>Programming is for everyone
>Except white people
Programming is for everyone
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So what?
If you had a choice between tutoring dudes that were going to make great things and advance society or tutoring big-titted sluts that are only there to increase their chances with rich techdudes like you, can you realistically say you'd pick the former?
>Van Rossum believes that the different attitudes of women and men in programming communities is due to wider societal problems that we need to fix from the bottom up. “I’ve always felt that feminism was right and we need to change the whole society,” he said
>Van Rossum says that he now mentors women and underrepresented minority programmers. “But white guys can forget it,” he said
>Rather, he thinks it’s important that men are educated about their biases
Kek, good luck with that.
And nothing of value was lost
A. Who wants to be around mouth breathing nerd dudes all day.
B. You can sexually harass the women to improve the quality of your day.
Python is nigger tier.