Christians are the only ones fighting


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Literally never gonna happen

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Not pro-white, not pro-eugenics
Goes to T R A S H

Have you ever been to an anti-degeneracy protest before, user?
or are you just expecting God to do all the work?

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Praise God

atheists and atheists who pretend to worship cartoon characters based on acient pagan pantheons dont care because they have this idea that a magical AI is just about to be created that introduces the "technological singularity" and save everyone anyways.

based and Godpilled

this. why are they so fucking rarted?

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For about 300 years orthodox church isn't a church but a repackaged Russian nationalism.

>orthodox church isn't a church
>t.seething atheist

it is now illegal for christians to protest around the provincial building, not one of you pieces of shit fought against the legislation.
You're all sheep, nothing more than beasts of burden who accept control like the good slaves you are.
>b-b-but I'll get into heaven

Christians are the only ones ive literally ever seen protest against degeneracy in western societies, while you atheist faggots just sit inside masturbating to trap-porn all day instead

>you atheists
kneejerk reaction from a slave.
Also that reply is just empty rhetoric since christians WERE BANNED FROM PROTESTING AND ALLOWED IT


Yep. The Christians know something that the other faiths do not. That knowledge is this: HUMANS ARE NOT BORN MORAL! Humans are born sinful. They must be taught morals. Morals must be practiced and enforced.

This is why the Christians are able to pull victory out of hopeless odds time and time again. (The current failures of modern Christians are due to their descent into Hedonism/turning away from Christ.) You can promote a moral code that encourages stability in society or instability. The original Christian code promotes stability. The majority of other faiths do not do this as well as Christianity.

I have been a hateful Atheist most of my life and I'm telling you that stable societies are critical for the continuation of humanity. You don't know the power levels that are being unlocked. They make Fission and Fusion look like light bulbs. (To be fair, Fission and Fusion reactions make awesome light bulbs.)

Literally give me just a single protest, march, rally or anything similar by ATHEISTS where they protest degeneracy. Literally a single fucking example

>implying pagans aren't just fedoralords who want to be edgy

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fuck off christcunt

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What the fuck is this, "fighting"? Is this what fighting looks like? While RAM is beating leftists in the street and attomwaffen are preparing to bomb the shitskins out of existence, you're... walking? That's it?

>all orthodox churches are Russian

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Fucking based

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Please tell me that picture is a reference to a poem in the book: Verses That Hurt. I lost my copy but there is a great poem about "the Christ would come out and try to answer the question." Fuck it all that I can't remember it and the internet doesn't seem to have the poem. I can't remember the name anyway.

From my hazy memory it went something like this:

There was a woman with a worm that lived insider her. The only way to get the worm out of the woman was to tie a steak to her head to make the worm crawl out of her to eat the steak. But the effects of the worm on her body would be there forever and they would find traces of the worm's shit in her blood.

There once was a woman with a Christ inside of her head. The only way to get the Christ out of her was to tie a question to her head and then the Christ would come out and try to answer the question. But the effects of the Christ on her body would stay with her and traces of the Christ would be found in her blood.


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jewsus didn't exist

Whenever you hear someone on here referring to Christians as a monolithic group that is cucked I say look at the Orthodox brothers. Look at the (non-Jesuit) Catholics opposing gay marriage and abortion.
The Christ-cucks you hate are usually Protestant and you guessed it, payed for by the Jews. The Protestant Church is so cucked that young pastors who deny dispensationalism (a theology that says Israel should go the modern Pharisees) are denied positions of authority in many protestant churches. Even the seemingly based protestants about homosexuality like Falwell only got propped up because he believed in dispensationalism. Look at Pat Robertson denouncing the Alabama abortion bill for "going too far."
It's not too late to tend to your own flock, join your local (preferably Catholic or Orthodox) church and speak up when globohomo infiltrators try to take over. (As they have done to many now dying congregations).

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>J-je..jewsus didnt exist

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That shithole has other problems to think about than lgbt, but what do I know.

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Id rather live in a "shithole" with good family & Christian values than in a first world "progressive society" like Sweden.

