More guns = More deaths and accidents

Jow Forums, it's been proven multiple times that higher rates of gun ownership correlate to higher homicides per capita and higher rates of accidental gun discharges. Why are you people supporting mass weapon ownership again?

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Niggers are killing eachother.

Good buckle up nigga this is the wild west and if you ain't got a piece you gon get dealt with.

Are you sure it's that simple?

Without access to the most effective weaponry per cost, any individual or collection of individuals cannot challenge an equipped state. Freedoms will be stripped one by one, crimes will become effectively sanctioned by a corrupt police state turning a blind eye, and individuals will be forced to accept it as it will be presented as normal and acceptable.
Lives, in such a situation, are valueless. No amount of lives saved by moving to such a situation are valuable.

Do you see this happening in relatively gun free zones like Europe?

Actually the opposite is true for homicide. Homicide and violent crime always rise after a gun ban.


Yes now fuck off faggit

>Do you see this happening in relatively gun free zones like Europe?
No they use knives, trucks, bomb, acid, and a multitude of other weapons. I'm not giving up shit just so so normie can keep his feelers from getting hurt by someone owning a gun. You want me to care about gun homicide? I'm not going to fuck em. If you wanna leave yourself defenseless just so you can feel like your bettering society go ahead but I'm not going out without a fight if someone comes after me or mine.

More than half are suicides, the majority of the remainder are nigger and spic crime. Suicide is a right.

I'm not denying it but come on taking guns away turns us into 'brazil without offduty cops'

The places with the highest gun owner has the lowest crime rates.

There are about 195 million cars in the US and slightly over 40k vehicular deaths in the US. Meanwhile there are over 300 million guns in the US and under 40k gun deaths in the US, with the vast majority of them being suicides.

Some people might say cars are used every day while guns are not. That would make gun ranges the most dangerous places in the country but in reality its so safe that any homocide that occurs with a gun is national news and more so if it happens at a gun range. While vehicle deaths barely move the needle.

Cars are the most regulated consumer available item and it still tops the list for deaths, how will more regulation help hun violence when it can't help vehicle accidents

I couldn't agree more. Fuck them the safety of myself and my family is more important that other peoples need to feel safe because guns are scarey! Its not the guns they should be afaid of. What they should be afraid of is what the millions of gun owner in this country are gonna do if they try to take our guns away!

But that hasn't been proven. In fact, in the last twenty years we've doubled the number of guns in circulation, made it easier to carry them, and watched the murder rate and violent crime drop by half.

Perhaps you should learn more about the facts of an issue before attempting to discuss it.

More muds = more deaths.
Jow Forums, it's been proven multiple times that higher rates of muds in your country correlate to higher homicides per capita and higher rates of murder, crime and bombings. Why are you people supporting mass immigration and multiculturalism again?

>breath heavy in brazilian
could u pls look what happend to my country after 2003? when they disarmed us.

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Texas did a study of conceal carry holders, and found they were, on average, 16 times less likely to commit all versions of crimes, including gun related crimes, than non conceal carry holders.

The people confirmed to have guns, and legally able to carry them, commit less crime, which is a direct contradiction of the OP's statement. Therefore OP is lying faggot.

Daily reminder.
Gun grabbers WILL be shot.
This is not a negotiation.

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Causation != Correlation

Don't care. I own like 20 guns, and I've got about 20 more on my wish list.

the state of affairs in hamerica.
crying about fetus tadpole deaths.
cheering on deliberate homicides.

I didn't claim one caused the other, simply that the facts and statistics of the matter are in direct contradiction with OP's claims.

In Brazil,the only ones who has guns is criminals and police, yet hundreds of people die because of it, do you really think that regulating it will decrease deaths in your country?

You don't care about the well being of your country mates?

The vast majority of the violent crime occurs in the ghettos run by liberals. No, we don't care what happens to you or how badly you fuck up your cages.

Nope! i care about the safety of myself and my family! My rights are not yours to give and take! That is the thing about rights they endowed by my creator!

What part of shall not be infringed, don't you understand? Fucking un-american redcoat.

Bill Whittle did a Youtube video detailing that if all crime from cities (black people) were removed from the U.S., the United States would be one of the most peaceful countries on Earth, and that places with high white populations and gun ownership are the most peaceful.

Found the video, here it is:

lol i hope your child goes through your cupboard and gets a victory royale

t. retard

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You're all gonna die anyway, might as well have cool shit in the meantime in case you need to shoot some niggers and journalists.

>Suicide is a right.
mm but it affect those around you drastically, a selfish move. enabling suicide is not a good move.

"muh rite 2 muh ez way out!"

Do we get to amortize the killings of gun controlled Euro trash for their world wars? 10 million in WWI, 50 million in WWII. That's 60 million in the 20th century by peaceful nations with gun control. Over 100 years, that is 100,000 per year. However, in the US, we have 20 thousand murders per year. 95% of them committed by Dems. Would you be OK with us disarming Dems first, and see how that goes?

The children in my family are taught from a young age about weapons safety and weapons handling!

>more guns mean more guns being discharged
I've also heard that you're more likely to cut yourself with a knife if you have a knife, as opposed to people who don't have a knife. Might just be bullshit though.

