God literally nukes Sodom and Gomorrah millennia before nukes even exist

>God literally nukes Sodom and Gomorrah millennia before nukes even exist
>people still think promoting and celebrating sodomy is good and even moral

How do "right side of history" retards justify this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=genesis 19&version=KJV

based christcuck

If the world its so fucking degenerate how is it that he hasn't nuked us yet? What the fuck is he waiting for? I wish he'd nuke us right about now.

Watching society die a slow undignified death is more painful than total obliteration

Because Yahshua died for our sins. We can be forgiven hence why he doesnt outright destroy us.


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But god has to End it, because the evil forces are corrupting innocent children, best example Desmond is amazing. Also look at abortion, the real Holocaust. Lets pray for a fast return oft Jesus christ

Jesus is coming back and he’s fucking pissed. Rev19

The Christian God is not the real God and the bible is false.

Because people who support LGBT do not believe in God. LGBT and Atheism are synonymous really, and LGBT and religion are antonyms.

Homosexual sodomy is repulsive and vile, there is a reason why HIV exists and only gays have it.

Sodom and Gomorrah were on the right side of history. God is dead.

Sodomize yourself to death, gaylord.

We modern humans are a historically amnesic species. We remember very little of our long history on this Earth. Despite having existed on this planet in our current evolutionary state, that of Homo Sapiens, for more than 100,000 years, many of us, perhaps most of us, believe that civilized Mankind has only a history some six millennia long, a scarce timespan in comparison to the long eternity of our pre-civilized ancestors' terrestrial existence. According to the viewpoint of mainstream archeology, Homo Sapiens lived as a primitive hunter-gatherer for hundreds of millennia without building anything. He didn't develop any arts; he didn't make anything. He only ran after the beasts of the plains, searched for fruits, took shelter in the forests and lived wild as a caveman. Time elapsed. Many aeons passed by. Then, some six or seven millennia ago, out of nowhere, Homo Sapiens began to found complex sedentary civilizations, construct impressive buildings, erect huge megalithic structures and develop a countless array of arts. It seems incredible. It borders absurdity, don't you think? But it continues to be the official dogma of today's academic world.

However, in the written legacy of the most ancient cultures of our species, we find various stories that speak of a much older wave of civilization, a series of primordial cultures which flourished thousands of years even before the civilizations of the Egyptians and Sumerians and doesn't appear in the modern archaeological chronologies. They are lost civilizations. Almost all the ancient mythologies nostalgically remember a glorious Golden Age in a primeval time, a bygone age of civilization, already forgotten.

The Sumerian texts mention a distant antediluvian time in which great kingdoms prospered during thousands of years, immense demigods ruled over the Earth and Man enjoyed extraordinary lifespans. The Egyptians retold that their beautiful civilization had an antiquity of tens of thousands of years and in the beginning was governed by the gods themselves in a mythical pre-pharaonic age. Likewise, the ancient Hindus reminisced a time of splendor, the bygone Satya Yoga, characterized by a godly level of civilization, infinite wisdom and the absence of degeneration in the world; and the Greeks spoke of a great Age of Gold, the first of the four Ages of Man, wherein the Earth was like an ideal paradise and the ancient gods were still here beside humans. That age, full of joy, happiness and eudaimonia, was that of the reign of our Enkist gods on Earth. Back then, our beloved Enki still governed this planet.

However, all ancient mythologies tell the same unhappy ending. That Golden Age came to an end following the advent of a colossal devastating cataclysm. The story of the Great Deluge is almost universal throughout the ancient cultures. The Sumerian records recount that the previous world was wiped out by an enormous flood sent by the Council of Heaven. According to the Sumerian King List, a chronology of the Mesopotamian dynasties, the Great Deluge took place at a date around 10,000 BCE, that is, approximately some 12,000 years ago. This date is very significant. Today it is believed that the same period was when the last Ice Age ended. When the great icecaps that covered the planet's northern regions melted, the Earth was engulfed by cataclysmic tidal waves and sea levels rose considerably. Many prehistoric civilizations were annihilated.

