Why do white people scream "muh IQ" when it's against blacks but not against Asian?
Why do white people scream "muh IQ" when it's against blacks but not against Asian?
To protect our fragile egos.
So wait, do you agree with the IQ argument or not?
Yes, asians have a higher IQ than whites by a few points and the average black IQ is an entire standard deviation lower
What a pathetic "argument"
Why are OPs faggots?
>average white IQ 101
>average asian IQ 103
>average black iq 81
hrmmm I wonder why
Becuase sub 70 IQ is retarded
IQ is not a scientific measurement at all, there are many forms of intelligence
Not white, just Amerimuttican.
>Jewish IQ 125
I wonder why?
asians are so fucked up that their state governments are openly happy to manipulate IQ scores to excuse kike corporations for outsourcing labor to their slave populaces.
this all started with japan in the 70's and its olny gotten worse.