>Why are you people supporting mass weapon ownership again?
Because “shall not be infringed” motherfucker

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There is no combinastion of words that will make me disarm myself.

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I dont care how many nignogs kill each other in the democrat run shitholes we call cities! Ill keep my guns and my rights and will fight to the death with anyone who comes to take my rights and my guns away. I promise this Veteran is better trained and better armed than those jackbooted thugs who will try to enforce unconstitutional laws!

More niggers = more crimes

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How did disarming work out for the UK? They are being over run buy raghead camel fuckers who are killing people with knives and raping women and children! So what does the UK do? They start banning knives. Fuck that! Come take them!

Yeah goy disarm yourself like we did. It turned out so well for us.


more exposure & education is key
for example
nobody talks about drunk driving anymore, but before the rabble was turned on smokers the drinkers were getting it pretty hard
of course, another prohibition wasn't going to work - so they had to find another way to fag up the public budget with special machines, training - indeed a whole industry sprung from the ground up
my wife's cousin got in on the ground floor with the breathalyzer machines - breddy good racket imo
what they DON'T tell you is the reason why most drunk driving accidents happen is because people never LEARN to drive drunk
education & exposure are the keys
you're welcome OP

Try it and we will start serving up freedom pills as fast as we can pull the trigger!

Are you talking per capita rates or per-gun-owner rates?

>More people have guns
>ZOMG more guns are getting used, ban nao!

The r^2 for guns and homicide is under 0.5. It's not correlated very much at all.


There is a reason all the democrat run shitholes in this country have the strictest gun laws and the highest murder rates!

See Switzerland gun ownership

Real men fight with guns.

I was a law enforcement officer and i can tell you that 99.9% of the time when a a crime is committed the cops dont show up till the damage is done! I will keep my guns and use deadly force if need be to protect myself my family and my property!
When seconds count the cops are minutes away!

but one of you faggots just tried arguing that if you take abortions away, you cause more abortions

What kind of sadist fuck demands that those around them continue to suffer so that they might not be inconvienced?

Where's the numbers you fucking subhuman?

>oi gibs up yur guns muh mum n me are thscard
>how can u have enny pudding if u don't gibs ur guns
Why are you in my country, invader?

Most suffering is temporary.

Guns are the great equalizer. Even a little old lady can effectively use a gun to defend herself! Without a gun she is just waiting to be a victim!

Gun violence is found to be more positively impacted by higher racial/ethnic diversity than it is by gun ownership.

>I got better, you can too!
I'm not depressed or suicidal. However I respect people's freedoms to end it. Sure I'll be supportive and not encourage suicide but I'll understand and not try to guilt you into living a life you hate.

Civilian access to firearms has no correlation to crime at all. Countries like Canada, Switzerland, the white parts of the US, etc. all have a fuckton of guns and virtually no gun crime.

There is a correlation to gangsterism and gun crime though, especially in countries with tight gun control like Mexico, Brazil, virtually all of South America, etc. where narcoterrorists don't give a fuck about gun laws and the law-abiding cuck civilian is prohibited from defending themselves and policing their own community.

The reality is that gun control only selectively works in rich countries without a culture of gangsterism, and still at the grave cost of asymmetry of power between the government and the populace. You only need to look at Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and the current emerging tyranny of the EU to see what happens when the people lose their lethal leverage and politicians lose their accountability.

>Why are you people supporting mass weapon ownership again?
Try going outside

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>It's been proven
At best you mean correlated. I found proximity to niggers also correlates with crime. Do you also propose banning niggers?

This is practically useless: what's a ready source of pure or easily purified nitromethane?

The last time a government tried to disarm the American people it started a little thing we call the revolutionary war! There are alot more Americans and alot more guns now!
Just google lexington and concord!

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more op = more faggot posts. we need op control.

>muh studies

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Well as the study is worded it basically means >0 but within error of + or - 0

The only correlation between criminal deaths is with an increase in non-whites.

People die that's what they do


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They taught us all about gun control in the Army. One shot one kill!


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>Why are you people supporting mass weapon ownership again?

Because of niggers.

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And who pulls the trigger?

Niggers and shitskins


I mean.. BE

I hope you never have to feel what it is like to lose a loved one because some reject from the planet of the apes needed school clothes!

It explains the statistics

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Okay, thanks for the heads up.


Shall not be infringed.

Are you sure about that

Lmao recently some guy killed 3 people with a club or something.
He went full medieval on them.

in towns where gun ownership is required there is no gun crime, but please, try and disarm me

lol, nicago, phyllinigadelphia are super strict on gun ownership yet niggers have no problem getting guns to nig each other down.

100% guarantee the deaths will be far worse than they are now when you come for them.

Oh I mean when you want someone else to come for them.

I want to arm the people
You want to disarm the people
Think about it

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Yeah and deaths from car accidents and drunk driving are pretty fucking high too and I don't see you twits going after alcohol or car ownership.

I like that Venom mag

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According to the CDC 29 people die per day in the US due to accidents involving alcohol-impaired drivers.

"Every day, 29 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver.1 This is one death every 50 minutes.1 The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes totals more than $44 billion.2"

"Impaired Driving: Get the Facts"

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More cars = more deaths and accidents.
Yes, guns are neccesary to allow smaller individuals to fight off larger attackers.
End of story. Get fucked, troll.