Programming is for everyone

>Programming is for everyone
>Except white people

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So what?



If you had a choice between tutoring dudes that were going to make great things and advance society or tutoring big-titted sluts that are only there to increase their chances with rich techdudes like you, can you realistically say you'd pick the former?

>Van Rossum believes that the different attitudes of women and men in programming communities is due to wider societal problems that we need to fix from the bottom up. “I’ve always felt that feminism was right and we need to change the whole society,” he said
>Van Rossum says that he now mentors women and underrepresented minority programmers. “But white guys can forget it,” he said
>Rather, he thinks it’s important that men are educated about their biases

Kek, good luck with that.

And nothing of value was lost

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A. Who wants to be around mouth breathing nerd dudes all day.
B. You can sexually harass the women to improve the quality of your day.

Python is nigger tier.

Made a great scripting language, the first one I had ever learned. Clearly very talented there. Never realized he was a clueless wacko about social issues, and a racist. Sad!

>“I’ve always felt that feminism was right and we need to change the whole society,” he said
>I’ve always felt that feminism was right
>and we need to change the whole society
>change the whole society

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What a fine candidate for future "voluntary experimentation" for advancing medicine programs for the future.

good programmers dont need mentoring from a faggot like this

what's the right-wing shitlords programming language of choice?

Kek. How long until he is the victim of a MeToo hit piece?

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>aight shieeet so can I like program fried chicken and all at?

C++ or Haskell


Perl-y white


I've got C# and Lua on my "to-learn" list. Python is still useful, though, as many programs use python script for add-ons and what not. You just have to separate this retard from the language.

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Programming itself is apolitical.
Just the community is pozzed.

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Another reason to stick with PHP


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Who goes to the language developer and asks for mentoring anyway? This is something that only women and niggers would do in the first place.

>CEO refuses to mentor women
>haha thots BTFO

>programmer refuses to mentor white guys

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c, c++
fast memory optimized languages

van rossum isnt even important to the python community anymore from what I understand.

Wow very brave and powerful I'm sure the women and minorites he mentors see him as one of the good ones

>Dan Kopf

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He's a white person, he can choose what he wants to do with white people.

>White man worrying about malloc that is a task for a pajeet instead of more important design aspects

Managing memory is for cucks.

Fuck this guy. You can learn python from any of 10,000 apps or YouTube videos.


Lua is superior scripting language and doesnt fucking judge you based on skin color like a racist.

having your memory managed for you by the (((garbage collector))) is actually for cucks, see OP post
don't be a pajeet, write good code

You are now aware he has a white son.

Mentors are for slow people. This guy has a point. White guys can master it alone.

Btw is it a thing to have a coding mentor now? Because this is a new concept to me.


>This is the end of white men
just kidding. Who gives a fuck?

Programming is for poos anyway.

Sounds cucked, probably forced to say this or he will get 'metoo'd', also enjoys being cucked.

mIRC scripts

women shouldn't be in IT, programming or anywhere near a computer

Theyll never become wizards

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The beauty of coding is that people who are naturally endowed to do a good job are not the type of people who need mentors. In short, programming is for autists fuck mentors.

not when your working with gigs of memory and high speed data processing. Don't worry, you'll eventually graduate from Hello World!

>Not Brainf*ck

fucking gay mate

>CEO refuses to mentor women
>programmer refuses to mentor white
The difference is that there was sound rational thinking behind not mentoring women during the current climate of women accusing every man who looks at them of sexual assault.

The idea behind not mentoring white men is just liberal kike insanity.

There's a serious difference.

If not for github 90% of the women in software development would be fired

RAII is the white man's idiom.


I process data and produce reports >20 gigs total output across all files out of Python just fine.

this just tells me that youre a bad programmer, python is nothing more than a modern lisp with better compatibility and a sane syntax

>makes whitespace significant
>hates whites
rly makes ya think

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Python is a degenerate language anyways

Like I need mentoring for fucking python...

that's a false dichotomy retard

Looks like I picked the right time to leave the tech field.

O look a sex pervert in sheeps clothing


>Every race needs their own space
>Makes white space fundamental to the entire language, programs do not compile without it

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where did you get instead?


C, Haskell, Assembly

Based and +-[] pilled

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>C++ or Haskell

The patricians choice.


Basically nobody mentors now anyway. I had to be fully trained with 2 years experience to get my first graphic design job. Every time I hit a snag I had to overcome it myself by googling because everyone is so busy. I only really talked to my boss in meetings to drive the project forward but otherwise was expected to simply succeed

As an intern you do nothing but make the tea and maybe a few birthday cards or christmas cards because you aren't allowed to work on any of the money making stuff. And this is a required step before getting a job, you are just there to observe for 3 months before going to the next place. Who learns like that? The modern workplace is a fucking joke

Is he implying non-whites need increased levels of guidance and supervision, because if he is I’m triggered.


If you are mouth breathing retard.
Why leftists don't get context?

What's the whitest programming language?

Ah right, so he's trying to dress up his desires to try and get laid as some kind of feminist bent?

That at least makes more sense.


If you don't know the story, Brendan Eich is the creator of JavaScript, and he donated $1,000 to a campaign to ban gay marriage in California.

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>Programming itself is apolitical.
>Just the community is pozzed.

Multiple inheritance doesn't mean being inseminated by four niggers.

>sane syntax
indention shouldnt affect the code

good, then stick to your babysitting language

Terry Davis's temple os?

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can you imagine one day God gets fed up with
all these morons who wish to hold others back
and blanks their brains out.

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I think they are all white.
it's just that nerds can now program women and minorties to suck their nerdy white penises.

White guy who hates himself and projects that hatred on others? Fuck him.

>gets schooled
>durrr insults
Finnish autism at its finest. GTFO my board fag

Another boomer trained by the Jews to hate his own race. Sad.

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ruined it by mentioning modernism. trads love modernism. maybe they meant modernity?

He's got a cunt dyke for a daughter, and he's not man enough to slap the bitch straight. Fuck the faggot.

You can learn python quite easily many open libraries for it as well. Though learning it and actually doing something useful with it are 2 different things. I don't think by 'mentoring' you can really learn how to do something useful with it. At least how I was thought to program in uni was basically : "have fun figuring out everything yourself". Programming was really thought in a shit tier way and made me hate it very much.

How does github help women? I just use it sometimes to dump garbage on it's still pretty meh for collaboration, I rather just have frequent contact so people are on the same page.

drop the meme flag kike

8th circle of hell in Dante's Inferno, the Malebolge.


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Programmers deal in abstract systems not in the real world and are thus more attracted to idealism unlike engineers for example who are usually redpilled because they actually deal with the concrete.

You are only meant to be ridiculed.

How long before he charged with rape?

>5 space characters in one line
>two brace characters an arbitrary distance apart

Which is better?

maybe these kinds of posts are why I prefer to use memeflags


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>gets laughed at for using memeflag
>t-t-thats why I use it
So you enjoy being ridiculed? Fucking degenerate.

Now I understand why rebbit adores python

What is a Jow Forums approved language? C++?

BLS says 7 percent decline in growth for programmers.

This is because the Jews have imported millions of Indians and the remaining spots have been outsourced to India.

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