The most well-known flood account today is the myth of Noah's Ark of the Bible. According to the biblical version, which was redacted by the Hebrew priesthood around the 6th century during the exilic period, Yahweh, the Judeochristian god, saw that Mankind had become corrupt, regretted his having created us, and decided to send a worldwide deluge in order to bring an end to the whole world.

What was Man's sin this time?

According to Genesis, the mysterious 'sons of God', that is, the Bene ha Elohim - sons of the Gods - in the original Hebrew text, saw that the 'daughters of Adam', that is, human females, were beautiful and decided to take them for themselves (Genesis 6:2). When the sons of the gods lay with their terrestrial wives, they became pregnant and gave birth to the famous Nephilim, semi-godlike humans, who were the great heroes of renown from antiquity (Genesis 6:4). Then, the creation fell into degeneracy and, in accordance to Yahweh's judgment, every imagination of the hearts of men was only evil (Genesis 6:5).

What was it that humans and the sons of the gods had done?

According to the Book of Enoch, a Hebrew apocryphal text which details more about the Bene ha Elohim of Genesis 6:2, so-called 'Watchers', angels of the heavenly order, decided to abandon their posts in heaven, descend to the Earth and make love to human females, which gave rise to the Nephilim, an immense hybrid race of semi-divine warriors (Enoch 6:2; 7:1-5). The Watchers taught their wives the "forbidden" arts, the wisdom of the gods, such as magic, witchcraft, astrology, the foretelling of omens, healing, divination, cosmetics
and healing with plants among other things (Enoch 7:1; 8:1; 8:3). Later, the text says that the sons of the gods revealed to men the SECRETS OF HEAVEN (Enoch 9:6). It is clear that their supposed "sin" had something to do with the revelation of divine wisdom to Humanity, just like the "sin" of the Enkian
Serpent in the Eden in Genesis.

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Why nuke it, when can give them stds and super stds? Shit's more entertaining to watch.

Of course, as always, the Anuists have to accuse their enemies of something. They are the masters of their infamous 'accusatory inversion'. The Hebrew texts allege that the great Nephilim, the offspring of the Watchers, were violent tyrants who devoured men and drank human blood (Enoch 7:3-5; 9:9; see also Genesis 6:11-13). Ironically, the Jehovites, followers of a bizarre cult whose bloodthirsty god finds delight in the aroma of sacrificed flesh and demands the bloodshed of living creatures, accuse their rivals, the pagan deities and their sons, of cannibalism and blood-sucking. In the end, whether it be Genesis or whether it be the Jewish apocryphal literature, the Anuists want to make us believe that the whole of Mankind, influenced by the Watchers, had sinned, only perpetrated evil and therefore had to be annihilated. The Hebrew version seeks to justify the planetwide genocide carried out by their god Yahweh.

The outcome is a little incoherent. Something just doesn't quite fit. Yahweh, after condemning a whole world to extinction, chooses Noah, who found the "grace" of Yahweh, and teaches him to make a boat for the salvation of his lineage. In other words, Yahweh first sends the deluge in order to destroy Mankind for her supposed crimes and then he himself saves her with the ark. There is no change in agenticity. Doesn't this strike you as strange? That it is.

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In reality, the biblical account of Noah's Ark is nothing more than a reworked and mangled plagiarism of the much more ancient Mesopotamian versions. It doesn't tell the original story. It is only a distorted recast, a monotheized deviation, whose goal is the demonization of Man, once again a lost sinner and deserving of punishment, and the justification of the extermination of an entire race
by the "righteous" and "loving" god Yahweh. On the other hand, the pre-biblical versions tell another story.

