Sargon of aChad does it again - qt British girls can't resist him
Sargon of aChad does it again - qt British girls can't resist him
I’d suck his dick, too.
>off-topic jewish eceleb spam
just report these threads if youre tired of seeing thems
Can't get enough of that juicy fupa
You put this on every sargon/soph thread on 4ch and 8ch you fucking faggot.
Have sex incel.
Oh please.
>shilling this idiot again
>no source
>no screencap of the comment he's supposedly replying too
Yeah this seems real
The power of the individual RISES!
to think that he was hitting on trannies just two years ago
our little boy sargon is growing up so fast
well he has to warn people how evil that anglokike is.
just look at how many retarded amerigoblins voted for trump kike. we cant risk the same mistake again.
dont vote for jews, people who side with jews, and people who wont openly call out jews. if you cant find anyone like that then dont vote at all. its very simple actually. follow these rules and you are gold.
FUg she's hot
>everything i don't like is jewish
She's Brexit Party. Weird that she's getting planted on UKIP Sargon's videos. As if he didn't recognise her.
Sargon of a Boner
Sargon was a sperg for about 6 months bragging he hoped white Brits went extinct.
All because he couldn't handle some Jow Forums bantz.
There should be a single parent tax cause the state just ends up having to raise your shit
What's the @ Boys
who is this semen demon (not sargoy)
>we are really coming from a position of love, the love for our great nation. So yeah...
guess mohammed can't satisfy a real woman
based and red pilled
this is that one broad that is shilled on this board with her more attractive, underage sister
eat shit cia niggers
she’s an heiress to her Scottish pappy’s millions
i didnt listen to anything sargon said i was distracted.
LOL that comment
>Durr collectivist REEEEEEEE!
>Joins political party
>A body with a shared set of beliefs
Sarcuck is the definition of Dunning-Kruger
If that many retarded americans hadnt voted for trump kike then theyed have hillary kike. Which is worse?
I just poured myself some cereal you nigger
>cooking smores with your fashy countrymen made over a fire of degenerate jewish trannie literature
What a comfy feel, let's make it happen lads.
Based and Redpilled
Seething and Bluepilled
god i wish that were me
She’s a qt. Imagine a fat thick Slavic cock slamming into her pussy
She wears so much makeup she probably looks like shit underneath.
Fuck off leftypol
Pic somewhat related
Wrong. Kys kike
>First thing you think of is you watching someone else putting their cock inside her
Is this the power of the American brain?
>Benjamin: I don't think the educational system should instill certain kind of values...
>Girl: I think they should! I think British values should be taught.
>Benjamin: But I'm not against the idea.
it doesn't work
Her name is Alice Grant, she's 17.
I'm only telling you because I have faith that you won't go look up her pics and masturbate, that you will turn to the lord.
Legal here. BRB, WANK TIME
what a hottie, godamn.
Pic related is literally Sargon's illegitimate father
she might have a penis but that doesn't make her any less of a woman
Her sister
>British Values
No thanks
No u
I want to breed with her....A LOT
And are you upset about what he said? I'm sure many Jow Forums folk sperged out in response
Sucks to be them; sargon is into trannies
why do UK girls always have one abnormal flaw? are they inbred?
Her face is a 10/10, but her body is way too small for the size of her head. She's got big head syndrome
She's called Alice Grant, her sister is Beatrice Grant aka Brexit Muffin.
Sargon in first date mode.
>back from Italy
>this girl is considered a 10 here and like a 5 there
lost all faith in white nationalism, our women look revolting and Italian girls look so much better
beatrice, is such a butterface
that's what you gotta do during first dates
>Are you pro-choice, user?
>"uhhhhhh what are you?"
>I'm pro-choice, I'm very supportive of a woman's right to have abortion.
>"I actually ran over a group of kids on my way here."
Do you think he fucked brexit muffin?
They are both mongoloids
her and her sis came to fame over brexit shit. i think they are just capitalizing on their fame to become some kind of eceleb. they bounce between ukip and brexit and probably on nigels dick too.
The mum looks thirsty as fuck not gonna lie
They’re MI6
These women clearly have some sort of mongol admixture
the aussie took 5 words to easily and wittily convey what you clumsily decided to extrapolate into 5 fucking lines of tl;dr.
we didn't need your retarded blogpost to do a shitty job of repeating the joke.
fuck off.
what the heck Muhammad
>fat neo looking retard
It doesn't matter. With their nubile bodies they can control the minds of men to form armies. The everlasting irony is that young women have an awesome power to hold men's minds and passions captive, but they don't really have an awareness of it and hence the power is mostly wasted and only used for corrupt purposes (like making easy money off sweaties).
she's a spy
is she actually british? looks like a half indian mutt or something
A N G L O ' D
these political thots need to be PURGED
they are only in it for attention and beta orbiters like you
watch them open up those patreon accounts
i'm sick of you cunts ineptly repeating a joke or taking a self-explanatory and otherwise funny image and putting a white space below it wherein you repeat the fucking joke in impact font and re-post it.
theyre just capitalists. they know sargoys demographic loves thots stupid. gamer girls dont give a fuck about games, just like chicks dont care about cars or sports, but guys fucking do. so they want air time, so they come to us, where we are, in this case, politics, and internet shitlordery and then you all and i look her up and she'll get all dat fap coin. which btw, im gonna fucking trademark fapcoin, NO STEAL!
muslims are worse in the uk, stop being a conspiracy tard, us europeans put ourselves in this situation with the help of Jews. we cannot blame the jews hans. We should blame hitler for genociding them instead of expelling them. Europeans are a empathetic people and would never let something like that go.
>You, I would rape though
based and red pilled
Voice of Truth.
>us europeans
the UK has historically never been part of europe.
brainwashed traitor.
fuck sargcuck of faggotry
what kind of race is she? i sniff a hint of middle east.
when does she turn 18? i need an exact date/time, bongbro
It really does depend on the child doesn't it?
*smug chuckle*
You're all white niggers.