Who’s ready?

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q tard be gone

>here Jerry have some infant blood

The declassifications will hit them hard.

take your meds schizo

Jerry was just showing everyone his Hillary impression.


Will you kill yourself when it all falls down?

have you read ANY Q drops? obviously youre not paying attention because everything Q has been foreshadowing is coming into fruition now. wake up now or sleepwalk into oblivion with the rest of the herd

Listen to Nadler's mic.
He does the "death rattle"
Also called the "Sound Of Justice"

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This is what you get when you only have retarded fossils in government. Watching Trump and Biden argue over their age when they are both closing in on 80 is mind blowing. Watching these fucks ramble at tech company representatives with their beyond boomer tier understanding of social media is even worse.

the cope.

his extremely vague messages that can be tied to almost any current event? much like how a "fortune teller" bullshits people?

hey if q is right why isnt hillary locked up? shouldnt mueller have locked everyone up?

Why is that? I'm still trying to figure out exactly what the declassification could result in. I want these Khazar faggots in jail as much as the next guy, but it's going to be a large burden of proof to pull jail out of it.

he looks like a cunty kid that adults in the room are trying to calm down, here's your milk kid

like i said, you obviously have not taken a serious look at Q posts or done any kind of research or analysis on this subject. Q has dropped information that could only be coming from operatives inside the trump admin. Hillary is facing multiple federal indictments. mueller has always been deep state. considering Q started on this board, i thought people here had more sense

nothing will happen, if Trump was an actual threat they would've JFK'd him long ago. This is all a smokescreen to keep you faggots busy while Zion Don fucks the ME for Israel and ignores all the clown world tier shit happening in your country.

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>Panic in DC

Over fucking WHAT? You actually believe this Q user tier retarded shit that ANYONE of them are going to see justice?

That ANY one of them will EVER spend one minute behind bars?

youre not coming in jose

proof the FBI, DOJ, CIA, UK Gov, mainstream media and others all worked together to spy on and attempted to sabotage a presidential campaign in a democratic election. this kind of treason is punishable by death, which is why nadler, pelosi and other swamp creatures are on the verge of having a stroke 24/7.
this is also the real reason May resigned today.

(You), leaf

Q isn't beyond criticism.
Sure the shills, lefty ops, cynics did some damage to his rep, but even the sincere people are pretty disappointed with the lack of tangible outcomes.
>trust Sessions
that didn't age too well

the president of the united states drops the word "treason" at a press conference
>it's nothing
he mentions specific individuals
>still nothing
mentions that the penalty for treason is death
>you q tards
this has nothing to do with q and everything to do with declassification; do you really believe that a man who has carte blanche access to prism info doesn't have all the answers already?
he knows. and he's confident enough about what he knows to start name dropping.
no q needed.
that's a big deal without needing faggoty larping.

Be less retarded for a second, nothing legal ever happens outside peons, DC is for politics and a political shitstorm is coming. Even if it's nothing substantive like always, it's another one of Trump's shotgun the media with a bunch of bullshit to dominate narrative time, subverting their current soft impeachment narrative they're trying to gauge support for.

i dont agree with every aspect of the Q operation or the trump admin at large. but the point im making is that Q is an operation from the trump admin, with Trumps knowledge. Q being ran by the NSA and DIA

yeah yeah sit back and relax cause youre in the know buddy. Im sure hillary will get indicted right? I mean its only been 2 years since it was supposed to happen. Trust sessions. Right guys?

It is. He seems aware of it.
The goal of the Q thing, I'm not entirely sure. It doesn't call for action; it's just passive cryptic info snippets.
At best, it's a type of game for the Trump base to feed on and build a culture around; which isn't the most useful thing in terms of actual political power.
It'd make more sense if Q actually guided followers to take action.

Prism is and has been shut down retard. The dems are already off scott free. They needed to predicate that trump was in with the russians so they had an excuse to spy on him which they already did.

So lets say in your best case scenario for you, trump declassifies documents (which wont happen) and it shows that the dems certainly did spy on trumps campaign (which is pretty much already known) then they go on to sperg about how it was necessary because they had intelligence that trump was a russian agent and that was why they spied on his campaign, media shills out and so on and a nothing burger. No indictments no nothing. Itll simply show what we already knew.

>implying I'd live my comfy freedom to join the gringoym army

build that wall and stay in your zoghole

>literally copying two posts from another thread and playing it off as your own

>Prism is and has been shut down
lol, no.
source: your ass.
not a single government official has EVER been quoted as having said it's shut down.
not one.

Nothing will happen. This is Nunes' Memo and the IG Report all over again

no results
that's not prism.

