EMJ is being interviewed on Nick Fuentes' show
>called out the atheist
>caleld out the homosexual
Current topic: what happened to Chicago?
>pic related

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Other urls found in this thread:

>off-topic jewish podcast spam
just report these threads if youre tired of seeing them

>discussing politics
Are you actually retarded?

The shilling against EMJ has been vicious the past couple of days, ignore the dumbasses and agents.

>Current topic: what happened to Chicago?
It was the niggers apparently. Who would've thought that?

Interesting take on how the Poles and Italians turned white.

>black lives matter is being supported by George soros
>black people are proxy worriors and now they are homosexuals

>blacks are gay
He's not wrong

EMJ proved he is bluepilled on race, hope Nick calls him out on it. Doubt it though.

Isn't that the nigger lover christcuck?

So when is E michael jones gonna prove god's real?

That's because Jones is anti-White and pro-Jew.

E Michael Jones is a race denying retard who is just wrong. Fuck the Jews, they should all be gassed to death in a fucking concentration camp, but E Michael Jones is retarded.

Emj smart guy but gotta drop that religious shit.

homosexuality and low iq are correlated so it makes sense, the whole "smart, rich, well dressed faggot" meme was created by hollyjew

Nick is deluding himself into becoming blue pilled because his spiteful Guardian Sean hates white nationalists because of a personal dispute with one of them.

Poles and Italians were always considered white in the USA. That's why they were allowed to become naturalized citizens under a policy that explicitly only included whites.

Jones is an uneducated retard.

It's an interview/discussion, I'd imagine. Not a debate.

Jones is pro-Jew. He advocates the Catholic policy of "sicut judaeis," which protects Jews and grants them privileged positions in society.

>It's an interview/discussion, I'd imagine. Not a debate.
Yes. Nick is mostly asking questions.
>the jews are driving us into more war ls in the middle east. The most dangerous political situation since the bay of pigs

Called out the jews for overseas wars

Nah you gotta drop that fedora shit

you don't understand his point. he is saying they turn "white" because trashing whites is easier than trashing poles or italians, so you put niggers in their neighbourhoods because they're "white"

>every time Trump tries to pull put of Syria there's another gas attack

>That's because Jones is anti-White and pro-Jew.
EMJ is calling out the jew. You obviously aren't watching the livestream.


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Jones is long winded but insightful.

My Nicker

I understand his point just fine, low IQ Catholic nigger retard.

See here: Jones calls out the Jew, but he is also pro-Jew and advocates jew protection policies. And he also does not understand the Jewish problem because he only views it as a religious problem, rather than correctly as a racial problem.

is the sound popping for anyone else?

yep, probably just his connection

ah yes two catholics going on about how Vikings are evil terrible people very fascinating

How will pagans ever recover



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Reminder E. Michael Jones is related to Destiny


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Very interesting how two people who are advocating for a semitic religion are talking about how European isn't really a biological term and that ethnic divisions are very real inbetween Europeans, almost like they have a history for doing it or something

it's almost like there is a positive connection between believing and defending semitic religions and acting morally subversive towards societies that accommodate you


Lmao counter signaling space exploration, what a brainlet

>n-no it's just so they can just flood niggers into their neighborhoods!! I remember it like it was yesturdey!! *cracks monster*
He's saying it because EMJ and Nick the Spic are literally shilling for division inbetween Europeans with their retarded deviation for Christianity, what they are shilling LITERALLY killed COUNTLESS Europeans and it shouldn't be tolerated in the slightest

stay mad rabbi

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Jesus was a kike and you worship a kike, subhuman freak

race and ethnicity is the fundamental issue of our age and repackaged multiculturalism presented as Christianity isn't going to suffice.
the unprecedented mass migrations have to be dealt with first before any sanity can be restored.
any race/ethnicity denying ethos will be outright rejected. it doesn't matter how they present it or who presents it.

you don't have to like this or even agree with it but it is reality and the sooner our masters realize this the sooner we can begin to heal.

people are not fungible
ethnicity and culture are not malleable nor easily interchangeable
people are not merely numbers on an economic report

Hmm that was interesting. alot of the dots connect, but im a guilable person & take stuff like this with a grain of salt.

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so much to say in a single picture

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imagine being a wignat larping as a pagan in the year of our lord 2019

(((our lord)))

I'd cringe if you were being serious but I doubt you're intellectually honest

e-Catholics are going full retard tonight.

You just have to pray harder.

Absolutely pathetic, Shlomo. The goyim are waking up.


It seems that your lord fell asleep behind the wheel.

That’s not real it has to be photoshop

The chair is double stamped idiot learn to use photoshop

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I liked the part where EMJ countersignalled all the DEUS VULT Catholic retards here and basically said Luther was /ourlad/

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You left out the most important part, which means you are just anti-EMJ posting.

