Say hello to UK's first Muslim Prime Minister

>rags to riches meme story, son of a Pakistani immigrant bus driver
>first Muslim Home Secretary
>Thatcher & Ayn Rand fan whos spun himself as centerist
>no scandals on record
>backed Remain but spun it by saying his "heart" was with Leave
>city of London likes him, ex-Deutsche Bank

he is the John Major meets Obama candidate
already tried once for Prime Minister, hungry enough to try and make history with another shot
optically a Conservative response to first Muslim mayor of London

this is going to happen, like it or not

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>Muslim PM
It would be based. The UK is already lost anyway.


>German advising UK on who should run the country.

I hope that asteroid hits Berlin with full force.

The UKs first muslim prime minister. It could very well happen.

He was sworn into parliament on a Koran. Im sure he will put aside his personal beliefs when governing.

whats happening in germany?

It would kill the Tory paty though frend

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God I hope I don't die before the entirety of western europe becomes an arab and african infested shithole where whites are persecuted

Landmarks I hope to witness

>christianity banned
>pork banned
>all churches demolished
>white people forbidden from having children


how? it fits Conservative party narrative- literally rags to riches of Deutsche Bank story, hard working, secular success story of integration etc. etc. plus its one in the eye of the left who, just with Thatcher, get beaten to the punch on diversity again
not a toff
not Boris Johnson, who is popular with public but not Parliamentary party
not a Kingslayer like Leadsom

Sajid Javid is based as fuck.

Better than the other kikes.

>Sajid Javid
hahaha you retarded animal

>former managing director at Deutsche Bank.

>Javid married his childhood sweetheart Laura King in 1997, whom he met while sharing a stapler at the local Commercial Union branch during a summer job.[158][12] A non-practising Muslim, Sajid Javid has four children with his wife Laura — a church-going Christian.[159] The couple had their honeymoon in Israel.[155][140] Javid's children are privately educated, something that Javid attributed to their desire to "do what's best for them".[7] The family owns properties in Fulham, Chelsea, Bristol and Bromsgrove.[12][160]




hes an atheist

Who isn't in the UK?
Henry the VIII ensured that.

don't be a mug, you don't think its politically expedient to say that? he was raised in the religion, you think it just fucking evaporates from his brain?

>Non-practicing Muslim and Christian
>Honeymoon in Israel

How many dimensions of chess are the Jews playing? Fuck

Why can't Salvini be the emperor of all Europe?

Kek, so true

What the fuck has Henry VIII got to do with this?

.>its okay that a shitskin is running my country as long as he's not Muslim.

The state of bongs. The shitskin will always side with other shitskins.

Not happening. Even the Tories hate muslims as confirmed by an MP recently.

>Even the Tories hate muslims

Thats why muslim immigration under the Torys is even higher than under Labour

I was doing some digging on this guy. He looks like your next PM. Very based, muslims call him an Uncle Tom. It's perfect cause every time he panders not to white people, both sides will hate him. Also he likes Ayn Rand so I assume hes autistic.

>Even the Tories hate muslims as confirmed by an MP recently

Other than Enoch Powell, the last prominent Tory to actually want lower immigration was Churchill:

"After the General Election of 1951, Churchill again became Prime Minister. His third government—after the wartime national government and the brief caretaker government of 1945—would last until his resignation in 1955. During this period, he renewed what he called the "special relationship" between Britain and the United States, and engaged himself in the formation of the post-war order. He tried in vain to manoeuvre the cabinet into restricting West Indian immigration. "Keep England White" was a good slogan, he told the cabinet in January 1955.[10] Ian Gilmour records Churchill saying to him, in 1955, about immigration: "I think it is the most important subject facing this country, but I cannot get any of my ministers to take any notice".[11]"

>Also he likes Ayn Rand

So does Paul Ryan. Look how that turned out.

>He was sworn into parliament on a Koran. Im sure he will put aside his personal beliefs when governing.

No one ever says this about people that swear on the Bible. Any moment now it'll be illegal to work on Sunday and my wife will be my property

>very based
fuck off

>Any moment now it'll be illegal to work on Sunday and my wife will be my property

Market that correctly and you'd win in a landslide with that platform.

Who cares about this washed up dead husk. Look east whiteman.

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That's what happens when you fly too close to dillusional mormons. He should of stayed away from that campaign.

At least he might try to expel the Jews from England again.

>>city of London likes him, ex-Deutsche Bank

Can't see him being blackballed. He wont say he is atheist but his actions speak otherwise.