Alright, which one of you fucking assholes did this? It's not funny. Admit it

Alright, which one of you fucking assholes did this? It's not funny. Admit it.

Attached: Screenshot_20190524-144240~2.png (1080x1391, 672K)


It was me. You're welcome.

Was probably caused by electrical short circuit.

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i wish it was me

am i supposed to be impressed, Moshe?

>not funny
Then why am I laughing?


If you cry harder maybe your tears can put it out.

America has muslims?

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>It's not funny
it was kinda funny


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I agree OP, it wasn't funny, it was fucking hilarious!

Hey Imam
Whatcha doin?

Cucknnecticut has been democrat run for roughly 4 decades.
We're facing budget shortages, companies are leaving, crime is increasing and we're super proud of the thousands of puertoricans we took in after maria.
We used to have an italian parade, that stopped due to puertorican gang violence, now its the puertorican parade.
Maybe ask them.

Allah willed it. What's the problem?

Exactly like the one in Notre Dame Cathedral. They need to hold those electricians accountable.

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its funny

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Not us, we just LARP.

That's no reason to burn down a mosque, bigot

>Hey Imam watcha doing

based johnny5poster

my whiteness reflected on the clouds or some bullshit like that and burn it

Probably some stupid boys smoking hookah.

The Jew has balls that you don't

probably some nervous KIKE



Fuck yeah

Not that many as compared to europe but yeah I'm starting to see them on a regular basis now. It's disgusting. Beaners and Niggers i'm used to at this point but seeing fucking mudslimes in Texas is just too much. It's only a matter of time before someone goes Tarrent v 2.

the fire rises

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>It's not funny
Yes it is

sloppy job mossad