How come East Germany barely gets any love on Jow Forums?

How come East Germany barely gets any love on Jow Forums?

>most economically successful Warsaw Pact state
>racially homogeneous
>healthy fertility rate
>encouraged national pride, didn't push h'wite guilt
>respected Germany's rich military history, retained Prussian military traditions and Wehrmacht aesthetics
>proud of the German language, didn't butcher it with American slang terms
>everyone had a job and a place to live, unemployment and vagrancy didn't exist
>barely any crime thanks to effective law enforcement
>sexual deviancy and race-mixing were b&
>officially anti-zionist
>best bros with WN Russia, Jow Forums's favorite country

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Because they were smelly commies, Vlad.

Go back to /leftypol/ you smelly retard.

They had nationalism without the mass murder typical of National-Socialism. Respect.

>American education

Because communism = shit

>no good marching songs


that isnt a SS song

Tell me killing. Go on.

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Wtf I love gommunism now

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Really irks me when artists depict women in men's attire. Female troops had their own unique getup.

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If you want a bloodless National-Socialism, visit East Germany!

There was no "nationalism" there. There was twisted version of rather mild patriotism which was more of a zeitgeist than anything else, combined with communist internationalist doctrine. As you surely know, we don't really have too many non-whites around here, in post-eastern bloc countries. But we have some, very very small amounts of Vietnamese and nigger Cubans and few Arabs here and there. They are way less than 0.something of population, but they are here. Do you know who brought them here and who actively tried integrating them (white wives included) to the society? Commies during the "international communist help" programs, usually tied with education too. They took coloreds from some latest third world shithole that "embraced communist idea", brought them here, offered housing, money, etc. and tried to make it work. What does this remind you now?

No, you silly mestizo, communists are and always were internationalists. They tried multiculturalism way before it became cool for EU marxists.

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Moreover, the nationalism was considered bourgeois and subversive, usually tied to "fascism" as well. Same applied to supporting niggers against whites all around the world, especially in Africa.

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Still not comparable to the Western multiculturalism or even Western/Nazi Imperialism.

Economically just too. People in Eastern Europe miss the unified economic stability of the old Eastern Bloc.

Hitler gave us a world war, Bush gave us a War in Iraq.

All that shit changed since we united with the Mutt infested BRD.

>most economically successful Warsaw Pact state
There is no fucking work here, wages are lower than in the west.
>racially homogeneous
Not anymore, I see niggers and muslims daily.
I wish. today there is a lot of Jews here.
>healthy fertility rate
Its as fucked as everywhere else, young couples rather buy a cat or a dog instead of making 2.5 children
>encouraged national pride, didn't push h'wite guilt
Lmao they push this shit here now for over a decade
>respected Germany's rich military history, retained Prussian military traditions and Wehrmacht aesthetics
NVA is gone, only thing that remained is the pozzed Bundeswehr
>proud of the German language, didn't butcher it with American slang terms
Its even worse now, Ossi German butchered with American slang terms, sounds like cancer.
>everyone had a job and a place to live, unemployment and vagrancy didn't exist
Unemployment is high here, shitloads of hobos roaming around
>barely any crime thanks to effective law enforcement
There is a lot of crime here, thanks to the Schengen Zone we have every Mafia that you can imagine
>sexual deviancy and race-mixing were b&
Just today I saw 2 dykes and a white woman with a niggerturd in a stroller
>officially anti-zionist
I wish
>best bros with WN Russia, Jow Forums's favorite country
The Slavs are at least not completely untermenschen tier as the muslims or niggers but really not that much better.

t. East German

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Anti-colonialism is a good thing. Imperialism is disgusting, whether it's the West forcing their technology on the Africans or Napolean trying to bring liberty to Central Europe behind the barrel of a gun.

news flash your gay sweatie :)

>muh whataboutism
As I said, fuck off back to the /leftypol/. You are trying to sell me that eating shit with your left hand is better than eating shit with your right hand. Which is, coincidentally, also the basis for your whole retarded red doctrine. Western marxist dogma which currently permeates the whole public political sphere is a child of previous red marxist ideas. You can't take these two and separate them.

And also, there is nothing more pathetic than young white westerner praising communism. There is just not.

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Eastern Bloc didn't have faggots and unemployment or war. It was heaven on earth. War is the enemy. Which is why I don't like Putin either for openly stealing land of neighbors, nor do I like Bush for invading Iraq.

Murder is the problem. Yes maybe there was some niggers present, but the niggers had to behave themselves.

American leftists who love communism make me laugh, as they tend to support multiculturalism, drugs, prostitution, homosexuality and listening to rap.

The American Left in America is basically an arm of the Black Community.

