We had a dream, it was called Empire

Attached: Piano_Nuovo_Impero_italiano.jpg (1049x907, 307K)

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yeah and you guys sucked get naed naed retart

>empire of niggers


Attached: E1B Distribution.png (900x550, 491K)

If Mussolini would have strengthened the automotive industry, we would have immediately broken the British's ass...

At least we lost our Empire fighting.
Think at the Anglos...

Southern Europe and it's mixed populace already qualifies for that title, pic related.

Attached: Afro Input - Postulation.jpg (2586x2533, 1.62M)

Italians confirmed niggers

But if there are more black shit in the US than in Italy!

But he didn't, so enjoy your socialistic state full of religious fanatics, lazy people, and criminals

>Implying we were faggots like Frenchs and Anglos and didn't thought of niggers removal

Attached: armamenti.jpg (800x568, 65K)

Also link related,: m.youtube.com/watch?v=q2WoDUGmf6k

>Joe Rogan talking about his West African side
>That came in as a result of his Italian heritage

Attached: Ass gaping autist.png (600x971, 189K)


Belarus has a higher unemployment and criminal rate than Italy, perhaps yours is not the 3 poorest country in Europe?

>No Hellas.

Attached: 8f4.png (200x271, 57K)

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Your soldiers in the First World War were trained by the "Arditi", the special unit of the Italian Army.

wtf is this

Pic related, the actual plan

Attached: Grande_Italia.jpg (1306x714, 486K)

Attached: DN_VL1mWAAAVBV9.jpg (1024x858, 112K)

yeah you prefer to embrace the niggers

Attached: 1542229155155.jpg (720x748, 354K)

E1B, is an East African haplo group. And as you can see, it has a noticeable presence in Southern Europe and the Levant region. The Middle East as well of course.

Attached: 911 was justified.jpg (1024x671, 97K)

Why not conquer Europe instead?

>what could have been

Attached: lanonymous-05-05-18-sat-15-45-20-no-45166513-if-only-you-knew-how-different-things-39950239.png (500x566, 108K)

Only regular immigrants come in with us, we don't want Islamic shit!

>*start completely pointless wars in Africa and Balkans*
>Germany pls help!!

Attached: ghor.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

nigga we barely have 20% of the niggers you have in your country.

dunked on by Ethiopians lmao

>Wanting an Empire

You are the niggers though.

Attached: anal enthusiast.png (486x494, 92K)

You do the big deal with Italy, but do you know that your country has been invaded by the Germans in less than 15 days?

>>empire of niggers
>get naed naed retart

Attached: firing_automatically.gif (300x192, 1.48M)

i don't care if we're arabs or not. I just don't want foreigners here.

Your country is already overrunn by sandniggers and niggers, we only have 4,3% of non-European foreigners in our country.

Attached: Macron on Blacked.jpg (900x631, 254K)

Attached: FLy8ZTJ.gif (320x240, 1.52M)

Attached: Italians.jpg (1766x741, 302K)

Sorry the land was already occupied.

>projecting this hard
Even if they call you "asian" in UK you're still a sandnigger.

actually, i'd say he's more of a paki, who are muslim poos

Cherry picked quote mines, from a coping Shitalian cuck. That aside, you have very well nuanced African markers within your genome. Period, go check through my previous posts for an elaboration.

Attached: Failed abortion (you).jpg (125x125, 3K)

Bantu nigger haplogroup distro.

Sorry if we broke Gazala and Tobruk's ass! ;-D

t. Jew


Yeah... The GUINEAN Empire!

Attached: Naamloos-2-1.png (350x350, 138K)

Name related.

Self deport then, since a chunk of you is foreign. All things considered.

Attached: 911.jpg (501x414, 42K)

>Cognitive dissonance

Attached: anal enthusiast.jpg (258x245, 12K)

Mussolini is the reason that the Italian BTFO'D the Ehtiopians, he replaced De Bono with Badoglio.
Mussolini thought that the Germans would defeat the British as quickly as they defeated the French, so they invaded Egypt quickly to get a place on the negotiation table.

Turns out the Germans can't take on the British Navy and the Italians have to supply the German Corps of Rommel on their own, with their entire Navy, while fighting the British on sea.

Also, Alpini, Brescia and Bersaglieri were top-notch divisions.

Attached: Mussolini_in_Mailand.jpg (1233x1385, 490K)

>you have very well nuanced African markers within your genome.
I'm not Italian my friend, stop projecting.

Stay on brit/pol/ where your bullshit belongs, you can look up the real studies yourself.

*laughs in Ethiopian*

That’s a shitty empire.

Yeah, you're probably right.

It would have been better for the talians to have those territories instead of the actual niggers

What's your standard for real then? And why even defend them if your self interest isn't getting compromised?

Attached: Cling clap tap.png (1000x1000, 274K)

risorse empire

>E1B, is an East African haplo group.
That is a meme from a Soros-study, you idiot.

This one is specifically native to Greece, where it is the majority in Attica and the Peleponnes. Otherwise Italy is majority R1b.

Attached: Haplogroups_europe.png (743x764, 752K)

What? Why??
I want to physically separate the peninsula at 45°N, what is this negro madness right here? Fuck you, go back to your sandcastle.

italia has no business being part of this

Now this is a bit better, but still, southern italy should be a colony, while Nizza and Savoy should be rightful clay.

