That trump curse is real
That trump curse is real
Trump is the second coming of Christ
did he finally take the stairs
>those doctors on standby
Not real.
It's hard work being a jewish scumbag 24/7. Poor guy needs a break.
>speed cameras
Land of the free my ass
>speed cameras
/o/ and Jow Forums celebrate this fat fuck passing out
Trump is a fucking monster, causing all this stress on one our greatest representatives. He WILL be impeached.
Eat shit and die lol
It's like Clinton having that guy with the epipen standing by at all times
They put those mother fucking speed cameras outside every fucking school a few years ago. People got so pissed they removed them. Hope they try again.
Holy shit, he just got a pony express summary of the declass
Think he actually did? That would be nice.
>a pony express summary of the declass
>speed cameras
that sick motherfucker
The declass news must be very stressful for a man his age
Declass puts Nadler on his ass
Press F to pay respect to the bucket of chicken responsible for Nadler’s stroke
>tfw u boudda get shoad
It really is undeniable at this point isn't it
As soon as people decide he’s Christ he becomes the anti Christ. Or something
Why are all of our leaders geriatric diaper pissing Jews?
>When the Zyklon B hits hard
Someone summon Ruth.