They probably had it so good because the NS had already done their job for them lol

>It was heaven on earth.
Oh for fucks sake, you absolute mong. Let me guess, you are a zoomer faggot who drank too much of that red propaganda cool-aid on the internet. Stop being such gullible pathetic retard, I cringe hard when I have to read that. I have that small red star in my birth-certificate you moron, I very well remember how shitty childhood was in your "heaven on earth". I remember getting my root canals cleaned without anesthesia, because there was none since our heavenly communist utopia fucked up economy. I remember waiting three hours in line for some fruit. I remember girls having to re-use piece of cloth while menstruating instead of tampons, because there were none. We still fight with gifts of our heavenly communism, even after 30 years. And mind you, we were one of the richest countries of the eastern bloc.
>muh whataboutism x2
Oh fuck off you brainlet.
>Yes maybe there was some niggers present, but the niggers had to behave themselves.
>Pushing goalpost this hard.

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Cubans aren't black though I though


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Nope. Social-Democratic Sweden before the 2000s was fine. No Nazism there.

Then why do all old people in Eastern Europe miss the Eastern Bloc of Socialism? They all say it was better 30 years ago.


Dude just fuck off

Tired of retards like you who never lived in that absolute shithole pretending that it was some sort of "paradise".

Just fuck off

T. Kike Bourgeois.

So more like Mexico than Africans mostly

All old people around the world say it was better in the past, duh. Who would have guessed you liked life better when you were younger. Hell, girls were nicer too. They had summers as well. Come on for fuck sake.

Hans telling how it is.

Stop being so retarded, you cringy fuck.

You obviously aren't a miner or a construction worker.

These skirts are not tight enough and their ankles show. Fucking whores.

The people of Eastern Europe miss socialism. Peace and Prosperity. What is better then that?

Yes, Scandinavia is peaceful but it's very faggot and nigger in Scandinavia.

>not kiked
it's pure kikery, almost as bad as globohomo
>no good marching songs
there was nothing based about East Germany, their only claim to fame was being the least shitty comblock country which isn't saying much.

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How do you know STASI have bugged your apartment?
>You have a new cabinet

Russia with it's Chechen Massacres, Invasions of it's Neighbors is much worse than USSR.

War is the enemy. The main enemy. Everything else is secondary.

Cuba is completely mutted, pure niggers are around 10% of population, rest of it are some ugly turd colored people. First nigger I've ever seen was from Cuba, brought by communists for "education". They even put him in the dorms with white girls.

My father was a coal miner in Ostrava (google it). When I was a child, like every child I wanted to do same as my dad did. I remember telling him proudly that I want to be a miner too. He took me to the bathroom, sat me on his lap and filled bathtube with water. He told me that I will either pick another trade or he will rather drown me right there. You have no fucking idea how shitty the conditions for work were there, how young these guys were dying and how bad it was for the whole city around. There is still a running joke that you should not use a lighter there, because the air is so toxic so it could explode any minute.

Yeah, keep telling lies to yourself because you are emotionally invested to a dream of utopia that never existed. Delusional faggotry, nothing else.


The old people of Romania miss Ceaucescu.

The old people of Albania miss Hoxha.

The old people of Bulgaria miss Zhikov.


Stop being retarded.

Do you like war?

It is rather ironic that East Germans only realized that it wasn't all bad until the wall came down.

You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone, I guess. What they didn't realize, I suppose, is that "openness" has very much turned into a two-way street.

When you stop keeping the Inside from going Out, you also inevitably end up no longer keeping the Outside from coming In.

The West was correct to say that the East German leadership and Khruschev were being less than honest (putting it mildly) when they claimed that the Wall and the Iron Curtain was intended to deter spies and Western tank attacks, but as distasteful and materialistic as East German's determination to keep its "human capital" in the country may have been from one point of view, from another we have to admit that the Party did actually care about East Germany, because they had a possessive attitude towards it.

Unlike Western political parties that tend to see the public and the country as merely a temporary source of power, connections, and benefits generally speaking, for the SED, East Germany WAS theirs, and they tried but failed to keep it that way.

I'm not saying they dindu nuffin or that communism is great or anything. But I wouldn't take Cold War propaganda 100% at face value. If there's anything we've learned over the last decade, it's that everyone is spinning and trying to sell you an angle.

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Also don't you think it is a strange coicidence that anons from post-eastern bloc countries are telling you how shitty it was?

Putin is an invader, Hitler is an invader, Bush is an invader.

All I want is a homogenous but peaceful country.

Do you like dicks?

what happened to the muds and nogs who where put into eastern europe and how did most people respond to having them around?

Because you're greedy. You want to eat your cake and have it too.

If you want a true Scandinavian lifestyle, you have to live with faggots in Denmark. Are you willing to do that?

They miss order and stability.

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He's exaggerating. If he was an old man, he would miss the days of Gustav Husak or Erich Honnecker.

Yes. Hungary had a great homogenous nation without the bloody-mindedness of a Hitler or a Szalasi or a Horthy.