The Poem of Atrahasis, a Mesopotamian genesis and flood account composed in Akkadian around the 18th century BCE and in turn based on the ever more archaic Sumerian materials, speaks of the formation of Man in the antediluvian world. According to this text, after Enki and his Anunnaki made intelligent Man in the clay of the sacred Abzu and granted him a 'soul' of the gods, that is, a superior level of consciousness, the Igigi, the 'minor gods', spat on the clay of Humanity (Atrahasis 1:230-234), which invigorated the race, an allegory of their genetic contribution to the human genus. In the Sumerian stories there appear many demigods, great heroes begotten by a deity and born to a earthly woman, who establish great kingdoms in a time before the deluge. The Igigi were the Bene ha Elohim or 'sons of the gods' in Genesis and the 'Watchers' in the apocryphal literature. They were our benevolent Enkist gods who taught us the wisdom of heaven in the resplendent antediluvian Golden Age. Mankind prospered.

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However, the human population grew considerably on Earth and the 'noise' of men began to annoy the governing god Enlil (Atrahasis 1:353-355: 1:358-159). Here 'noise', rigmu in the original Akkadian text, can refer to the rebellious and independent nature that humans had inherited thanks to the blood of the gods (Kvanvig, 2001i). Man, gifted with divine consciousness, could no longer be a simple slave worker, and it was natural that he seek his autonomy in his own world and build his own civilization. Man was indeed a rebel in the sense that he wanted to grow like a god, but he was never completely wicked and degenerate as the Bible would claim. As always, his only "sin" was knowledge. Yahweh didn't want us to have access to the wisdom of heaven that our gods taught us. Yahweh, the obscurantist god, felt himself threatened by the enlightenment of Man, accused him of being evil, and sought to justify his own crime. Enki was opposed to the flood and defended Man, and the goddesses such as the great mother Ninti grieved over the tragedy, which indicates that a great majority of Mankind was still loved by the benevolent gods.

Back then, Enlil, the half-brother of Enki, still didn't like Humanity. He didn't understand our ways and still believed that the mixing of divine blood with that of primitive humans was an aberration, a misanthropic feeling that he had inherited from his father Anu. Even so, contrary to popular belief, Enlil was never the author of the deluge. Anu was.

The Epic of Gilgamesh, another Mesopotamian account closely related to the Poem of Atrahasis, specifies that Anu, the father of the Anunnaki gods, was the first to swear his oath to destroy Mankind in the Council of Heaven.

"The hearts of the Great Gods moved them to inflict the Flood. Their Father Anu uttered the oath ." (Gilgamesh 11:14-15)

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Enki too found himself forced to swear along with the other gods, but then he deceived the Council of his father and informed Ziusudra, great Enkist king of the region of Shuruppak, of the sinister conspiracy which the malevolent gods had concocted. Enki told Ziusudra to build a ship and seek living beings in order to survive the incoming cataclysm.

The hatches of heaven opened and colossal tidal waves engulfed the Earth. The malevolent gods wiped out the entire antediluvian world in just one week. The goddesses of Mankind bewailed the mass death of their beloved human sons. Anu thought that the Human Race had been exterminated.

However, Enki, our true defender, was successful in saving the lineage of Ziusudra and preserving the human seed. Enki declared himself responsible for the survival of Humanity. Anu and his gods were furious. Enki, the wise prince, opened his mouth and advocated our right to live on Earth. Enki didn't see it fair that all men should pay for the crimes of a small few (Atrahasis 6:25-28). After the deluge, Enki reestablished human civilization and the great postdiluvian cultures emerged in Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley.

Enki is the only savior of the Human Race. He alone ransomed us from the deadly waves of Yahweh's genocide. Let's remember that Enki, the Ushumgal (Great Serpent), master of the divine knowledge in the Sanctuary of Eridú located in the Edin, was identical to the Serpent of wisdom in the Garden of Eden. That means, in reality, it was the Serpent, the opponent of Yahweh, who saved us. Yahweh only wanted to annihilate us, and then, in his deceptive Bible, the shameless bastard masqueraded as the savior of Noah (Ziusudra). Lie! Yahweh was solely our executioner; only Enki preserved us from destruction.

