And now

Please stand by for an urgent message of cowardice from President Bonespurs

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Happy friday fren, got any plans for the evening? Or will it be spamming Jow Forums with bait again?

Vietnam was a pointless war.

Bone spurs hurt like fuck. Not as bad as the two times I was shot in my Class IIA, but it still is agonizing.

i really don’t know how this kike ever got elected

If you can't jog 10 miles you shouldnt be in the army
It was absolutely the right decision.
or what, you want cripples who can't walk in the infantry next huh?

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He's not a kike.
He MAY be a puppet of the kikes. But he is NOT a kike

>a majority of modern politicians never served in the military
make sure to update regularly

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It takes 20 minutes of stretching my foot in the morning to be able to walk for a few hours without pain because of bone spurs + planar fasciitis.

He never betrayed the country like Songbird McCain did. What kind of "hero" gives up information to the enemy and assists their propaganda? Show flag

I’ve deployed four times in two pointless wars. I’ve got Trump covered.

he converted in 2017 you brainlet

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draftdodging is betraying the country faggot

His number was never called in the end anyway.

One. No he did not.
Two. The religion is not the same as the race you retarded newfag.
George Soros is an atheist but he's one of the worst kikes outs there. Jewish BLOOD.

>Lefties: vietnam was a cruel and injust war and all soldiers need to be ashamed of themselves!
>Also lefties:haha, draft dodger coward

>trump dodged the drag
Fuck the draft, fuck op, and fuck niggers

he converted two years ago, he’ll announce it this summer

>Muh bonespurs

Uhh, the military wouldn't LET you serve if you had them.

Fuck off.
I did my time in the service, but most of the people who post this shit never ever served so go get fucked POG.

Yo! My boy got talons an sheiit.

i wish my father never had to go to vietnam.

>if you don't fight pointless wars then you are a traitor!

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>Jewish BLOOD
Polish blood

>He MAY be a puppet of the kikes. But he is NOT a kike
the absolute state of brextards. Lord

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fuck the military

Justify American intervention in SE Asia

European "Jews" are just LARPing as yids.

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Imagine being a leftshit and being delusional enough to call somebody ELSE a coward.

that hart. :0).

He’s a shabbos goyim not a kike, but also he pissed off the “establishment” and wasn’t Hillary

Really? Proof?

God I hate poles

To expound why did the Ashkenazi really only allow their traditions upon the founding of Israel? Cultural erasure?
Anyways any good Christian worth their salt knows that the body of the Church is Israel, and that Christianity is the fulfillment of biblical Judaism and that anything else is fraudulent.

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Obama served in a militia same as Bush

and if he fought in Vietnam they'd call him a baby killer on their way to an abortion clinic

By 2019 we would not be hearing any urgent messages from President Clinton. We would have already suffered a massive nuclear war that wiped out 90% of the planet. OP is a gay pedophile.

A standing army is unconstitutional. The draft started well after the two year limit on funds appropriation outlined in the Constitution.

You owe loyalty not to the crooks in Washington but to the foundational law of the nation.

That is a bold faced lie and you fucking know it.

it was a well-regulated militia, IIRC

So Obama wasnt a black panther or indonesian?