Because everything becomes overmanaged, everyone is given time to cover up and make back room deals, and by the end no one truly exposed.
They have the smoking gun, but sit on it for so long that it ends up cold.

Q is trumps media outlet. he knows the MSM wont report on FBI/DOJ corruption because they literally colluded with the media. And the media wont go near the Epstein case, nxivm, etc. So the only way to get this information to the public with plausible deniability is through controlled leaks aka Q. The whole point is to prepare the public for prosecution of Comey, Brennan, Clapper and many others. If there was no Q, or no insider information about this corruption, it would seem tyrannical to arrest the former heads of the intel agencies. They cant expose the corruption all at once, it would be too difficult for most people to accept

Stopped reading there

its time my children

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>there are people still believing that LARP
Fucking how? The sheer amount of indisputable bullshit outweighs what few possibly accurate parables by so much at this point its incalculable.

That's the problem though. If it's a limited hangout or a soft disclosure, the Q audience is so tiny that it doesn't have have any effect in priming the rest of the population.
The Q audience has no agency, reach, or authority. It's fun little "heads up" tidbits and cuitsy connect the dots shit. But that's the extent of it.
No ground breaking citizen journalism like some Deep Throat stuff. No mass dissemination of revelations. No credible sourcing.
It's just some side distraction. A game. An ego exercise.

I think if you ask any Q follower, they'll be the first to tell you they wish it was more. There's an innate sense of lacking and wanting behind it all. Like some sort of drip feed drug.

I would like to add a counterpoint. So Trump is a showman personality. Q says trust sessions. Hillary/Obama cabal expected a win, but used treasonous tactics to subvert and undermine an election as backup because the stakes are too high so think of it as just an insurance policy if she happens to lose. Rosenstein becomes involved, dirty fucker, knows about spying because of deep stateness. Tries to go along with coup and reccomends firing of comey, setup, so special counsel can be appointed. Sessions recuses self, Trump act mad. Witch hunt activated. Information starts coming out showing which deep state actors have done what. Still go along with it, Report takes forever but you get to see who Mueller brings on team, more deep staters. I'm really not happy with Mr sessions. Trump getting hit left and right in media and by dems and rinos. By this time you know where everyone stands. Mueller nothing Report finally getting close to coming out. Sessions resigns before. So new AG right? Mueller is friendly with Barr. Mueller tells New AG, I know you guys have dirt on me, forget that past stuff because I had to play a role this whole time and I will disappear. In exchange I take some small fish down who helped trump campaign that violated laws anyways not related to Russia so it looks like I'm doing my job. Now Trump strikes. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, Trust Sessions(the plan), a prop that bought time then resigned only to let the real AG take control when the time was right, after everyone is exposed.


This is all about Obama. Nothing about Israel. If it's about Israel, it'll be a real happening.

Nice to see a plan coming together. MAGA

>ny times

Trust Sessions was good.
Look at how "Hands Off" POTUS is during this whole thing.
Sessions gets 60,000 indictments moving. Steps aside.
Mueller writes report exonerating Trump. Steps aside.
Rosenstein signs off on Mueller Report. Steps aside.
Barr given job of declassifying.
Trump is Hands-Off all the way to keep him insulated. Nobody can accuse him of using his office for political attack when the Deep State takedown is Sessions/Mueller/Rosenstein/Barr et al.

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Q Predicted this

That's not PRISM dipshit.

Too much 20/20 hindsight and Batman gambits for this to be true.
It would've just made sense to nip this in the bud rather than a prolonged bleeding of 2.5 years.

>declass coming, Trump gonna get me, lemme fake health problems with Mayor dumbfuck
the video, don't see it anywhere in the thread

But it's been completely passive. No action has been taken and the problems are still active and unresolved.

It's like being in a siege for 2.5 years, letting your enemies get bored and retreat, then expecting them to inevitably siege you again.
Unless AG Barr's investigation puts important people in handcuffs, this whole thing works against Trump as an effective method to tie down the Trump administration. They'll do it to the next administration.

Kek. I can see it already:
>Yeah, so Obama and Clinton are swinging from gallows. So what? Wake me when Israel is wiped out. Nothing ever happens.

Yup, all they're doing right now is accusing Trump and crew of what people on their side are guilty of. It's moronic, even the media and social media with all their lies and manipulation can't cover for them, ratings way down for CNN & MSNBC.

He's going the way of RBG. Soon he will be there,but not really.

Pelosi has a tranny daughter?

But ankle bracelets and casts user

Sometimes you got to play the long game, blow your load too early and you might not have the support you need. Me personally, these years have shown me how fucking bad it really is. Watching the Dems and how insane, detached from simple reality, and the techniques they use day after day have shown me what America is truly up against. I know Trump has his flaws but given a chance to overthrow Them or Him for treason. I chose Them.

