Well this is awkward
Well this is awkward
>doesnt know that pretty much all symbolism is based upon older symbolism
Every recursion has a base case
Subversive agents infiltrated all major religions and have tried to direct them towards worship of the Ancient Babylonian Gods. Of course, ISIS and Horus are Egyptian depictions but this worship goes back to before the Sumerians
are you telling me that Mary wasn't the first mother who ever inspired art about mothers holding their babies? I'm shook!
holy fuck my own mother used to hold me like that!
am I the incarnation of a god?
isis was not a human
Its mainly about the sun disks on/behind the heads, idiot
It's as if there were people who imagined up crap and rehashed it every so often
Dude. I was held like that too.
Are we both gods?
as opposed to the """"physicists"""" who's """"mathematics"""" only (((they))) and they followers seem to ascribe to?
It’s almost as if cultures borrow things from other cultures.
Zeitgeist is ancient aliens tier but atheists eat it up
did you know Priests also wear robes? holy shit just like bumfuck Sumarian! christcucks BTFO!!!
This actually makes sense if you understand the Bible’s version of history and not the Jewish scientism version.
>tiny nibba brain
Thinking a motif being repeated throughout history makes it less true
>big nibba brain
Realizing it makes them even more true.
And tje whole story of Jesus is a shameless ripoff of the story of Hercules.
I like the part when Hercules says Jews are the synagogue of Satan.
And the part where Jesus slays the Nemean Lion.
Religion evolves over time just like everything else. I don't see why that should take away from it.
hmmm ... it's almost as if ...
Sophia and the Demiurge
All christian virgins are channeling a undercovered worship to Ishtar
based Roman Jesus
Posts such as these are obviously made with ill or evil intend. No way a person could be such an imbecile to actually believe this...
Surprised none have mentioned that both Mary and Isis gave birth as a result of divine conception.
>Fundamental aspect of human life is celebrated by multiple religions
Evil is a human made concept. It's never been exhibited by wildlife and never been demonstrated by any higher intelligence above humans, because there's no proof (yet) that anything higher than us exists here on Earth.
If you have something to contradict my statement, please show us. Otherwise, we are in agreement that God does not exist and you enjoy passing on responsibility for your actions to a shared fantasy LARP in order to escape punishment.
Unironic rebbit thread
not based and bluepilled
You do realise this doesn't phase us Christians whatsoever? God made a promise that He would send a seed that would save His people. This promise stuck with mankind even when they fell into paganism hence why there are so many false religions with the image of a mother and child.
you don't ascribe to the good/evil dichotomy but think humans are higher/lower than other living beings
how come? by whose standards are humans higher than animals? human standards? how convenient for humans that humans get to decide how high humans are placed on the hierarchy
>people in the past worship extraterrestrials
>said worship is extended for millennia
>durrr how can this happen
This guy gets it
Not at all true considering Ishtar, Mirthra, w/e, deity comes from pagan interpretations of the promise God made of a seed that come to save His people, that seed is Jesus Christ.
>nothing has a purpose
>we are just a bit more intelligent animals that also have no purpose
>divine conception is a fundamental human characteristic
Check out the big brain on Brad
>Christianity predates Egyptian Mulhorandi
God damn it's getting deep in here
take the evolapill my man
the will to power, self determination without intervention = we make our own rules.
again, if you have visual / audio / even anecdotal evidence of a higher intelligence experience, within your lifetime, please share it with us.
if not..
we are in agreement that God does not exist and you enjoy passing on responsibility for your actions to a shared fantasy LARP in order to escape punishment.
>people worship extraterrestrials
>muslims just done do it and worship a pedophile
Dagon (Hadad, Baal-Zephon, Amun, Jupiter) is archaic semitic word for grain.
He is god of rain, grain, fertility and agriculture.
Dagon - fish god is 19th century invention by Hislop who misinterpreted Rashi's footnote in Talmud.
Donald A.MacKenzie misidentified him as one of the seven Babylonian Apkallu - Oannes.
