I can’t tell if this is ment To be serious

I can’t tell if this is ment To be serious

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Trump won get over it lol

lol women got institutionalized for advocating child murder a century ago

Maybe they should stop being whores

Every abortion kills a baby

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It must be mocking feminists because they’re all white. No leftist would make this comic without niggers.

1st wave feminists were fascist christian supporters of the patriarchy

Daily Reminder that a lot of American Pro-Life People also believe that the Nazis were "left-wing"
Yet the Nazis not only promoted having Children and fight Abortion but also made sure that certain Doctors
>of which the majority were jewish by coincidence
who promoted, wrote about advancing Abortion Methods to make it easier also wrote about and introduce Male-to-Female Surgeries to Males as young as 14 were leaving the country and their works that promoted such stuff be not available to the public
>mfw the Nazis were more Conservative than Conservatives

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Humans are not endangered

Whites are

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>is ment To be serious
it isn't

That is your justification for supporting the murder of human babies?

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Human life is more precious than that of an animal, that's why I dont get arrested for killing them.

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what camo the belgian soldiers are wearing?

belgian army camo, user...

Shitlib ideology is literal brain damage

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thanks the colors are funky

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>I can’t tell if this is ment To be serious
Then you're a weak fag.
You can't discern between right and wrong...

Liberal hypocrisy is amazing!

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Agreed, I like Norwegian army camo myself

Attached: Norway Army Dupont Back pack (5).jpg (1246x1600, 460K)

and rightfully so

M 89 Serbian oak leaf is the best camo against (((NATO))) and Alb*nians

Attached: nato_btfo.jpg (736x498, 77K)

my 30 IQ doesnt understand the provided image.

lol I wore a uniform in that pattern for 4 years, wanted to kill myself at the end, it looks horrible I think but I guess that's just me

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Or burned as witch

Red hair are

Even the Communists were more conservative than conservatives.

Satanist were more conservative than modern conservatives make it even more scary for at which level liberal are

>unless you are an abortion physician you get paid $200 an hour.

Are you seriously trying to equate a fucking turtle and a human being you utter mongoloid?

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>I'm with her signs
>three years after the election
How can a group be so butthurt

I don't know about the backpack, but the standard M98 field uniform works pretty well. Been lying a couple of meters away from patrols several times without getting spotted.

abortion was seen as an evil in the early 20th century, this is historically illiterate.

Was there any demand for abortions in 1909? I didn't think they had the technology for safe abortions in the modern sense back then.

The female sex is literal brain damage.

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>Knockoff Woodland Camo
Flecktarn is best.

That’s for when your enimies have all dropped acid.

>1/3 is a jew

Checks out

Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote

Christmass cammo

Unless they were trying to use your pro white sympathy to get you to be ok with baby murder.

(Learn how Jews manipulate you. It will change your life.)

Gay retard logic: Endangered animals are worth more than humans

I’m a ginger and my fellow fingers are not protected from abortions despite the fact that we are quite literally dying out genetically speaking.

It's the SLAST-C pattern.

It's short for, stand-out-like-a-sore-thumb-camo.

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Wasn't abortion in 1906 used as a eugenics program to stop Black's from breeding?

it means it doesn't matter if you give in to women's demands, they'll just keep on bitching about everything, just because

they can have save an legal abortion when I can have safe legal homicide.

That's actually not true, but women change when having kids, they hate their in group because they aren't pregnant yet basically, then when they have kids they want to protect them, even if it means social alienation.

>fight 100 years for a failing system
>system still fails
seriously, still doing this?!

It's Breslau faggot.

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Still is today. Christ cuck faggots on here need their nigger porn though so they're very anti abortion.



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from chaos, order

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Moron, what is human genetic engineering and artificial intelligence? We are fifty years away from not existing in any form.

Should've never stopped.

Pretty retarded comic, given that women across the US do in fact have access to safe legal abortions. That's what we're trying to take away.

Also this, no chance they were whining about abortion then like they do now.

Daily reminder that feminism has been rotten since the very beginning

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