You know, I never really believed in good and evil

Seemed more like, the universe was a void.. Material just floating around..

But sometimes, these abstract ideas are made tangible right in front of us.. And the only thing you can do is lash out at it..

With righteous fury..

Attached: BD513956-0487-4AE0-A577-08601E5A3EB7.jpg (1242x901, 804K)

Other urls found in this thread:

whats happening in pic?

your suprised?
Catholics and muslims love that shit. Just like libertarians and authoritarians.

Holy shit, look at the guy.. how can you call that fully human? It barely looks conscious.

grown nigger bathing with a white little girl

Attached: 1557797901999.jpg (1080x720, 175K)

can't we report this negro. this is not legal. she is clearly topless and under 18.

honk honk

Attached: huionkhuionk.jpg (896x516, 59K)

This is borderline pedo nigga

this has to be fake
this cant be real

You retards are just mad YOU can't be the one fucking underage women.

That’s ok when they do it

This type of self reflecting OP always astonishes me, imagine surfing a board with posts of the following nature:

>blatant racism
>extreme porn

no one blinks an eye and somehow an user feels a type of "void" when he gets a hit of child abuse.

Look at the comments... people are supporting it... women are supporting it..

I'm absolutely fucking speechless

Attached: 1522514105683.jpg (500x500, 208K)

what the fuck. and all the women supporting this as well, goodness fuck this is a crazy world.

nice projecting.

I hope the asteroid strikes fucking wipes a major part of mankind

How is that even fair you filthy fucking mutt abomination?


what fresh new hell is this?

exactly what it fucking looks like

looks photo shopped and the comments are fake accounts I'm sure.

>Read that first tweet
Jayden Hawkins, Honorary nigger. Seriously, look at those errors. Not to mention that pedo justification. Nuclear holocaust motherfucking when.

Because you retards whine about this shit 24/7 as if it matters. At a primal level you're mad because niggers are taking "your" women. If this was a white chad doing it you'd say something along the lines of "well at least he's white" like the morally vacuous euromutt filth that you are.

Kill yourselves.

it's real

it's fucking real

Attached: 1550306026410.jpg (662x670, 234K)

found the nig

Attached: asdfa.jpg (560x373, 36K)

I'm pretty sure Mrs. Parker wouldn't approve.

She's 17 you fucking mongs. Y'all just salty you're not the ones fucking that absolute 10/10 qt (as am I).

There's absolutely no fucking way she is 17. She looks about 10.

all pedos get the rope, regardless of race,

That thing that we discovered over 2 years ago but the rest of the world has yet to catch up...

meant to put a period.

not in this pic she dont

Attached: 20799058_442510002802089_4715002716074961033_n.jpg (525x315, 21K)

Attached: when will mankind become extinct.jpg (1280x960, 164K)

Jesus, what an ugly ass mutt.

Attached: i keep screaming but god wont answer.jpg (750x556, 40K)

Attached: 1558222665568.png (1539x1329, 326K)

>10/10 qt
wew lad

She claims that she is 17. I hope so.

you're high, that girl is like 7, stfu sandnigger

You gotta admit, in the OP pic she definitely is.

>I hope
Hope is for children and the weak-minded.

She looks 8 but there is a possibility her facial bones are just very very weak

>that girl is like 7 wish, pedo

These dumb whores deserve death the same as this much pedophile, people like this cannot be allowed to live.

Attached: CD57A8B7-F51C-42BE-84D8-7831D9951E63.jpg (500x500, 374K)

what age is she?

i'd honestly put a bullet through her head, i don't care if she's a child. that's a level of evil that cannot be allowed to fester

Good and evil are categorisations. Useful when determining how to treat others. Don't read too much into it.
>that pic
Both should be gassed along with the parents of the child.

Pretty sure that's a boy

ask your mommie

if white people are so superior, why do your women have so low self-esteem? they fuck anything they see, not even black women are this low.