Ishtar's only connetionn to fish is zodiac sign - Pisces
Nina,is the only fish god-dess in that area.She gave her name to the Sumerian city of Nina and the Assyrian city of Nineveh
if you have evidence that you make your own rules, please share it with us
if not...
I guess there's no proof of you being a human being either
>we have no purpose
Your words, not mine. If that's how you want to interpret my statement, you are free to do so, without intervention from any divine entity or fear of punishment by any demonic force.
You go one living your life, day after day, and encounter nothing to prod you towards your own perceptions of good or bad, except how it effects you personally in a positive or negative manner. This is the rule by which you discern good and bad.
There was never and will never be any higher force to do it for you, and if you have evidence of such, you are welcome to share it with us.
My nigga
Christianity is the worship of Christ, He who is eternal, alpha and omega, so yes it does predate all pagan religions, and the promise God made of the seed that would come was made pre-flood so of course it predates the Egyptians.
My proof is my continued opinion unabated by any higher rules.
What do you have to support your argument?
(((Borrow))) he says.
Hurr durr oh my God guys! It turns out humans have been worshipping the sun since the beginning and the more complex mythologies are merely building on the instinct to worship the sun. Omg I just realized sun and son sound the same! Ahhhh
Shut up relativist faggot
>woman holding child wow
Its pretty fucking universal symbol of renewal/rebirth/fertility etc
Yeah just like God is made to look like Zeus or Odin, not too shocking that Christianity has pagan elements to it
>Hurr i just watched Guyver The Bioboosted armour, Stargate, and Prometheus and now believe it's real
my argument? what argument?
I'm just questioning what proof do you have that humans are higher beings? how high are we talking about here?
The sun disks, faggot.
If this is a proof then the Annunakis are the real gods of this World and Marduk is the real God in the bibble.
Joseph was a kind man who thought that stoning was a barbaric punishment from a barbaric age. He knew Mary did wrong but he still loved her and wanted to give her another chance, after all he himself was too absorbed in his work and she grew kind of bored.
ok, if you dont have an argument to share, you're just trolling.
We aren't supposed to have any statues, pictures, or images of God in Christianity so to claim that God is made to look like Zeus or Odin is not Christian, those come from when Pagan priests in the Empire inserted their idolatry into the Church. Anyone that claims to be Christian but bows to or prays to statues/images is an apostate.
Because pagans who converted brought elements with them.
Christianity didn't copy unwashed pagans. Why would it want to? Disgusting.
Don't fall for Horus Manure
I'm genuinely curious where you got the measuring tape, and you've failed to show evidence that you're a human, I'd like to see that too.
>prove you're human
>doesn't prove he's human first
come again?
i never claimed anything, the burden of proof is with you
You mean Enki, Lord of the Earth, who created man to use as a slave race at the behest of his father, EA, but grew to love them and gave them the knowledge/genes needed to advance beyond slavery, much to the dismay of daddy, who had Enki's brother Enlil, Lord of the Command, come and try and stop that shit, eventually deciding to drag a comet into our orbital path 12,800 years ago, destroying our ancient, global megalithic civlization and resetting us.
Welcome to the source of all flood/deluge/Prometheus/Serpent and Apple stories.
If you can't establish I'm replying to an actual person then why should I do anything for you?
People dedicate their life to a religion started millennias ago and Jesus isn't even real, Lol.
Why did you utter your opinion here in the first place if you have no evidence that anyone here is human?
Evil might exist in the space of absent goodness. If, as you did state, humanity is the highest intelligence, then the subjective experience of evil makes it real - because man is the measure of all things.
History proves that men with such thinking as yours always lead to endless suffering and misery.
>wow guyz da gypshins used da circle 2 haha gristcucks bee tee eff ooooooo!
>Jesus isn't even real, Lol.
>His existence is literally part of recorded history
You are a blasphemer and will be judged at the end of days along with the rest of us.
But I do have proof some here are human, as I have met many IRL that post here. I just haven't established YOU are human.