You aren't allowed to harm the jew - but in turn the jew is not allowed to subvert and pervert your society, this was the traditional Catholic way of thinking years ago.

I'm not entirely pro-EMJ either, nigga is woke af, especially in real life in the back room, some shit I couldn't believe I was hearing. But he's totally wrong on the Africa/Europe thing and never has an answer for why Japan did so well without Christ.

>Sold white slaves to muslims
>raped and pillaged all across Europe
>the wetbacks of the roman empire
>performed gay pagan blood rituals in the forests like the white niggers they are.


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>You aren't allowed to harm the jew -
Which is pro-Jew.
>but in turn the jew is not allowed to subvert and pervert your society,
False. Jews were given a privileged social position in Catholic society and the church allowed them to subvert with impunity. They were allowed to ignore certain laws that Christians were subject to. For example, Jewish merchants were allowed to advertise their goods, while for Christian merchants advertising was forbidden. Jews were allowed by the church to force Poles to buy their vodka, as another example.

The Roman Catholic church has always elevated Jews to a higher social position than what was allowed for the average European. This is one of the historical points that jones blatantly lies about.

>Sold white slaves to muslims
>raped and pillaged all across Europe
>the wetbacks of the roman empire
>performed gay pagan blood rituals in the forests like the white niggers they are.


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just KYS retards

>But he's totally wrong on the Africa/Europe thing and never has an answer for why Japan did so well without Christ.

Race is his biggest blind spot. I still recommend his books though just because of how eye opening they are.

Space exploration is bad?

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>Blue pilled on race
You fool, EMJ saw through this meme decades before you did. EMJ is absolutely pro ethnic segregation.

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>"sicut judaeis,"
>which protects Jews
From physical harm, Yes
>grants them privileged positions in society.
No, that would harm the culture.

Roman Catholic circle jerk. I like Nick but just don't give a shit about how much he likes child rapists

It's strange because in a years old interview EMJ said something about Luther and the Protestant revolt financed by rich Jews often helping the publication of his works, I think he even mentioned the book in pic-related

btw fuck Luther.

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>Let's all watch this spiritual kike castizo snark for an hour or two
Fuck that, cuck.

Fuck off spic nigger and take your retarded e-celebrity trash with you. Cock sucking fair-weather nigger.

Go suck some yang cock and shout for tulsi to save you "nick" the spic.

>Japan did so well without Christ
If Japan "doesn't have Christ", then why were the two cities with the largest Christian Populations in the country the targets for atomic bombs?
Why is the vision of Our Lady of Akita so important?
They have Christ and those who don't have Christ emulate those who do.

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"Traditional" Japanese, that is Shinto Japs, are going to die off while the Catholic Japanese are going to continue to breed and spread.

Since you seem to be interested in Japanese Catholicism are you aware of the Miraculous Eight? The eight Jesuit priest who survived the atomic bomb despite being near the epicenter?

E Michael Jones can cite specific example with persons and dates. All you have are vague "for examples".
Did some Jews rise in the Catholic Church? Absolutely. If they can infiltrate nations, what makes you think the church is off limits. Are Jews hell bent on destroying it? Better believe it. If it were not for the Catholic Church, you would not know what a Talmud even is, and you'd have long since accepted the racial "supremacy" of the Jews on evolutionary grounds.

All of a sudden

The ecelebs are cashing in on jones

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Cashing in? He's completely exposing the Jewish operation.

He just redpilled Fuentes' edgy zoomer audience about:
-the Jewish role in feminism
-the Jewish aims in the Middle East and the Jews behind Trump and the neocon warmongers
-Jewish social engineering programs in the US and Europe

You have to be a complete idiot to not see how much kike ass E. Michael Jones is kicking right now. You don't have to agree with everything he says. He's spent decades researching social engineering, psy ops, and the Jewish oligarchs.

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>He just redpilled Fuentes' edgy zoomer audience about:
The three things you listed are basic bitch shit that literally every reactionary talks about every day. Spic Fuentes mentions all that shit every broadcast.

EMJ is dangerous because he's a complete cuck on race, and even convinced Fuentes that "race is a social construct"

Racialist ideology is false, the only "cuck on race" here is you. You're right where the Jews want you, embracing a fluid, undefined identity like "white" where you're ipso facto a racist, white supremacist, guilty for all the crimes of evil white men in history.

That's wrong though. Basically it means you can't harm them (same as anyone else under common law) but, they can't be subversive.

>not being allowed to harm someone is pro someone
So US law is pro every citizen then because it is illegal to harm others. Big brained stuff here.

He pretty much lays out that he sees the distinction in America as Protestant-Catholic-Jew...and yes race identity was pushed by the Jews since they did a bang up job crushing the religious identities. Crush one institution and offer your cattle into a dialectic that will just fuck them over even worse.

If you're a conservative catholic, there's literally no reason to believe in evolution, the gospel rejects race idolatry, and "muh white intergalactic empire" is a meme Jews programmed into your head with TV and movies.

