Pssst.... this board promotes right wing ideology because that's what the master of puppets want

Pssst.... this board promotes right wing ideology because that's what the master of puppets want.

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I'm pretty sure it's just common sense

And I am the master. AMA.

The master of puppets wants a Saul Alinskyesque Socialist State where everyone is a mindless sheep that depends entirely on the government for survival

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It's the opposite. The Jow Forums format is immune to kikery and opinion swaying by censorship by downvote

>He fell for the right wing meme
>He doesn't know we're all onions drinking libtards from reddit going here as a joke

Attached: soycat.jpg (604x604, 112K)

As opposed to what?

That’s really spoopy.

>if I can’t think for myself, neither can you

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