>looking for a European girl worth marrying >hard to find, getting desperate >resort to dating profiles >okcupid, put in all the standard stuff, conservative, no hook ups, want marriage etc >the only matches I get that fit the criteria are all asians, poos and white roasties/roasties with kids >all young/attractive white girls have slutty profiles and are non-religious/want hookups
>>okcupid Welp theres yer problem. Women who get married early don't make profiles online.
Colton Torres
>looks into trash can >"oh no there's only trash here how fucked are we"
Isaac Williams
>marriage >2020 Just, why???
Jason Torres
>online dating A cesspool of thots with overinflated egos due to thirsty men constantly messaging them. Approach women in real life, user. Try the library.
People go on dating websites to fuck. Women, who use dating apps go there to fuck/get money. Most women, whom are suitable for marriage don't use dating websites. They are not there.
Try going out more often and try texting random good-looking girls on Facebook. Especially girls, who don't live in big cities.
Robert Rivera
>why cant i find a tradgirl on okcupid
try library, church, shooting range
Brandon Barnes
Go to church and not some megachurch filled with old widows conned into tithing their pensions. Find a bible study group with young women with an interest in theology.
Thomas Hughes
>using okcupid and not bumble Lmfao do you even zoomer op?