Exactly, so now if they pin something on a few dems that they can't weasel their way out of, like how Lynch and Comey contradict each other and one flips, rats on the other, then more will tow in line for deals and rat. When it comes out they're asking for plea deals, the public for the most part will realize the swamp was full of shit on Trump. It'll cause outrage with the common folk, except for those too far gone.

Despite the weariness, they're still doing it and it's still technically effective. That's what concerns me. It hasn't ended nor are they signalling that it'll end.
The optimist in me would love to see this come to a complete collapse of the Dem & media establishment, but the pessimist in me believes that they have some sort of infinite energy reserves to keep this going indefinitely. Like they'll always get their congressional votes to stay in power, and that CNN will never go bankrupt and always have ad revenue coming in despite being Fake New and having shit rating.

It's like looking in awe at a rusted out busted train that won't crash and die. Idiots are still eager to pay for a ticket and board that death trap; not accepting that the zeitgeist is changing.

He looks more pale than usual here
bump for interest

>He looks more pale than usual here
he literally almost passed out

Yea, but think about it, they're screeching and ooking and wooking on social media and on the news, not even making sense, the people listening to them now are far fewer, if something goes down, they're fucked hardcore. If Pelosi and Schumer are exposed, or people they backed are, they're 2 most vocal dems, it'll be a death blow to them.

Well, obviously, if the plan fails it failed. But trying to investigate and convict people in the spring of 2017 would have failed for certain, based on what we now know about how corrupt the whole apparatus was. After two years of cleaning out swamp creatures one by one by the book, there's still enough resistance that Trump has to specifically order the intelligence services to cooperate with his own AG. That just wasn't possible at first, without going full martial law, and it's questionable whether the military would have obeyed him either. The long game may have been the only chance.

>in jail
Weak faggot


hehehehe looking a little pale there, gotta keep that blood sugar in check, but it's hard under STRESS. declass fisa fgt

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>logical cause and effect relations aren't real because some internet LARPer talks about it
proof that Q is just a D&C con artist
seems like every time a major happening comes about, there's a Q post about it to make the unindoctrinated not believe it

When it comes down to it, we're ZOGed. No doubt about that. But they'res nuance to it.
There's Lefty ZOG and Righty ZOG. There's truth to the Zion Don meme, but I'd rather take that than globalist Lefty ZOG; which I find a million times worse to my condition. Also I have no faith that the accellerationists outcome will guarantee a desired outcome; it has a very large probability of making things even worse.

It's why I'll vote for Trump again. Directionally it seems to make things better and opens up the possibility in the future to overturn ZOG rule if nationalism become more generally accepted again.

He who rubs
Branch like beak

I still don't know what Fox meant by this

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Panic in my pants.

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So what's happening here? I heard about this last night but no one's talking about it. When do they get released?

>boomer tier understanding of social media
>#1 most followed account on twitter
u jelly, zoomer?

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It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to be effective.
There's that lame Ben Shekelpiro meme about
>facts don't care about your feelings
But the inverse also holds true
>feelings don't care about facts
So you can tell some libtard that 13% of the population makes up 50% of the crime; but they don't give a shit because the truth makes them feel bad.

Sure eventually the truth will come to light as a lie is too expensive to maintain. But we have to still live in the damage that believing the lie causes. Hence why the clown world memes are so accurate at conveying the reality of things. Truth doesn't matter to these people; there's some sort of secular pseudo-metaphysics at play that motivate the Left now. It may be power driven ideology on the upper echelons, but on the granular voter NPC level, it's a secular religion where you are a good person for believing in Fake News CNN or MSNBC and turning off your rationality and following instruction. You will be rewarded in the New Cultural Order for your loyalty; like they finally created a heaven for NPCs.

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He's no good for work.

Israel about to get shoahed

>everything Q has been foreshadowing is coming into fruition now
completely true
trust in sessions

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Is he ok?

He feels like he's going to be sentenced for

she'z ded? So which means
...less demoKKKraps on Supreme Court? lol.

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I assure you guys we will see a lot of swamp creatures suddenly having health issues, especially with approaching trial dates. Would not suprise me if Hillary fakes a coma.

trump curse strikes again

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all the democrats are passing out and shit..
and trump going to japan for the weekend.

tha's riiiiight brotha! Exactly what I thought when I saw that slumped over sack of shit and dickBlasio trying to give him liquids.

grands in comped sushi.

I know you might be new here, but quoting everyone in a thread is cancer

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bump for justice