So, I've taken the political compass test last week as an attempt to get into politics because I'm bored with life. Does this mean I'm a communist?
Attached: PicsArt_05-24-04.11.41.jpg (720x1134, 104K)
mine deeper
Attached: 1552738783717.jpg (800x800, 141K)
Means you want attention.
no. communism is more in the corner.
Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)
Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)
im a right winger and i get this, compass is bullshit
Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)
I usually place about five corners lower than op. Not sure what that makes me, besides "more left than the average poltard"
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You're either a Social Democrat with some light authoritarian leanings or a Democratic Socialist with some light authoritarian leanings.
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uh i dont really like p-politics
Attached: chart_1.png (480x400, 12K)
Or you're just a retard who just thinks they're right wing but doesn't actually know anything
Attached: chart 3.png (480x400, 17K)
Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)
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I mean if you flip it 180 degrees, you're right wing
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Attached: political_compass_result.png (480x400, 8K)
Attached: POL 05.jpg (536x790, 53K)
You might be on to something there.
you could just be third way which usually makes it look leftist
What about this shit, is this redpilled?
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Attached: chart (1) (1).png (480x400, 17K)
It means you're a succdem.