Tulsi On Tucker Carlson

A must watch.

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I like her.

Tusli dabbing on the Jews

She's good in foreign policy, but terrible on domestic policy.

And I fucking live here. So domestic policy is more important.

I love her, its amazing she was on Tucker Carlson. reaching millions. she is boss

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Everyone should know this is a paid shill thread. Why is a 2 reply thread at the front page? I don't have it set on "Bump Order" but reply count. Why is this thread next to the pinnned thread and a 90 response thread? This is deliberately put here

Intriguing, but what are her thoughts on things happening in America?

Why are you so fat?

She's better than the rest of the democrats but that's not saying much. It's like saying the shit I took this morning was better than the one I took yesterday. It's still shit

I agree with her on foreign policy. But she must be a moron if she thinks she can get elected and shut dow the war machine. In the absence of high level assassinations at numbers and of individuals that could not be covered up, this nation is not going to stop war.

We're fucked. Our country's dead. Some people want to blackpill support Yanggang for free dollars. I just wanna see some rockin knockers before the collapse.

>voting for a non-white democrat woman

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She pretty much only talks about foreign affairs, but she sides with the far left on most voting issues

lmao yeah I'm a discord tranny shill because I actually like a candidate that is anti war, and also a war vet, who went to syria, who talked to trump and told him not to go to war with Syria. Fuck off and take your meds faggot

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Imagine being retarded enough to want a woman to lead your country

Imagine voting for a celebrity, Israel puppet who gargles their cum. A absolute Zionist. this faggot

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Are yall faggots? you like old ass war mongering Boomers more?

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>woman thinks about trump's cum all day
that explains why you would vote for a woman

>if you don't want a woman to lead your armies, you're gay
t. woman

>I can't read and have zero argument

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Another Tulsi interview about Iran

Honestly, you post two bikini pics here? Men who can’t get laid should loose the right to vote right along with women. You fucks can’t be trusted.

She is a badass war vet, these faggot men who are Israels puppet are just straight up scum bags havent served a day for anyone. keep being a sexist loser. The way some of you respond tells me all I need to know about the majority of Pol you complain about jews ll day and ignore this woman, who mentions BiBi by name and wants to stop the war machine. and all you have is meaningless insults. you just want to bitch and moan all day and not actually support someone who has the same interest, pathetic

Presidents cant do much on domestic affairs.
wake up.

Self defeating attitude, a self fulfilling prophecy. whine all day about how helpless you are . Nihilism is so edgy

The reason why they didn't yet attack and instead just threaten Iran now for decades is that they don't know what the outcome will be.
WW3 is a possible outcome of this, the Iranians absolutely have the capability to annihilate Israel completely and wipe out many US bases and carrier strike groups in the Middle East and they will do it when they are standing against the wall.
Hell, Russia might do a surprise nuclear attack against all of Europe and the US when their calculation is that WW3 is unavoidable, it's better to strike first and take a big loss than losing everything.
Israel might implement their Sampson plan and nuke Europe and the US when they see that this war is the end of their people in the Middle East.
The US can't control the outcome of some shitty thing like Syria, Ukraine or Venezuela anymore, they don't have the power to do this, Iran goes far beyond what the US and NATO can even hope to handle these days.
One positive thing that will very likely result from such a war is the end of the US Empire, but the losses will be so huge on both sides that no one will be a winner, not even Jews, because Russia and China knows who's behind that and will definitely target cities inhabited by a large diaspora.

>anti 2A
>open borders
yeah, sounds terrific. where do i sign up?

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Enemies of the Jews and the Judenstaat are my friend, no matter where they stand politically.

Any person who attacks the true enemy of all of mankind has proven that he has basic humanity in him or her.
We can reach a compromise with such persons on all other issues.

16 year war vet.

