>christcucks will defend this

Christians of Jow Forums, would you be okay with this couple if they're both Christian? Why or why not?

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jesus christ that is one black nigger

christian niggers are not that niggerish (protestantism doesnt count as real christianity)

>stands on front of Christmas tree
Pagans even celebrate Christmas. Eat shit you curry smelling fuck.

They will, they might go on about "beasts of the field" and other CI tier larping, but at the end of the day when they see this they will just grumble and move on.

What if they're Christian though? Would you approve of their relationship then?

>Pagans even celebrate Christmas
You retard Christmas is literally an appropriated PaGangGang holiday. You think they have pine trees in the ME?

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there are numerous commandments forbidding adulterating things

no Mbebe , you can't take the jungle out of the nigger

What if they get married first? Then it's not adultery.


He's black

>Jow Forums, would you be okay with this couple if
no.not at all

personally I'd force that bitch to go through a Mumbai ghetto nude.

Christcuck here. No, I don't approve.

No. It’s best for everyone if we keep to our own kind

christcuck here yes i approve

Chirstcuck here
No, burn it with fire

yeah my daughter dates a black man and when my wife drags me round to visit.I have a bag that i have been collecting all my cum in,for the last week and mix it with that coconut skin cream he loves.Been doing it for about 2 years now.

Well of course it's not adultery,
it's beastiality

fuck thats awesomw

These bitches are nasty as fuck. They must stop fucking 25% chimpanzees

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Seriously just try to imagine for a second how fucking hot the sex between them must be.

Just imagine that savage dark skinned brute unleashing his most primal African desires on that pure aryan beauty... God I'm getting hard just thinking about it...

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God that ape is so unbelievably fucking hideous.

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>you retard, let me explain why I'm agreeing with what you're saying

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Christian, here. I stand against this. Ezra 10.

Dumb catholic cuck

I don't care. Why do you, poo?

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>Christians of Jow Forums, would you be okay with this couple if they're both Christian?
>Why or why not?
because race mixing is race treason.

Yep based. Reminder that Protestants destroyed the West.

No because you can't marry an animal.

>real christians

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And what do you do for his weeks worth of pozzed semen?

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>Christcuck here. No, I don't approve.
>Chirstcuck here
>No, burn it with fire


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