Start storing as much water and canned foods as you can

Start storing as much water and canned foods as you can

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Dehydrated water stores better and takes up less space.


Wait a do you dehydrate water?

you're a fucking idiot

>brainlet anglo

dude if a big asteroid hits you wont survive the impact

Yeah that was b8.
It takes up less space because it doesn't exist.

Don't ruse me

Its not that big

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Let it boil totally, store the white powder, when need to use pee on it, it will clean the urea and organic material of you urine leaving only the colour, the smell will indicate the bad stuff are reacting and leaving through the air.

very carefully


Is NASA on drugs? How is a tiny little hollow metal box impacting a 160m asteroid going to have any effect?

This, and nobody needs canned food when they can just make coconuts which contain a fuck ton of nutritions. Hoarding is for plebeians

Pretty much confirm NASAnon

Dunno, supposedly the meteor is Only 1.3 km, how Much damage could That Make?




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How do you make coconuts like m8?

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through the power of explosions

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No thanks, i purify it for a living..have fun dying.

It's like you motorcycle impacting a mountain. I don't see how this will accomplish anything.

>Planetary defense experts gather to discuss threats to Earth
Finally, a global Anti-Jew meeting.

nigga if we are getting hit by an asteroid i don't think canned food will save us

put nuke in the box?
or antimatter if not asplody enough

Alex, get off of Jow Forums. Your shows about to go live.

If NASA was serious they would project orion the asteroid.
>but user project orion isn't rea-

is that one the thunderwell or the xray laser, ion cannon if you will, "that doesnt exist"?
both are good.

I can't believe you were in charge for so long

Lot of silica bags. It's also recommended by 97% of all survival scientists that you should salt your water to maintain longevity, most prefer sea water for this purpose.

And please, do not think sea water cannot be drank. It's a long standing psy-op to sour the reputation of bountiful and freely available sea water by the "sweet" water cartels.


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I have 20 gallons of fresh drinking water and enough canned food to last my family a month.

I think the idea came from thunderwell tests.

You're fucking good at this nonsense.

Absolutely based

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Do you have the firepower to defend your hoard?

>six minutes of air left
>but a year's worth of sandwiches

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The idea is you catch the asteroid many years before it will collide with Earth, the tiniest changes to its orbit that long before the potential impact with make it miss entirely.

>these people used to rule half the planet

I too am ready

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>Australian spy isn't fooling anyone


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[user was arrested for this post]


>prep for an asteroid that will wipe out 99% of life if it were to hit.

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To rehydrate water, just add hot coffee.


I've been able to store 5 times the volume of water with dehydrated packs

>not talking about the 1%

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You don't get to choose whether you live or die in this scenario


Mission: Save the Planet

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just keep it somewhere dry

I too am ready

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If the meteor hits California coast would it cause a Tsunami in Asia?


The 1% do

we'll probably screw up and have it hit the moon to make it crash into us instead of the asteroid

reminder that this asteroid is coming no where close to earth

0.03464 AU = 3,219,989 miles which is roughly 14 times the distance from the earth to the moon

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remember to box up some fresh air as well

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Just picked up a case of slime packed Vienna sausage.

as if that will do anything against a spoon

>he doesn't dehydrate water

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It's less space sure, but I like condensed water. Less work to prepare, while still being less storage than regular water.

It's relatively massive and fast, though, so there's some reason to be curious if might tip off some odd behavior just by swinging through.

You wrote that wrong faggot

You can air you dip

I hope it hits Yellowstone super volcano... to amplify the damage

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Space is fake & gay. NASA are snakes covering for Lucifers transformation to the flesh.

>nasa shills still posting on pol
Fuck off nobody wants your fear porn. Providence is coming. Prepare to burn in a lake of your own fear and cowardice.

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you sir are a genius, excellent bait.

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Same, this with foodless rations make you unstoppable during famines

will it be observable in the sky, either during the day or night?


sure sure?

yes, at that size and distance

I heard yes, but haven't looked in to when to look for it and naked eye visible, binoculars visible, or whether you'd need some kind of telescope and a way to find the right part of the sky to see it.

Proof the average bong really did get an IQ drop when they imported the 3rd worlders.

A lot.

However they could literally nuke one that size into tiny bits which would burn up upon entry.

The concern would be the ones over 10km in size.

whoever says that is delusional the moon is roughly 31 arcminutes large, we are talking about an object 1600 times smaller at 13 times the distance, the math calculates to the asteroid being 0.01867469 arcminutes large.

How is that cz? Think I'm going to pick up a pcr this weekend.


It's 1.5km in diameter, a lot of that will break off on entry. At worse it'll wipe out a couple of hundred km from the impact site, that's about it. RIP to anyone who is in the way though.

For reference, the one that hit 65 million years ago was between 10-15km. This is notable but not planet killing.

Do you recall how big Haley's Commet was? That was pretty easy to spot with the naked eye once one of the other onlookers told you how to find it. Like I said, I don't know if visible by telescope was what was meant; I was only half-listening.


I did

comets aren't asteroids, they produce a tail of ice and gas

hydrated water is gas

I don't recall the tail being especially well-defined without binoculars, but the main reflection from the body of the comet was easy enough to see where it was and watch it travel a bit if you wanted to stand around for a while.

What am I going to do with canned food when I'm pulverised? This idea that the earth turns into a wasteland after a meteor impact is a lie. All big animals die instantly.


>Talks about gas


You plan on shooting the meteor or something?

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>Talks about Jews


fuck off kike

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I highly doubt you would have seen the body, im not disputing you couldn't see it im saying what you were seeing was not the body itself


lol put your mom and dad's shit back. You're going to misplace your passport if you keep playing with it, Kyle.

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