Is there a more redpilled take on abortion?

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Nope, the less nonwhites the better, I wish more spics got aborted, they're even worse than niggers.

Abortion should be legal until the fetus is of voting age.

It's fine, because niggers don't care about the law and neither do jews. jew doctors will give illegal abortions for nigs.

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pro-life is the boomers final "fuck you" to us.
one last plan set in place to ensure we are all fucked before they all die off.

The most red-pilled take on abortion is mandatory nigger abortion and prohibition of white abortion.

We need to recognize there are historical injustices against non-whites, and with that in mind only they should have access to abortions.

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christ how could you ruin a solid maymay that bad?

By the time the baby is 18 you've already put in 100% of the parenting/child support. But when the thing is

America has had niggers forever. Niggers aren't an existential threat to civilization. The destruction of the family and traditional gender roles has utterly destroyed our society. Fuck muh fetuses and embryos. It's the wrong argument. Abortion and birth control have turned women into whores and men into aimless castrated man-children.

This is pretty good

>_________ have turned women into whores and men into aimless castrated man-children

There are 100 better things to insert in the blank than abortion and birth control

Would you be pro-life for a fetus with an overabundance of melanin?

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t. nigger

>worse than niggers.
Nothing is worse than worse than niggers . Except jews of course .

Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated."

Being pro-abortion is redpilled.

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I'm not an advocate of abortion, even if niggers are the ones dying. Killing babies is wrong.

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Spics are worse by far, they're violent drunk savages who spread drugs and breed like roaches, at least the nigger population is at a standstill/decreasing slightly because the dumb niggers constantly kill each other.

Abortion and birth control is directly responsible for the state of women today. Everything else is a secondary effect of a society where women can pursue hedonism and careerism over family.

Welp , if already conceived , then yes . Then sterilize the monkeys .

Men are responsible for the state of women today. Act like a man and the women will respond.

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Found a pic of you.

Every feral, lipsmaking nigger started as a baby, just toss them into the trash before they grow old enough to break into your car.

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I havent logged enough spic time to really know . Ive had wayyyy too much nigger interaction (any is too much) .

Who let Rabbi Yeshua ben Pantera here

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I have to deal with both, unfortunately.

I miss my old town, before it got pozzed it used to be a sundown town, used to be a sign that said "Don't let the sun set on your black ass".

Town was 99% white, but spics invaded it since it was a farm town.

Cucks. Go back to r/the_donald

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Christcuck boomers all deserve the rope for trying so hard to increase the nigger population by banning abortions.

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Nah, remove the concept of child abuse, child rape, etc from all legal works.

You want a kid, you gotta raise that thing and keep it safe. Anyone at any time can kill that little shit, rape it, eat it, or use it for slave labor unless you watch it closely with no legal repercussions for the person committing the acts.

Every time you run across a group of black or spic youths? Mow them down. It's legal.

Yes men are responsible for allowing women to kill our children and destroy the traditional family. Act like a man and stand up to it.

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Planned Parenthood was explicitly created for the purpose of eugenics. It amazes me that people seem to be unaware of that.

Keep memeing this, Africa has a population growth that will not be stopped, and they will get sent into your country

Spics are the current threat, I despise you both.

you are an idiot
women have always been sluts
I guarantee most boomers who come from large families 6+ have at least a couple of half brothers or sisters because their mother was a slut

But young blacks get killed by muh gangs nonsense at much higher rates
I think you would still end up with more whites bc poor whites at least pop out a few kids before ODing on fentanyl

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More redpilled take is that the feds will make up any deficit in births due to abortion through nonwhite immigration.
Thus, even if a majority of aborted fetuses are niggers, banning abortion is still worth it because the additional births will be more white than the immigrants brought in as a consequence.

Put thots and female niggas on long term birth control

most whites getting an abortion are not aborting white children


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Yes there is:
You need to be vehemently against pro choice just to remind women who really runs things around here. Why ? Because you can. If they were pro life I'd be advocating for them to be pushed from the stairs

That just gives the added benefit of marking thots as coalburners. It’s still worth it to save the minority of white babies being aborted because we’ll be getting the nonwhites regardless.


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