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Enki performs the salvific role in all pagan accounts. In the Greek account, Prometheus, our benevolent maker who handed to us the Fire of the Gods against the will of the senior titans, saves his semi-divine son Deucalion from the destruction of the waters. Prometheus, the teacher of the wisdom of heaven, is Enki.
In the Hindu version, Matsya Purana, the defender of Mankind was Matsya, a fish deity and the first avatar of the god Vishnu, who saved the demigod king Manu from the universal flood. The name of this avatar is significant, since 'Matsya' means 'fish' in Sanskrit. In Mesopotamia, Enki, a water deity, was associated
with the fishes of the sea.

Anu (El, Yahweh), the King of Heaven, authorized the deluge. Enki saved us. Now let's talk a bit about Enlil. As we have already mentioned, Enlil at first hated humans. He didn't understand our relative primitivism and he opposed miscegenation between the gods of heaven and terrestrial humans, a way of thinking typical of the conservative Anunnaki, hardliners up to the point of stupidity. It is for this reason that Enlil got so mad at antediluvian humans and supported the flood on the side of his father Anu. It is because of this conduct that many researchers confuse him with the biblical Yahweh. However, this association is erroneous. Enlil was never El-Yahweh; Enlil was identical to Baal, semitic deity of air and storms, the preferred son of El in the Canaanite pantheon and then a staunch enemy of Yahweh in the biblical age. In a time after the deluge, Enlil would become aware of the pathological cruelty of his father Anu, and he would join Enki as a great god of Humanity. In a Sumerian story called Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta, which speaks of a golden age of postdiluvian civilization, that which corresponds to the Babel civilization, we see that Enlil teaches Mankind together with his half-brother Enki.

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And what about the great Nephilim of yesteryear? The Bible suggests that the offspring of the Bene ha Elohim, the antediluvian semi-godlike superhumans, were wiped out in the cataclysm and only Noah's "pure" lineage survived. However, the Sumerian account, the original, has another outcome. According to the Sumerian version, the lineage of Ziusudra, king of Shuruppak, was preserved. Ziusudra was a descendant of Adapa, a half divine being, and therefore, a Nephilim. We are the same Nephilim! Our DNA is identical to theirs! It is for this reason that we don't find any remains of strange hominids with a genetic code so different from ours.

The Nephilim are the progeny of the great Enkist gods.

Glory to Enki and to all the gods who gave us the divine wisdom of the antediluvian world!

Glory to Enki, he who saved us from destruction!


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>t. Achmed
Also for your consideration, only mulsims come to Europe, not the otherway around, maybe you should think about that fact. If I Were a dumb sandnigger muzzie rapeugee "fleeing" to Western Europe I had atleast so much curtesy to convert. Muslims should feel ashamed

it'll be over soon, salvatrucho.

Lol didnt read heathen fag

fuck off mohammed, islam is satanic and mohhamed is a pedophile thats burning in hell.

>God literally nukes Sodom and Gomorrah
naw, it was internal strife within the anunnaki.
sodom and gomorrah was just innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire.

Anu nuked the Earth because he didn't want mankind to become like the Gods and have knowledge.

Same reason why UFOs are trying so hard. to get humanity to get rid of nukes.

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=genesis 19&version=KJV

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>Sodom and Gomorrah
are ham and shem, movie dogma confesses as
to what happened, loki killed japhethians whom
got corrupted by Sodom and Gomorrah ie ham
and shem. Sodom and Gomorrah has never been
destroyed. ham means burning or warming sodom
means to burn, take a hint.

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No worries. Meteor chan is coming to destroy all of us

It's a fake story. If you want to convince anyone, try those statistical infographics you love, rather than recoursing to the fucking Bible.

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>Absolute state of Sweden


according to what i've been reading, Jesus is beyond ready to nuke us all. Mary is holding him back.

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>the bible is a history book
literally negative iq

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Because they don’t believe in your god you fucking moron