Leaving the "dark ages" was a fucking mistake, and we need to go back

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Oh is that why the lose between 1.6-2% of their population every couple of years?

population goes up and down all the time. theyll bounce back just like hungary and poland with their sudden birth rate explosions currently are. Better than importing a bunch of niggers to make up for it at least like the rest of the western countries are

Thats not how things work though when you lose everyone who is young in your country nothing can come back.

based. though there are some based protestants as well, like pastor anderson for example

Christianity and pro-white values are incompatible. You cannot serve two masters.

>when you lose everyone who is young in your country

>(((christcucks))) are fighting

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nigger, your thread is about christians that defend yet they don't since now christians are banned from protesting and not ONE complained about it.
You keep bringing up AFFEEISMM as if it fucking matters but it doesn't when christians aren't fighting for their own rights, but I bet you won't understand any of this and just repeat yourself again

So not only you are a christcuck but you are retarded too, I guess these things always work hand in hand.

imagine being an atheist unironically

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I for one do not give a fuck whether God is all powerful or not.
Christianity kept degeneracy at bay and united the West in a sense, which is more than enough for me.

how many sinagogue shooting were made atheist or pagan ?
since last year i can count at least two for christian in america

>The christkike vainly attempts to shoehorn the choice into a choice between christcuckism, atheism or belief in the old European gods

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your comment literally made no sense to what I orginally said

People that fall for globohomo propaganda or deviants who want to ply their degeneracy in a society where it's accepted: unfortunate for the former maybe, but good riddance to the latter.

>christians are banned from protesting
yeah, I like how they never ban anyone else because they know Christians the only ones who protest anyways

nice, bring up the voting demographics next

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Yeah fair enough, maybe I don't want to support an identity that allows Jews to camouflage themselves whenever it's convenient and continue to subvert from within.

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You defended a literal shithole that nobody wants to be in and its losing their youth, meanwhile you cheer that some nobodies did a small march of a couple thousands against something that literally has no importance.

> Christian

> Fight

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>that allows Jews to camouflage themselves whenever it's convenient and continue to subvert from within.
>a religious meme is less infiltratable than DNA
I understand what your point is, but it doesn't really hold up for me. They may call themselves white, but they will rarely call themselves "not-jewish"

>being a whiny bitch is fighting

woah im a retarded cult member now!

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I fear the exception proves the rule in this case. Once you break from tradition it's a slippery slope that seems to lead to gay pastors and accepting abortion.

>something that literally has no importance
the mere fact that you say this speaks volumes of how much better you fucks got it than western countries. Take a trip to fucking sweden some day and you wouldnt say that.
Id 160% rather live in Moldovia than in fucking Malmo, any day of the week

Then why dont you move there right now? Leave your country that apparently hate so much and go see for yourself how amazing this christian heaven is.

As usual, Christians will always embrace the most lukewarm and mild opposition to immigration, islam, et al, without having the actual commitment to oppose it. The opposition to immigration is verbal and very weak. When push comes to shove, they won't do anything about it, because it's not a priority for them. It's opposition without teeth, ideologically or physically.

The Christian opposition to the jewish agenda is so weak, when you consider the power and wealth that Christianity collectively has. They have all this influence, and what do they do with it? As it turns out, nothing much.

I will be waiting for a "Deus Vult" against the jews and islam, but I think I'm going to be waiting a very long time.

If Norway turns to shit I might just move to a country like Poland. Language is the only problem.
But Norway is still pretty good (compared to Sweden and the other shithole countries at least)

Nice memeflag shlomo.

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So you are just an annoying larper then

Fucking hell I remember this video. absolute peak kek

Furthermore, the Christians are concerned with so much irrelevant shit. LGBT shit, abortion, violent video games, spirituality, superstition, demons, conspiracy theories, etc.

The movement against the Jews will be much more robust when it is based in FACTs and Statistics, rather than talk about "demons" and "satanists" and conspiracy theories. It cheapens the entire movement. It literally poisons the entire well. This is why we don't like Christianity: excessive superstition when there is no need for it. The facts, the statistics, are abundant! Why the need for constant talk of "demonic influence"? Some may say it's necessary, but it isn't. it turns anyone with half a brain away from the matter at hand: the ideological opposition to HBD, the cover-up of disproportionate jewish power, and overall anti-white sentiment.


>"Unimportant shit"

rabbi shlomoshekelgoldberg, that u?

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Tribulation ready?

