Men are now expected to date/marry women with mental health issues

>men are now expected to date/marry women with mental health issues

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Other urls found in this thread:

>women with mental health issues
So all of them?

>muh reddit ban
>let me cry here about it
I hope you get banned here, too.

so fucking edgy


There aren't any women without mental health issues. At least on the open dating market. Only those girls who have been brought up in secret have stable mentalities and your average pleb like yourself will never see one.

Not true at all. 0.0001% of women are worth saving. I found one and married her 7 years ago.

They are out there.

I remember Adam Connover doing a lib thing about debate being impossible when its targeting an attribute of someone's identity.
Probably one of the most truthful things his show ever pointed out.
Downside, everything is part of your identity now, and I ain't just talking about whiteness.
Dwarves do not want dwarfism cured genetically because it is part of who they are now.
Autists hate that one of the biggest autism charities seeks to cure them of it.
And some gays have been looking to HIV as part of their gay identity as well.

Degeneracy is not only becoming embraced, it has become the primary identity that people are falling back on now that being prideful in their race is no longer allowed. It is kind of ironic, but predictable at the same time.

>has never heard of the 7 year itch

>Darkest days of Salem Winston tier “#metoo movement
>Hey let’s date a crazy slut

because they want men to keep their useless asses fed

>0.0001% of women
>They are out there.
what is supply and demand?

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We told you about the jews, bro.

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>mental health issues
according to the kikes who originally defined this phrase everyone who would take the time to read this forum, much less post in it, is described by it.

as someone who has mild ASD and hopes to someday have children, I swear to god they better come up genome editing quick becuase I don't want my children to be as awkward/cringe as I am


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Absolutely true. I dated a girl like this for 3 years only because I happened to meet her in high school. I am sure I will never meet a woman as well raised and as well put together as her ever again.

This was really deep actually. Valid point, I should have realized this sooner. People are embracing their own madness without realizing it. Flaws are flaws at the end of the day, it is not perspective. I fixed my vision from ass to 20/10 now and I saw that flaw of my own and sought to fix it. Viruses exist and viruses harm, embracing a virus as if its normal and "apart of you" is not. That virus is still a virus weather we call it what it is or not. Reality does not bend to human will, humanity is going to find that out in a harsh way. Let it all fall

Silly Eskimo is correct. you owe nothing to the people you date. i remember seeing a uk tv show where the look to buy house. the woman has some disease like MS which was going to turn her into a cripple and kill her, so they had special requirements for their house. they were only boyfriend and girlfriend. the guy was buying into caring for a dying woman, when he could and should have just cut his losses and left. he was full soi though. they weren't engaged or married, he had made no greater commitment than leaving clothes at her house, so he didn't need to buy a house for a wraith.

She was yours until the brainwashing got in.

Nothing is more anti-woman than the Jewish influenced system of institutions in the West. Women are like children, in motivations and agency. They need to lose all political and most legal rights, and men will take good care of them. Nothing is worse for women and better for Jewish capital than requiring women to wageslave. Expecting women to work outside the home increases production and destroys wages, and it wastes female lives in slaving for a company. Not only does it destroy the family, but male productivity also suffers from not having a trustworthy assistant in the home.

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Because no other variety of woman exists anymore and someone has to pay for the niglets.

no one but crazy people on the internet think you need to date someone that's mentally ill.

This. I hate this new trend of embracing and even celebrating mental illness. I had some pretty bad mental issues a few years ago, and I did the mature thing and fixed them. People today just love making excuses about why they can't make themselves better.

Been with doctor wife since we met in college back in 2004. Married 2009. If she can cheat on me and get away with it for even a few hours, she earned it and I would have to give her props for James Bond like counterintelligence ability and encourage her to start a contracting business.

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Welcome to the epidemic

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But isn't that exactly what they always say women should do?

>ur a qween dont settle for some fuccboi with issues get you a real kang who worships your smelly anus etc etc

You see that kind of shit all the time.

This is a good post. *snap*

Post the link to thread. I need to see what they are talking about.

This user knows what's up. They are all the same.

Americans are such fucking idiots

how did you meet her?