get vaporized.

Hope it hits some urban area, preferably 100-500km from where I live

The it a happening digits were so strong in one thread last night, particularly with reference to Israel...jannie deleted the thread


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For anybody who's curious were the schizos like OP are coming from:

>NASA decided do a mock "asteroid is coming" drill with other scientific agencies around the world
>basically it's a game just to see what kind of ideas everyone can come up with to save our shit before the impact
>nasa never claimed it was real, everyone is in on it
>schizos like OP hear about

Oh no
If only the world had other space centers, then we could have the truth
But there is only Nasa so they can distort reality at their will, so the people won't panic, just like they say in these documentaries like Armageddon

Oh no

Lol nothing is going to happen you retarded faggots this is like the 1000th meteor or whatever that was "totally gonna hit the earth" in the last 10 years.

It's going to be really funny when you all wake up the day after and realize the impact didn't solve your problems for you.

>east of Florida
>sinking California
nothing EVER happens, yet you niggers lap this shit straight out of the asshole.
Ill see you faggots Sunday

Because of some gets?

Nothing is going to happen

If it really was going to happen you fucking retard then (((working))) wouldn't matter. You larps are soooo fucking boring.

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dude the fucker is going 48000mph

>t. NASA employee

Pol is so retarded it believed a prophecy for years and there was no gets

>solve your problems for you.

You post this shit in every thread, obnoxious faggot. I hope your neighbors eat you when there's no food left.

I hope the thing lands right on my fucking head

>this is a democrat level of understanding

Fuck Jannies

jokes on you I taste like shit

911 just so happened to have training drill simulating planes hitting the World Trade Center towers that today
So did the Boston bombing
Sandy hook
Las Vegas
London metro 7/7 nombings

>freak out and stop (((working)))
If its all going to end why would (((they))) give a flying fuck?

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Anything that killed hundreds of millions of people would collapse the world economy and lead to anarchy anyway.

rolling for it to hit Melbourne, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem or New Zealand

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About 7.05pm Eastern US time, Saturday.

Lol nothing is going to happen you pathetic racists this is like the 1000th Jow Forums humor thread or whatever that was "totally gonna make me laugh" in the last 10 minutes.

It's going to be really funny when you all wake up the day after and realize the Jow Forums humor thread didn't solve your problems for you.

this movie is all about this
and Kirsten Dunst being naked
but mostly about planetary collision

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At least we trieded to make the perfect cakes.
Love, Piss and Rice'n'Shite , bros.

Fuck that's a rare pepe. May I keep him?

Begone, discord tranny. I know it's you.

Is this the astroid thats 40x the distance from earth to moon?

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if it hits the atlantic

If it hits we're all dead anyway, whenever we might be.
Australia will die last though. Bad connection and all that.

Can't wait.

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is this just a meme, because its silly?

If a large level of destruction was inevitable no government would tell its citizens. It would just cause panic and looting.

wow thats retarded

finally it will be over

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What do you think would happen if they removed doubles and trips from Jow Forums?
Would we be able to have discussion again.
Yes there would be a few weekends of redditors crying that they can’t “worship kek” and “praise kek” anymore but then they will leave.
Imagine the paradise...

They've been doing this in recent years and every time you stupid faggots do the same tinfoil shit. If it is happening and being kept secret, someone by now would have leaked information to the public.

This movie fucked me up for years. Made me super, uh... melancholy.

There is a asteroid though...

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We would also seem some sort of signs of preparation for it.
Even if it was done secretly and quietly something would be happening.
Normal people wouldn’t notice but you know more observant people wouldn notice something is up and there would be non-stop threads over the last few months about all the strange happenings.
But absolutely nothing out of the ordinary like this is happening

>This movie fucked me up for years

Why? I wanna know before I torrent this shit.

Psst, that's NASA LARPINg.
Ask Tim Pool.

it's the asteroid that will be closing the Earth at 0.0322 Astronomical Units and needs to be at 0.0138 AU for it to be really bad. Or so the data says, NASA might be making shit up to not alarm you

Moot did back in 2014, this site still was retarded as ever, but not "My post hit a 1 in 10 chance of getting dubbsss!!! Q predicted this!" levels of retarded

who painted that

A classic oil painter by the name of "Reverse Image von Search III"

That's no moon.

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As if working applies to you anyways

I did, it was all Russian vodka blogs and French whatever-the-fuck-they-do websites.
But I did find it:
>"A Man's World" (Mannenhuishouding) by Dutch artist Marius van Dokkum.

We regret to inform you the massive asteroid NASA's all excited about probably won't hit Earth

Asteroid won't do anything, nigger
It'll pass


and when we all come to in the next world the first thing I'll say is "explain this christcucks".

Official NASA "photo"

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Like proven in every high class documentary like Armageddon. So much that this "the gov must hide this event so panic won't destroy society before society gets destroyed" is like common knowledge. Never happened in real life though, and common sense really quickly makes you understand why.

Not that I expect to find common sense here

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Ain't gonna lie, kinda hoping it hits my house.


>What’s distance from objects being photographed

Really. Then WHY did they just launch a rocket with 60 satellites ( yah right, nukes )on board ? Perhaps "THEY'RE" just replacing all the really old satellites at once. Yup , thats it.
pic related

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You should learn some things or two about basic photography man, it would avoid you to appear retarded in public

Ay da worl gon end yall naysuh dun said it read my non supporting articles. Listen doe da gubmints dun made all the amateur astronomers telescopes all malfuntction and brainwashed their brains so they cant make simple calculations. Dat is cuz da gubmint wanna hid disss space rock

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i want to believe i hope that is enough

Bring it. Get it over with.

>a killing bolt will shine in the night but not kill.

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Yeah yeah great and like always, you guys will get hit right in the face and I'll just have some smoke at best.