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Tell that demon in your head to depart in the name of Jesus.

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>imagine not embracing the real God

Unfortunately, as we've seen climate change/gender/astrophysics. FACTs and STATISTICs can be bought and changed at the whim of whoever is payingfor the study.
The Church is not immune as we've seen what a (((Jesuit))) Pope is capable of and how subverted many institutions have become, but Logos doesn't change.

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I remember the times when pagans attempted to liberate Iberia and Anatolia from muslims. How they died in the tens of thousands to recover those lands.

Thanks for proving my point.
I'm going to stick with facts and stats and logic. You can stick with your "demon" explanation and gather as many retards to your cause as you want. But in the end, the Jews will wreck you, because they are, as the IQ stats show, smarter. At least compared to christian whites.

Again you use fake studies to claim whatever you want Shlomo. You are building your house on sand. Tradition, the Bible, and Logos are always going to be the bedrock of our civilization.

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>pic-related btw
absolutely saved. I remember reading about the Christian samurais in Japan, and the emperor had to gather his entire army to take them down

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I'm still waiting for Christkikes to get off line and go save the fucking world since it's ending for them. Instead you post lolis.
LOOK AT THESE PATHETIC BETAS. 10 different version of Christianity, spewing memes (some of them anime loli pedo shit), not doing anything in their life to stop the end of the world. Begging for Jews to win so Rabbi Yeshua can return. Some of them posting New Age Christking.


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>stop the end of the world

As far as I can see only accelerationist are really doing anything at all to topple the System..

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The end of the world is good user, we'll be in heaven, you won't. Looking forward to it.

Just like the passion of the Christ, these movies didnt receive the budget from kikes


the same goes for the US.
Christians vote right wing en masse compared to atheists

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You have to go back.

You have to go back into the oven

there are a lot of anti faggot marches that have nothing to do with religion

you finally had one group of explicitly religious people stand up to it and you act like religion is what will save us all


>there are a lot of anti faggot marches that have nothing to do with religion
show me.

you cant actually ask for evidence, it doesnt work that way

lol no sweetie

Interesting history with them. There was a civil war that eventually coalesced into two massive armies fighting from the East and the West. Some Christian lords fought on both sides, but the winner, Tokugawa had deep suspicions of Christians as potentially being disloyal to Japan. So after he won, he outlawed it and began torturing anyone who wouldn't convert to Buddhism (his new State religion and a defacto MI5 and IRS). There was an uprising in the far West that eventually was brutally put down, but many continued to worship in secret. Eventually, after a few hundred years Tokugawa's government collapsed, Buddhist temples burned, and the former Western lords were openly Christian again and assumed positions of authority. Even today, many of the elites of Japan are Christian. Unfortunately, later, at the time of the atomic bombs dropping, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the largest Christian cities in Japan.
The movie "Silence" by Scorsese is also pretty good.

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anti-LGBT protests are common in eastern europe, even croatia has them even tho it's the most pro LGBT in eastern europe

I'm not a Jew and you're not Norwegian.

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This. One fucking issue.

Every time I see some Ortholarper or Catholicuck I have to laugh.
I have my issues with certain Protestant denominations but almost none of them engage in this TROO CHURCH shit.

>christcucks vote (((rightwing)))
and that's supported to be good? since when have the right wing of zionism done anything but lose, slightly slower than the left side?
The (((right wing))) gives you false hope, that is much worse than showing yourself as a real enemy as the (((left wing))) does.

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>Be anti something is gods will

Where is that tolerance you speak of faggot?

>muh ways are better than the real ways

The guys like you are fucking disgusting, what a waste of human being.

Friendly reminder all threads concerning Jews are capped at 150 or less by Fed gov

Welcome reddit, Christianity opposes homosexuality, usury, and all kinds of degeneracy.

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I'm an atheist, don't give a shit about gays or lesbians. Tranny's are weird and we shouldn't encourage that in children. I'm pro abortion because we have too many undesirable people in this country already. I do however think cultural Marxism and white genocide are real existential threats to the greatest civilization ever witnessed on Earth. I'll leave the praying and fag bashing and women are property nonsense to you retards.

>And they continue in their madness despite your protests.

LOL, okay.

>Where is that tolerance you speak of faggot?

>implying Christianity preaches tolerance
user, i..

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