>i don't care
...then STFU and GTFO

With the current degeneracy you never know.

>If this was a white chad doing it you'd say something along the lines of "well at least he's white"

That's your morality faggot.

If that was my daughter or sister that nigger would experience the slowest death imaginable.

Just checked the profile. it's real!

there is a mass of braindead supporters who cheer this on
the ovens wouldnt be big enough to burn them all
the sickness is societywide

>the child
L0Lno fgt pls

All pedophiles and pedo enablers get the fucking bat

Shut up pedonigger

Shes just a young looking coal burner in London fucking some older ugly nigger.

Nothing unremarkable about this.

Lrn2pedo fgt pls

>this is exactly why females should have rights you virgin incel losers!!!

Attached: 0white knights get the bullet too.jpg (1600x4184, 1.96M)

Young people having Sex is pizzagate? Jesus Christ you incel godfuckers are teaching.


Excuse me? Peoplekind

Attached: 1499632838560.jpg (1920x1080, 271K)


Oh, everything is ok then.

Attached: 1549667738073.gif (406x720, 2.72M)

>you virgin incel losers!!!
no U

Attached: 0white knights will die.png (1044x1268, 73K)

You will fucking hang from a lamppost.


>Shes just a young looking coal

Attached: 1469403103606.gif (200x200, 929K)


Attached: geiduschek.jpg (419x600, 140K)

Almost Heaven
West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains
Shenandoah River...

I want to agree with you but you sound like such a flaming faggot that I'm going to have to pass, noose yourself plz

no, they get cut!

Attached: pedosgetcut.jpg (736x501, 113K)

This is why women didnt have rights in the past

What a mad world

this. dudes got downs or something.

because the guy is famous and the law doesnt legislate with female nature in mind. everyone of those commenters would have wanted to get fucked by some famous rich dude when they were 10 too. and im not joking.

the whole point of a female is to get married and fucked. you think if justin bieber was trawling for 10 year old pussy, that those 10 year olds are not going to exploit his attraction and try to lock him down?

I want to lick her(male) tummy.

>That fake thing we thought we discovered
...and it was a big nothingburger.

There’s no need to act like the animals they are, a quick death will suffice, they know where they’re going.

Its actual.woman

How old is she, and how old is he?

>I'm such a flaming faggot that I'm going to have to take the piss

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You’re fucking stupid if you think it was absolutely nothing or your covering for that type of shit.

ask your mommie

Soph got blacked

>You’re fucking stupid
no U

fuck off cuck nigger

Attached: 155874517045.jpg (734x794, 162K)

the cunt in OP's pic is 11. And I don't mean in leap years. the guy is over 20.

innocence getting defiled by spooky eye monster, all for lust. laugh to not become insane

can't find it

Fuck you faggot nigger.

For a culture to sustain, 1000 women need to produce 2100 babies:

>Latinos in 27 states pass this criteria

>Blacks in 13 states pass this criteria

>white-a-zoids (a.k.a. pig skins; a.k.a. cum skins) in 0 states....Utah almost made it.

this is the biggest nail in the coffin for whites/western civilization. Not being able to have offspring. Why do you think more and more states are banning abortions now? Infertility, 'deaths of despair', high rates of suicides, opioid/fentanyl's judgement from TMH.

Your time is up.

Attached: white_people_on_a_table.jpg (275x183, 9K)

>laugh to not become insane
No, if you are laughing, you've become insane, the appropriate response is RAGE

Kids are different. White people don't like it when kids are being harmed. 3rd worlders are ok with it because they are used to fucking 10 and 13 year olds and 10 and 13 year old soldiers.

13 year old should be getting married and having children.

This post is why.

Were losing the greatest battle of all. Birthrates.

Clearly you weren't here for that the digital lynch mob that formed when some guy posted a video of himself talking about consent with his daughter in a really creepy pedo way that implied they were fucking.

Still looks like a 10 year old but with make-up