Hey Amerifrens

I have a hypothetical question.
I have made out a plan in my mind.

I wanted to move to the US and buy some land and build a house on it. It has to be a very conservative area though.
Then I wanted to put on provocing Islamic quotes and verses, same as the election yard singns. I want to be provocing as much as possible. I want people to step on my land to tear down those posters.
Then I wanted to gun those people down with my right to do so.

Is this a good plan? What would be the consequences? Which state would be suitable for it?

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I'm not sure gunning them down for taking out your poster is legal, even in the big gun country of America

Probably some Rocky mountain state being invaded by Cali scum - places like Bozeman MT Jackson WY or Boise ID

okay lets say I put then on my windows, so when someone breaks them I can justify my actions due to a robbery.

You won't last a week.


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cops will come to your house and shoot you for fighting words and everyone would laugh at you and drug addicts will strip your house of wires and pipes while you rot either in the ground or in prison.

Would I land in jail if someone breaks my windows and I shoot them?

Nah I would let them do whatever they want I would just comply, under all circumstances

The only areas that you could do that in, and get away with it... ironically have no muslims or liberals to even take the bait.

In other words it's not possible.

no I wanted to put up muslim quotes to target conservatives.

Because no one in the places you think you want to do this really cares what you do on your own property, but they'd burn your house down and kill you if you tried shooting at anyone.

They would just just smoke you from 500+ yards, or a pickup truck full of rednecks would siege your home. you would die easily

but they are on my property/and possibly breaking my windows first, my action would be reactionary and defensive ofcourse. I would just wait in my house and wait for people to break my window.

I think you could just place ISIS flags all over your property. I think that would be legal.
Just tell the feds that you're just LARPing.

I sieging ones property with guns legal in the US?

No one is going to break your window. They probably can't even see your window from the street.

In any area that would fall for your bait, and allow you to also defend with lethal force... the sheriff there would sweep it under the rug, or maybe even kill you themselves.

Amerimutts are not that informed on the Islam stuff, much less anything else. This is the main flaw in your plan. You're expecting them to know something, feel insulted in some personal way, and react.

Why not just join antifa black bloc? It sounds like that's essentially what you want to do.

I would illuminate the sign from within so it would be visible in the day and night.

But above all, why shoot hicks when you can just head to the nearest hood and start provoking nigs Zimmermann style.

Bottom line, there are plenty of places you could do this just don't be shocked when people shoot back. The sheriff isn't going to do overtime figuring out whodunnit.

The consequences would be you ending up in prison for murder.

quads never lied once

You have no idea what the conservative areas of the country look like, do you.

Only if they're armed or you can convince the court they were trying to attack you directly and not just steal things.
Our laws aren't that different from German self Defense laws. It's just that more people have guns here so you hear about more of these cases.

Why do people not understand that the justice system isn't a fucking set of rules that you have to follow or else you get thrown straight into jail. If you were in texas, the most lenient state in the US, you would go to prison. Unless there was a person physically assaulting you inside your own home with a gun, you would likely go to prison just because the prosector can point to the signs as evidence that you were planning on this confrontation, and thus murder.

You can't skirt the legal system with some dumbshit "loophole" that allows you to murder liberals and muslims without chance of facing repercussions.

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So to conclude all advices I need to :
1.Get a large frontwindow, illuminate it from the inside.
2. Only shoot people if they brake the frontwindow.
3.Put the sign back up.
3. Hide inside my home because rednecks would be sieging my house ready to kill me.
Possibly for weeks because authorities wont help me.
4. Shoot anybody that follows.
5. Die because eventually I have to go out.
Is there a way I dont die at the end?

You're not welcome here, Achmed. Now stay git.


Texas is probably the place to do it. They will let you kill somebody stealing a can of tuna fish as they are running away.

In no place would these even remotely be legal... even if they enter your home... in most places you better have a gun too if you shoot them.

You need to make a list of "stand your ground" states, if you are in a state that isn't stand your ground, you'll be in the wrong.

Not sure why someone wouldn't just firebomb your house when you are asleep in it or toss a rock at the window and shoot you when you silhouette yourself in the window, fren.

texas is the state for you. you can kill someone there for siphoning gas out of your tank

How does someone this retarded even get on the internet?


No clue. But they have a hilarious view of our gun laws.

Imagine being this retarded and inferring any of nonsense from the responses, thus far. What you propose is not a "right." It's not self defense, you mouth-breathing mongoloid.

*that* nonsense

>Kicking down a sign like a leftist
>Not shooting you from 500 yards away with an AR-15 as you leave your house to go get groceries

If your plan works:
>You kill a good ole boy while being a EURO-PEE-AN
>Local county disappears you
>If you don't get disappeared, you have a sham trial and get jailed with a nigger as a cellmate

Or as the legal system can interpret nuance... and intent to kill... hes going to shoot somebody with intent to kill and live his life in our prison system immediately there forward.

do it in a black neighborhood, but with white supreeemist imagery

why is the right apu not black?

Only way to come kill Americans without immediate consequence is to immigrate here and become a cop or join ISIS

You do not comprehend America at all. I live in the deep South where everyone knows everyone and most have families that have been in the area since way before the War of Northern Aggression. They will notice at once that you are not American and not from around here.
Now me, if say Jamal kicks my door in and tries to kill me, if I shoot and kill him, then no problem. The law knows me and my family and knows that we are law abiding Christian leople who tell the truth and are reliable. They also know the nigger's family and know Jamal been in a lot of trouble.
You a foreigner comes in acting like an ignorant asshole and doing stupid shit, you will be locked up and I hope you like pork neckbones and greens for supper every night.
Stay home. You cannot pass here anymore than I could pass as a local in whatever neck of the woods you hale from.

or be rich
or have connection

or just be jewish for both

Oh my god. You want to committ crimes in the USA, you are crazy, they're gonna execute you as a terrorist.

1.)Yes. 2.)Cops would thank you for your service. 3.)Texas

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In Texas this is perfectly legal.

Not true. My neighbor shot a trespassers a few years back. He lived though.


buy land and use it to house like minded people working towards a goal. you could literally have a farm, workers, and your own slice of heaven. or you could just do whatever meaningless protest idea you're thinking about.