Fuck Nazism, Fuck Fascism, Fuck National Socialism, Fuck Racism, Fuck white supremacy, Fuck Antisemitism

Fuck Nazism, Fuck Fascism, Fuck National Socialism, Fuck Racism, Fuck white supremacy, Fuck Antisemitism.

Nazis and supporters of ideologies that revolve around fascism are absolute disgusting filth. Your ideology killed over 10 - 20 million in europe.

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Hi Rabbi.
Hows the communist recruiting drive going? Got enough shabbos goys for cannon fodder to fight against iran yet?

Thanks for helping to create the conditions necessary to make all those things happen.

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>fucking reactionaries
>Continues being the catalyst

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But user... if you're a communist, you're just as bad as them.

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kys cringetard

Fuck blacks
Fuck trannies
Fuck women
Fuck Jews
Fuck muslims
Fuck commies
But most of all

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Sage faggot

Well, we kill your guys, you starve your guys
I really get why youre fuming, but fuck you loser, if you cant compete get lost

Fuck you mongrel.

We need pic related, but for milquetoast.

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Did you forgot that thanks to people like you antifags and your disgusting behavior fascists got the power? Checkmate.

Are you against black looters and rioters?

Stalin killed more than 20 million, Mao killed more than 45 million, Pol Pot killed more than 2 million... and it goes on and on communism/socialism have killed more of their on citizens then 'any' other form of government.

Why are the left so retarded

Shut up nigger

And communism has killed over 120 million.
So fuck off.

Suck my asian cock, german pig!

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Call it what it is

You came to the wrong neighborhood motherfucker.

yea fuckin fascism can't compare to the number of lives taken by socialism


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>Fuck Communism, Fuck Marx, Fuck Socialism, Fuck Collectivization, Fuck redistribution, Fuck Revolution.

Communists and supporters of ideologies that revolve around socialism are absolute disgusting filth. Your ideology killed over 50-100 million around the world.

and we're going to kill more soon.

Sad fascism is socialism

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and also fuck you nigger

no u

stop LARPing as a commie you stupid liberal faggot lole lole

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nowadays commies would be sent to gulags or killed

I bet you can't even speak Russian

Stay mad

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And we ain’t done yet faggot

>I'm just gonna hide behind this ideology that never imported non whites
>I'm just gonna hide this authoritarian ideology that killed 10 times the amount of fascists and nazists combined
>I'm just gonna hide this ideology that eventually came to the conclusion that niggers are inferior and it's not worth trying in africa or latin america
>I'm just gonna hide behind this heavily semitic ideology that starved millions, incarcereted hundreds more and killed thousands more, all for the benefit of the jewish elite

We're gonna make it comrade, this time we'll banner for homosexuality and transexualism and it's gonna be glorious, you just need to arm yourself and fight those evil nyatzhees until one of you drops dead and you're also gonna pay me for letting you do that.

yours killed 100+million
and since capitalism is the other side of communism(that being communism and capitalism being on the same coin of marxism)
you can add however many more deaths were as a result to capitalism, too.

>over 10 - 20

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this is why I'm against Judaism
Judaism/Zionism created Marxism, Communism, and Capitalism
fuck the jews

Ok kike

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wow only one id post from this faggot shill. cant handle the redpills?

like commies were humans anyways. Those 60 gorillion slaves deserved it for accepting communism. fuck those suckers

thats a good thing lol. commies killling other commies!

i dare you to invade europe again coward.

i want this picture in my place of bussines

And nothing of value was lost.

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> Your ideology killed over 10 - 20 million in europe
>Communist flag
I dont know how you pieces of shit can be so idiotic but what I hate the most of it is that you think you are the good guys despite all the shit you did to this world. I will always remember what that shitty ideology did to my comrades in the 80-90. Filthy scumbag.

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Your ideology killed 30 million in Europe.
And 40 million in China.
And 2 million in Cambodia.
And 1 million in Vietnam.
But please carry on.

Communism really is like a drug to kikes. They can't get enough of it.

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>when his ideology hasnt killed over 100 million

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>communist using death rates as a moral arguement against fascists.

No fash here, but the hypocrisy is staggering.



Jews are going to get the Leo Frank treatment in your life time faggot.

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