It's true

Alright guys I have a diabolical plan to enrage the jews and redpill the goyim which I think will work great. If we can get a large part of the "raaacust Naaazeees" on board.

NEVER capitalize the word jew. EVER. Especially at the beginning of sentences. It'll only be a matter of time until they catch on and I guarantee they'll be having raging hissy fits screaming about how everyone that doesn't capitalize jew is a literal Nazi.

Such arrogance and stupidity on display should do wonders for redpulling folks on the JQ.

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Stop shitting up this board, Kike.

Why you're protecting the kikes?

This is actually a brilliant idea.
>t. seething jew
FUCK jews.

Attached: shake.gif (280x203, 1001K)

>not jQ

OP is right you faggots have no idea.

Capitis deminutio or capitis diminutio (diminished capacity) is a term used in Roman law, referring to the extinguishing, either in whole or in part, of a person's former status and legal capacity. There were three changes of state or condition attended with different consequences: maxima, media, and minima.

Capitis Deminutio Maxima

The greatest, capitis deminutio maxima, involved the loss of liberty, citizenship, and family (e.g. being made a slave or prisoner of war).

Capitis Deminutio Media

The next change of state, capitis deminutio media, consisted of a loss of citizenship and family without any forfeiture of personal liberty.

Capitis Deminutio Minima

The least change of state, capitis deminutio minima, consisted of a person ceasing to belong to a particular family, without loss of liberty or citizenship

Jews are based

Attached: 10A20EEA-ADFE-4A21-8F94-3348DFB548EB.jpg (313x400, 47K)

It means jewish Question

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>So, capitis diminutio minima means no loss of rights whatsoever (in comparison, see capitis diminutio maxima and capitis diminutio media). Again, everything is connected to the use of your name. Where capitis diminutio maxima writes your full name (last name as well as first name) in capitals, and capitis diminutio media writes your name partially in capitals (usually only your last name or family name), capitis diminutio minima writes your name ONLY in lowercase. Through capitis diminutio (especially maxima), companies can trade under YOUR NAME while maritime law rules!

To the people saying no;

That's all well and good but how's the weather in Tel Aviv Shylock Sholmo?

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