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Yeah buddy,
she is from Hawaii lmao. keep on bitchin tho. she is fucking boss

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On Joe Rogan, everything you need to know about her. shes on a mission

Meant to attach this picture. None of these other clowns served anyone

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Yes, I'm thinking a cabinet position for her in Trump's cabinet. I like her too but her nogunz and abortion stance is, shall we say... problematic.

Any comments on her being a war vet?

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Fuck off, mossad.

The plan is to spike the USA to make way for Jerusalem as the world capital.

Peak kikery is anti-USA bullshit like Tulsi. Run with your tails tucked, goy. Give your jobs to commies, goy. Good goy.

Her stance on this is likely compromised by being in the Democratic party, there's no way she can run on these issues on top of her already (by Jews) despised stance regarding Israel with what she actually believes.
She's worked with her father in a clinic that healed homosexuals from their spiritual sickness.
And I'm not getting any vibes from her that she hates guns, she hates what people do with them these days.

She claims to support UBI and Medicare for All, but she's just playing lip service to attract the Bernie crowd.

I don't even need to watch this to know that she's a good person.
She could easily be a sellout for Israel and the Neocons if she wanted too and have everything she wants in terms of Materialism.

yeah its astonishing that people aren't backing her, says it all

If you love her so much have her run for Austrian PM.

Please, go on and tell me how all that matters is her Israeli position and that she’s not serious about being anti-gun. You euro-cunts will never understand that capitulating to your enemy and spending pounds to save pennies is a strategy doomed for failure.

Bottom left is Padma Lakshmi, not Gabbard. How fucking dumb do you have to be to not recognize the object of your affection?

Hey everyone, check out the astroturfing faggots pushing another bought and paid for leftist gun grabbing cunt.

She’s another zogbot welfare queen whose sole purpose for joining the military was to fluff her political career.

If you have any position that goes against the interest of Israel, whether intentional or not all of the media will come down on you.
I suppose most people even here attacking her are actually shilling for Israel in some fashion.
Even TDS who have very different views on many issues have never had anything negative to say about her, and they are hardline white nationalists.
People from all kinds of diverse philosophical, ethnic and religious backgrounds can reach the same conclusion on who is trying to turn the world into a giant slaughterhouse and that's the main thing we should all fight against.
I for example don't like Islam and don't want it around here but this doesn't mean that I have the desire to fight them, neither does this mean that they necessarily want to fight me for no reason.
There's definitely an agent in between that riles nations up to slaughter each other and we've got to get them under control for this to not to progress to something really terrible like WW3.

Shes WRECKING wars for netanyahoo !!!!
AHHHAHAHA Tulsi way to go.

It's not about love but realising that someone is standing against the same agents of war that I'm against.
I'm against slaughtering people, I have endless ideas for better things to do with my life and I suppose she sees it the same way.
For this I respect her. And to be frank, she would be a better politician than most of our current Austrian elite because she's got this one thing right.

KYS judenrat

If she wasn’t polling BEHIND John Hicklooper there might be a point to this thread.
More of a meme than YANG

Tucker putting her views out there has value in itself.
Hope more people wake up and ask who is benefitting from all these wars.

The best domestic policy is 'quit spending hundreds of billions of dollars on shit overseas and do something with it here'

Vote Democrat if she gets it (so unlikely it's almost not worth mentioning).

She has like 1 good stance on foreign intervention but completely sucks everywhere else. Go look at her campaign page, look at Issues. Literally NOTHING about immigration. Zero. And all the shit she does have are typical leftist talking points.

Omitting this issue likely means that she's against mass immigration.
She's Hawaiian, so she is of a distinct ethnic group and probably has some strong feelings about the idea to flood her island with foreigners.
Besides that we all are going to have nothing if we turn the world into a slaughterhouse, immigration wont matter at this point anymore.
I would prefer her over ZioDon 100 times.

I realized last night that Tulsi is functionally retarded. I've never bothered to listen to get before, but I decided to give her a shot last night and I was disappoint.

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