What are some Jow Forums approved ways of improving myself. I only occasionally smoke pot at parties...

What are some Jow Forums approved ways of improving myself. I only occasionally smoke pot at parties, I work an honest construction job, play videogames and maintain a healthy social life.

Should I go to the gym? Should I masturbate less? Should I refrain from eating certain meats? What do you recommend?

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Stop smoking weed. Don't do it ever.
Play less video games.
Masturbate as little as possible. Only do it physically for need, keep your mind clean. Or if you can, never do it.
Go to the gym. Don't be a gym faggot though. Wear normal clothes not tight sleeveless shirts. Don't take selfies. Just work on your health and strength.
Get married. Wait for marriage for sex.
Make lots of white babies.


First start meditating every morning. Then set your one year goals and break that down into monthly, weekly and daily targets. You probably won’t hit them all but you at least need something to aim for. Don’t get into a relationship unless it’s super fucking easy and she’s wife material. Learn to connect to the creative force in the universe (God). Life is fulp of idiot people so try and find some decent ones and maintain a relationship with them.

Also, read Seneca.


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smoke more weed. do it every day.
play as many 90's vidya as time allows.
'bate if you want, i don't give a shit what you do behind closed doors.
gyms are a pointless ripoff, you already work construction, buy some dumbells and an incline bench if you really want. plenty of stuff you can do with a simple cheap setup. don't even need that, you already work construction.
don't ever get married or have chrilden.
script-block this fagget so you don't have to read n00b posts itt.


meditating is for foreigners. smoke more weed.

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>Should I masturbate less?
More. Do it at parties instead of smoking.

More advice:
Read books. Fiction and non-fiction.
Do not pay for cable tv or netflix. if there's something you really want to watch you can find it online for free. Cut down tv time if you watch tv. Don't pay for it. That's just giving money away to brainwashers.
Eat healthy. This is important especially that you're going to be working out. Your body needs fuel.
Breathe. This is important. Whenever you remember to do it, take in deep strong breaths.
Change your style. Wear nice clothes. Skinny jeans and t shirts are not nice clothes. Wear a proper shirt and good pants.
Sit up straight. Don't slouch.
Don't eat crappy processed meat. Eat good meat. Don't eat caviar because it's crap and made very cruelly.
Plant a garden. If you really can't maintain vegetables right now, at least plant some flowers. Bee friendly. Do both if you can.

/sig/ all the way. Its the cure for clownworld/blackpill nihilism. Just seek improvement. Aim for your idea of perfection, but don't break yourself striving for it. Quit the drugs if you can. They almost destroyed me. Congrats on the construction work. Smart decision. Great opportunities to grow and make good money. Finally, please...find a white woman and make a bunch of white babies.
Good luck!

Gradually wean yourself of all drugs (including coffee).
Get good sleep.
Run and lift.

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Learn to play an instrument. Something like the piano or violin.
Look at classical art. Stuff from the masters. Whatever style you like. learn the names, dates, and painters of pieces.
Same thing with classical music.
You don't need to get into "classical books" because most of those are silent depressed era jewish writers. Stuff like Virginia Woolf, don't read. It's boring trash, and we all know it's boring but we're forced to think it's great. Read something modern, something really old (1600s), something for fun, something political written by someone you like.

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Here's the secret: make an oath to do something, and never go back on it.

It doesn't matter what the oath is about. The simple act of sticking to it no matter what gives you great personal power.

Every time you reject temptation, your power levels grow.

I suggest doing this with nofap, but it really works with anything.

Oh, and stop watching porn.

Yeah giving up coffee is great.

Take LSD. Work out. Take dmt. Work out. Joe Rogan

question why you're doing these things, don't just blindly follow anyone's advice (including mine)

Stop advocating for drugs jesus christ

like you know how to take care of yourself in the first place


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Mossad did NZ

>neuroticism recipe

This is good shit. Download them on your phone and read a letter or two next time you are waiting or in line somewhere.

Also, working out is over rated, don’t be faggot about it, just be active so you’re healthy. Yoga and walking is probably the best for you plus some calisthenics and you’re good. A lot of losers spend their whole life in the gym for no reason other than they are insecure with themselves. Most girls think oversized steroid dudes are faggots.


Well fuck it...








Pick one.

If you say so muzzad.

I'm rather comfortable with myself but I want to be the best version of myself. Additionally I've seen many of my coworkers find such enjoyment and satisfaction in health.