>praising some shitty Russian satellite state where they needed a wall to keep people in at the expense of Nazi germany

I don't believe you. those old people don't miss Gustav Husak or Erich Honnecker. they miss the days when those where around and when they where younger. you're trying to blur the lines between youth nostalgia and enjoying the political system at the time of their nostalgia.

I can't believe old people with broken bodies like the time when they were strong and virile. It's a mystery how this can happen. Truly, incomprehensible.

The fuck? Hitler shouldn't have invaded Poland you faggot.

>strawmaning this hard
Stop being a brainlet.

Solid portion of them returned back home when regime fell. Those who stayed either went back during the 90s, since the gibs were gone and natsoc skinheads became a thing, or started their own little communities - that especially applies to Vietnamese.

>American zoomer born to the richest country in the world is telling a guy who lived in that era how it was
Kek, can't get more retarded than this, chief.

Come on, Horthy wasn't bloody minded. Perhaps he was more conservative than he should have been, but he had his merits.

Szálasi became an insane cunt some time around 1937 though. He was a completely apolitical and highly competent officer before that. It's pretty interesting actually.

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You're a fascist so of course you hate Zhikov.

But your beloved fascists killed hundreds of thousands. Isn't death worse than living in a small flat?

America is all niggers, porn and Militarism. Wanna switch places?

Er meinte auch die DDR selbst, nicht was der Osten heutzutage ist.

Yesterday I spoke to a nice Slovak fellow here who claimed the exact opposite of what you are stating now, that the economy in Slovakia hasn't changed since the Czechoslovakia days apart from the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer

He butchered tens of thousands in 1919...and the fucking Hungarian invade Russia and kill millions.

Yes, because he was more working class.

I hate zhivkov? My beloved fascist, murdering people? Literally when and who?

>Ooopsie, my bad. Sorry, I tend to have Bolsheviks killed when I get a little clumsy...

Attached: horthy.jpg (930x1280, 110K)

I'm fine, thanks brah. And again, I'm not going to be eating shit you are offering because the shit from the other guy smells too. They are both from the same asshole, by the way.

>my anecdotal evidence is a great argument
Fucking hell you dense.

No, because Slovaks fucked up by leaving our union and they are plagued by shitty mobster govs. since day 1.

Leipzig here, can confirm, but theres one thing former DDR still retains a lot of, legit bolsheviks of all ages.

>Wait 10-20 years for a car that is outdated by the time its development started.
> try to leave anywhere that isn't a commie sithole like yours? get shot.
>crack a joke about the gubmint? Your wife is a Stasi informant. Go to jail for wrong think.
>want to change employment? Get fucked.
>use old nazi infrastructure, specifically built for propaganda purposes.
>We really Ain't bad lmao

End yourself Pindurgas.

>Slovaks fucked up by leaving our union

I know, it feels terrible.

>Hitler should have let the Jewish controlled USSR set up shop in Poland with no buffer zone, and also give over German territory which was occupied by Poland
The invasion of Poland makes sense when you aren't a low IQ nigger. War was inevitable from the moment Hitler reclaimed Germany from Jewish control and turned it into an Aryan utopia.

You take southern half, we take northern part?

Why do you hate Tudor Zhikov?

Wrong faggot he should have. Just should have done it first.

Sorry but Poland started war with Russia in 1919.

War is the enemy. The Bolsheviks were right. War is disgustingly evil! War is what unifies, Bush and Hitler, Putin and Israel.


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Dumb nigger.

> Russia
> 1919

we love them

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Piludski tried to create Greater Poland during the Russian Civil War.

Stop! War is the enemy. You can't kill people!

>Russian Civil War
Do you mean commie revolution?

>posting same links over and over
Stop being a dumb homosexual nigger.

Then watch then, faggot Czech. All you Czechs give the world post-communism is porn. I masturbate to Czech whores.

Fair enough. But militant far-leftists don't count as people.

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I don't hate zhivkov. He was a typical communist, a opportunist at hearth who cared about staying in power for as long as he could. Nothing special about him.

The communist regime was tough and powerful on paper, but if nukes disappeared and nato declared war. We would fit btfod hard. But that's from what I gathered from stories about the military. You have to be either a power hungry maniac or a dumb peasant to be a communist. I said what I got to say.

To end a World War. War is the enemy isn't it? Peace, Paix, Pokaj, Frieden.

No, WAR is the enemy.

Are you a fascist?

No, I'm a realist.

>I'm a loser teenage faggot from the richest country on Earth
>Let me tell you how was your life in communist era
>My expertise is mostly from Youtube videos
>watching porn in 2000 and 19
Figures, absolute loser.

So you suck dicks after all.

I'm against fascism whether it's Bush or Hitler, when you're facing a loaded gun what's the difference.

I do hope that we agree that a little White Terror now and then is a good thing. :-) It's like hunting and hunting is an integral part of the science of forestry and agriculture, you need to thin out the herd that is the far left before they get too numerous.

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I'm in my 20s and a virgin!