>Racialist ideology is false
It isn't, though. Race is real. IQ is real. Haplogroups and phenotypes are real.

>You're right where the Jews want you...guilty for all the crimes of evil white men in history
What crimes? You're playing their game by accepting their premise that racial identity isn't real, except when it applies to Israel. Nationalism for me, but not for thee.

Not to mention the fact that for the vast, vast majority of white Americans, whiteness is the only ethnic identity they have. Almost nobody is one just one European ethnic identity anymore, because they've all mixed. Most white zoomers aren't even 50% one white ethnicity.

>homosexuality low IQ
Sorry but your propaganda is wrong. Homosexuality is correlated with higher IQ, better success and higher attractiveness to opposite sex, for whatever reason. There are plenty of scholarly articles on this topic.

>and even convinced Fuentes that "race is a social construct"
I think Nick was just being polite.

Race is an ancient concept, acknowledged by all civilizations for thousands of years.

That Catholicucks buy the progressive line that race was a concept invented by American elites to divide the white and black underclass is laughable.

nah senpai, this is what catholicks actually believe

>It isn't, though. Race is real. IQ is real. Haplogroups and phenotypes are real.
So? What's the telos of that? That the races ought to be kept separate so they maintain their distinctiveness? Speciation, engulfment, and extinction are all natural darwinian processes.

The fact whites are losing must be nature telling you something.

funny but the US government sure as fuck classifies people as white and fun fact, if you are then you have no civil rights protections or benefits.
yup because when they passed the civil rights act the country was 87% white 13% non white. it makes sense to protect the 13% against the 87% and even give them a hand up. however for whites under 30 they are the minority. the system that once protected non whites is used to oppress whites.

it doesn't matter how much you try to muddy the waters on what is white but our government doesn't and knows exactly what white is. being white means you have no civil rights. for example
>shitskin attacks you calls you honky
not a hate crime
>white attacks a shitskin calls them nigger/spic/sand nigger
well guess what that's a hate crime

if you white you don't get any benefits from muh diversity hiring or in college admissions. the color of your skin automatically puts you at a disadvantage, no matter how qualified you are.

the beautiful part is you have a left that is actively pushing for your genocide and a bipartisan effort to flood the country with people that automatically have more rights than any native white.

it doesn't matter what they call us because it doesn't change the reality that whites in America have become exactly like white in South Africa. once the Boomers die the reality and pressure of this is going to become apparent and explode. when that happens non of the labels are going to matter, just the color of your skin. it's not a pretty future

Not so fast kike. "natural Darwinian processes" were established in environments immune from human intervention. You can't compare the siege on whites of the past 100 years orchestrated by jews to any kind of natural circumstantial process. It's a conquest. Very different.

>That the races ought to be kept separate so they maintain their distinctiveness?
Yes. How can you claim to be redpilled on the JQ and not understand that the Jews are flooding shitskins into European nations to create one brown mutt goyim slave race over which they (remaining pure and only breeding with their kind) can continue to rule over.

Hispanics, various Muslim groups and so on are classified as white in the American racial system. It's completely false. It's a social construct. That obviously doesn't mean it doesn't have real social consequences implemented by the social engineers, as you point out.

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Muslims and Hispanics aren't white. White = European.

> It's a conquest. Very different.

Conquest is wrong? Predation is wrong? If it's good enough for the animals, its good enough for humans. Nobody sheds tears for the Neanderthals.

Unless you want to concede that the Christian worldview is correct, and there is an order that is transcendent to nature/created things.

I just have a hard time believing nick would completely abandon everything he talks about all the damn time after talking to one guy for an hour.

So you don't think race or ethnic identity matters at all? Only religion?
A melting pot of different skin colors, skull shapes, nose lengths, etc. would be fine (and in fact, ideal) so long as everyone was Catholic?

he's merely following the conclusions of adhering to doctrinaire catholicism. Every serious Catholicuck ITT is denying race.

Of course conquest isn't wrong, but the point is nobody calls it that when it's factually true. Whites must realize they are shrinking in proportion as a result of a concerted attack instead of some benign natural organic process. That is the key distinction. You tried to jew and conceal by calling it a Darwinian evolutionary process as if it was something free of motive and intent (which lower animals of course do not possess).

The very act of calling it a hostile attack changes the entire frame of the issue.

they are in victim groups so they get civil rights. so they aren't white according to the ethnoracial hexagon the government uses to determine civil rights.. them being classified as white on the census is just fluff. they used it to lull the white population into believing the demographic shifted wasn't as bad as it really was. actual whites are of European descent and afforded no rights. if you have no civil rights you are white.

it's easy to cut through the deception when you see what is functionally going on. you are functionally white if you have no civil rights. they can classify it however they want but it's easy to determine who the government actually considers white and who it doesn't.

they can muddy the waters all they want but it isn't going to delay the inevitable