Seething desert cultist
Christcuck getting buttfucked and calling it Grace
I never claimed anything.
You have no proof you've met anyone IRL, or that IRL even exists.
>He knew Mary did wrong but he still loved her and wanted to give her another chance,
Mary did NOTHING wrong. WTF
Then Marduk would be Jesus?
Suffering and misery are unescapable and indeed are the majority of your experience in life. Joy is a brief emotion and should be savored. You were not born here to seek out joy but to contribute to the progress of humanity. Contrary to what you believe, it's the uncontrolled obsession with seeking out endless joy that ultimately leads to suffering, because attachment is the source of all suffering in life.
Homer's Oddessey and Illiad are also historical documents, faggot. You don't think ancient people wrote fiction and fantasy books for entertainment? They did.
You only have half of it
To preserve knowledge, the Apkallu mixed with mankind, gave them self destructive knowledge, and created giants that brought endless violence.
The Hebrews didn't steal the sumerian/babylonian mythos, they pointed out that it was a bad thing. The Apkallu did great harm and were not the benevolent civilizers mesopotamians thought they were.
>I never claimed anything
>you have no evidence that anyone here is human
>you've failed to show evidence that you're a human
>I'd like to see that too
>I guess there's no proof of you being a human being
Did you forget where you are?
>Hurr records of execution are the same as homers bedtime stories
Even the Jews, the people that hate Him the most acknowledge that He existed you utter cretin.
You mean the people the created the story say it's real? How 'bout that.
There's no proof I was the one making those claims.
>Well this is awkward
How is awkward? It is the "queen of heaven" worship (semiramis, asteroth, kanon, etc). Mary worship is idolatry.
Get a load of this guy. Are you new here? You're doing a good job at making christians look like morons.
>inb4 you're not a salty christian
Assblasted, SEETHING christfags. Notice they choose to respond in overblown sarcasm and deflection.
Gnostics like to equate Sophia with Mary, they need that in order to make their narrative fit. That's were the meme comes from; according to gnostics Sophia is the lowest of the Aeons and responsible for the creation of this universe... because she didn't partner up with Jesus (another Aeon, not joking) and gave birth to the cosmos on her own, some gnostics consider this a sin and one of the reasons why nature is inherently bad (female aspect/male aspect, etc)
So in order to make Mary sinful too, they have to assosiate her with other earlier godesses who also committed sinful acts, so as to retroactively enable themselves to cast mary as a sinful being.
So they take a few similar looking symbols, tear them out of their historical and cultural contexts and then re-weave those facts into some alternate mythology, with no roots in any form of factuality.
It's a giant heap of steaming bullshit, and when you point it out... they'll accost you for it, saying you "just dont understand" it. They are an insufferable bunch really.
Go ahead and link a record of execution, nigger. The only historical records of a person named Jesus being persecuted and killed are from faggots who wrote it down years afterwards, and have little concrete basis in actual historical fact.
Fuck yeah this thread has me all charged up. I'm gonna tip my fedora so hard to all the ladies tonite. Wish me luck, Stormbros :) 744x2!
What proof do you have that I'm a Christian?
reminder that the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament were written by Canaanite priests and wealthy landowning Israelites because it would give them more autonomy and power under the Persians. Literally everything about the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions are just made up so some kikes could get more power.
She committed adultery. The punishment for that is death by stoning. He did not want to kill his wife or the innocent child growing inside her so he decided to cover it up. Jesus himself was not stupid and realized that something was wrong and this messed up his psychology, understandably. Then he created a fiction in his head that he is somehow special, that his father was not some Roman bvll who saw Mary as a fuck and dump, but god himself and he has a mission to liberate Judaea and bring about the messianic age. And the rest, as they say, is history.
I notice you had no answer to even the Jews acknowledging the existence of Christ. And that's okay user it would be a shame if you were to have exposed your hypocrisy in that you believe Jews control the entire world and are super intelligent super villains while at the same time thinking they are retarded for believing someone existed that you think was fictional.