They are roman identitarians, being refugees for the white italians.

The majority doesn't negate the apparent lesser input that is foreign. And E1B absolutely is an East African haplo group. Considering it's the most prevalent in that people's group, and spaces out in potency after it deviates from their ancestral origin.

Attached: brain dead.jpg (874x684, 79K)

Egypt and Sudan were ours cunt

Well, they tried but got BTFO'D hard by the Hellenes.

>10 % Italians
>90 % Niggers
I'm glad you lost.

You got expelled from Ethiopia kek.

One should argue why the fuck we entered the country in the first place.

Lol this. Fuck niggers, fuck arabs, and fuck southerns fascist LARPers

"The Italians have a good appetite, but poor teeth."

>I'm a traitor that wants to divide Italy

Attached: gas who.jpg (550x564, 63K)

"with their entire navy"
Not after Taranto.

Don't worry, the frogs are the ones that wasted most of their time in Africa, we colonised a fair bit but Nigeria and Ghana aren't some of our only prominent English speaking countries, as opposed to pretty much most of west and central Africa being the only French speaking countries

You're on to talk, memeflag.
370-760,000 Ethiopians were killed, the Italian suffered only 20,000 killed, while 3/5 of their troops were East African, still the largest ever European force in Africa defeated the Ethiopians utterly.
>What's your standard for real then?
Alberto Piazza, BMC genetics etc. all proved that Mediterraneans areWhite, specifically Italians.
All those ancient statures, with their meaty faces and curly hair, prove that ancients are most similar to modern populations, as all other trends prove.

Some alternative right-winger made an essay on the genetic differences between Northern and Southern Italy and the admixture, itshows that it is below 1-2%, thus below blood relation to African.

Generally there was little gene-flow between the Northern and Southern Mediterranean.
>And why even defend them if your self interest isn't getting compromised?
My self-interestis getting compromised, as well as my collective interest.

Italians are European brothers, Latin brothers, Catholic brothers, a good Romance people of Caucasoid race.

I know from brit/pol/ that you don't really believe in the possible infringement of self-interest through the attack on a shared collective, but I do.

*Laughs in Cameroon and Uganda*

Think I prefer this.

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>Cutting out the rest of the comic where the Italian soldier fucks a local and tries to have her mailed back to Italy
Top fucking kek

The meme is that the haplogroup migrated from Ethiopia and that Greeks descend from a migration wave from East Africa. Ionean Greeks are not of Negroid descendance, not some group that split from Nilotics a few millenia ago.

Says the right one, MacArthur.

fun fact, italians had a warsong about how sexy negresses were, must be the moor negroid gene of the shitalian.

Also for your piss poor performance in the world wars you lose your European credentials, you fought like incompetent poo people

Stay BTFO pakinigger

*laughs in Swahili*

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you prefer to fuck them, frocio

>Also for your piss poor performance in the world wars
American education

it would have turned into another pakistan just like UK
Italy needs federalism
what hong kong and singapore are today, it was what the repubbliche marinare used to be, Genoa especially became a shithole, from bocca di rosa to bocca di faccetta nera

>East African
It's a berber haplogroup that most likely came from the Ibero-Mauresians who later mixed with Natufians who in turn invaded East Africa and created a founding effect there. Even your total admixture output is 40% West-Asian from these ancient migrations.

And yes, eventually E1b spread to the middle east and was then carried by some neolithic farmers. You didn't conquer shit Abdi, you were only conquered.

Cool, let me know when your news reporters aren't getting attacked live on air by angry Congolese men

you killed and raped germans, mutt

More colonies, your majesty?

Attached: britishempire.png (800x370, 104K)

said the mutt already led by the cryptokike (((Truman)))

She was beautiful.

mfw Großhannover

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northern Germany is based

>Look like literal sandniggers

Aye Hans, thank you very much

It used to be, sure

>French flag
>Is an actual sandnigger
Oh no...

Don't get uppity or we will bomb the rest of your ruins, maybe the Colosseum.

Whiter than you mohammed

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-2005-0004,_Italien,_Monte_Cassino.jpg (800x556, 87K)

Whiter than you Massimo.

The Judeo-Masonic-Banker empire. What a wonder!


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>it would have turned into another pakistan just like UK
The plan was to establish an authoritarian military administration in Africa, that would take care of the natives and make sure they are at their highest economic output and stick to enforced civil order.

The Italian motherland would remain pure and Italian families would start growing rapidly due to subjugation of women, child-benefit, veteran pensions, welfare, good employment and social projects.

The agriculturalists would go to North and East Africa and colonize it in individual communities, creating new living space for the Italian people. Italian traders, craftsmen, artisans, industrial workers, soldiers and administratives would run the cities and large towns.

North and East Africans would take Italian culture, the most civilized and obedient would be rewarded.
Balkanites, Greeks and Savoyans would have to sssimilate entirely.

In the end, you would have an Italian elite, Italian commoners and the lesser classes, integrated into a racial, societal, economic and feudal caste system like India, that allows them to conquer more territory.

Though, It's mostly just a dream.