Why do white people scream "muh IQ" when it's against blacks but not against Asian?

Why do white people scream "muh IQ" when it's against blacks but not against Asian?

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To protect our fragile egos.

So wait, do you agree with the IQ argument or not?
Yes, asians have a higher IQ than whites by a few points and the average black IQ is an entire standard deviation lower

What a pathetic "argument"

Why are OPs faggots?

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>average white IQ 101
>average asian IQ 103
>average black iq 81

hrmmm I wonder why

Becuase sub 70 IQ is retarded

IQ is not a scientific measurement at all, there are many forms of intelligence

Not white, just Amerimuttican.

>Jewish IQ 125

I wonder why?

asians are so fucked up that their state governments are openly happy to manipulate IQ scores to excuse kike corporations for outsourcing labor to their slave populaces.
this all started with japan in the 70's and its olny gotten worse.

because you’re gay

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Japanese are high IQ asians. Chinese just measure the IQ of elite high school students in their most prosperous cities and pretend like it's the national average.

the smart ones got away

shudda stayed in bed that day

Tard cope
Ashkenazi are white

My post was written with proper grammar and presented an argument, yours does neither. So who is the real low-intellect individual here?

90% of pol would disagree with you there.

t. Low IQ



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Shut the fuck up moron
99% of Jow Forums is retarded so...

I ain't reading all that. Summarize.

>Why do white people...

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>I ain't reading a wikipedia article which is a summary of the subject
Intelligence is largely heritage. Intelligence can be measured. IQ is an accurate measure of intelligence. IQ correlates strongly with success in life. Racial differences in IQ exist.

I mean nobody would deny that and they even teach that in liberal arts schools. It's literally Psych 101. I don't know what the controversy is.

IQ is a very scientifc measurement. That doesn't mean you can use it to back broad claims without using controls, though. The other ways you can test intelligence are mostly standardized tests, which are probably less accurate.

Because Asians don't behave like niggers?

It is also correlated with anatomy and gestation. The verdict is in. The actual debate is what we do with this knowledge. My sincere suggestion is that we do nothing, and that talented people can arise from any background.


IQ is a flawed metric. There is no way blacks in Africa are 70 IQ (mentally retarded) yet have functioning tribes. Asians have high IQs but they are uncreative, feminine, bugs. The proof is in the pudding and western civ is better than oriental or negroid.

>I mean nobody would deny that
Stand up in public and say that you believe racial differences in intelligence exist and we should shape policy based on that reality. See how long you aren't gaslighted straight into the ground.

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>why arent you racist against asians
Because they are civilized and for the most part innocent (except for Chinese).

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Stating that affirmative action policies are retarded is not a controversial stance and that is directly related to between group differences. I'd say that at church or a PTA meeting.

It's an average, you doofus. The moderately rare 95 IQ Africans do most of the day-to-day maintenance, and the rare 120 IQ Africans try to hold the mess all together. Simple subsistence is not impossible with a low IQ. Planning for the future so that your children can raise above the level of existing above hand-to-mouth absolutely is difficult with a low IQ.

>Why do white people scream "muh IQ" when it's against blacks but not against Asian?
cant speak for all white people but i talk about asian IQ all the time.
the fabled differences between the races are averages with white and jewish men having the flattest distribution across the IQ graph, meaning more intelligent and more retarded people within each group while the rest are made up overwhelmingly at whatever their racial/gender average is.

as always these distributions can be accounted for in the historic structures the various groups organised into when attempting to survive around the world, though the lines have blurred somewhat among white people who havent had to worry about environmental pressures killing off the most useless retards among us every winter for far too many generations.

Fuck, bud, my pal got his tongue stuck to a lamp post even though we told him not to be retarded and we weren't able to dig him out until after Easter. That's some real knowledge you're speaking.

there was once a time he probably wouldve died from starvation as soon as it got too cold to walk out of his home and pick food off a bush or kill a rabbit. unless he was a great fighter that is.
which if it was the case, he'd be the sort of guy it would be worth feeding and keeping around to help protect everyone else, though your friend would be lower on the food chain than the child rearers or intelligent people who were valuable as expert builders/crafters.

in europe the winter could last for 5-6 months, summer growing seasons were not reliable, not everybody got to eat and it thinned the herd.
things changed of course, we had urbanisation and socialised health care keeping the weak and sick alive to breed, yet the reminants of the past disparities in what the genepool is capable of still exist somewhat among us.

I would be willing to wager that evolutionary pressures effecting human populations were mitigated as early as the dawn of agriculture, but I am no anthropologist and I'm just pulling that out of my ass. Urbanization and socialized health care happened much too recently to have shaped our gene pools in any significant way already. Again, the source for that is my ass.

T. Chink with a tiny dick

Whites have higher IQs than blacks in average but not East Asians. Even for a leftist that shouldn’t be too hard to work out

>Jewish IQ 125

It’s like lying is in your blood

It's not. Ashkenazi Jews, who are the most intelligent Jews, score around 107.
Before immigration started to affect IQ scores, Germany scored around 105, and Scandinavian countries scored around 103.