Globalism vs Nationalism. Why is globalism bad?

Globalism, as opposed to nationalism, deals with making the entirety of the world a better place. Nationalism is selfish and doe s not account for different people in different countries which could easily assimilate in different areas of the world. Forget climate change and things like that, globalism is not only a good thing, it's something that should be embraced because of the potential benefits.

>Better and different food
>Racism effectively disappears
>Opportunity to live in a single world culture (utopia)
>Increase technological advancements
>Trade wars end (and wars in general end)
>And more

Why then are you not on board with globalism? It makes sense that it's the right way to go for the betterment of our world and society.

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>Why is globalism bad?
Your mind has been Jewed. You're conflating the unification of people with the unification of political institutions. These have the opposite effect due to supply and demand.

We can consider political representation as a resource. The suppliers are states, the consumers are people. As a single entity can only faithfully represent a single position, supply is limited by the number of independent states. As similar people can more easily compromise on issues, demand is limited by the homogeneity of the people. Globalism moves the market of states toward a monopoly, reducing the supply of political representation. This causes increased competition on the demand side for the benefit of the supply side, as people unwilling to compromise must now fight each other for the favour of the single ruling body, which is why the establishment is always in favour of globalism. This competition in turn undermines homogeneity, as there will always be people in caught in the middle who eventually snap and form their own factions, which further drives up demand, creating a positive feedback loop and a race to the bottom.

Among their most destructive memes is the conflation between
>Unity -> unifying people -> reducing demand
>(((Unity))) -> unifying states -> reducing supply

United we stand
(((United))) we fall

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>if everyone is diverse enough, there won't be any racism or wars
>meanwhile the most diverse places on Earth are filled with racism and tribalism
>in reality, diversity just weighs you down and pulls your culture into retardation as your leaders appeal to the lowest common denominator

Problems with Globalism:
No national sovereignty
Economic race to the bottom
Power in the hands of a few

>Globalism works
Only when everybody and every place is relatively equal.
We need another couple of hundred years of free-market capitalism to level the world out. You can't rush these things.

Globalism says fuck you and your traditions and everything that you hold dear and makes you human. Now go to that factory and work there for 13 hours mr epsilon minus globo homo whos IQ is too low for anything else because you were bred this way.

Daawwww, isn't it cute how an Amerigoblin is incapable of competing against cheap niggers and cheap spics?
Anglosaxons are all about being able to compete and being better than the rest. If your corporate overlords believe that an imported foreigner is still superior thanks to the costs they're saving, then you were never even good enough in the first place.

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this is wrong by increasing the diversity of the people represented in an elected body you ensure that nothing that most humans agree with can't pass. Imagine the un trying to impose any theocratic rule you by default end up with liberalism read Federalist 10 by James madison for more on this subject