What is the holdup with this damn Brexit thing?

Short concise sentences please.

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The Brits voted in favor of it because everyone told them they couldn’t.
Now there are a bunch of politicians who don’t want Brexit to happen. But they also know that holding a second referendum would remove any semblance of them caring what the people think. So they’re trying to make a Brexit that makes everyone happy, which is impossible. So it’s gonna be a while.

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a slow and steady grieving process that the financial elite were not prepared for.

they cant stop brexit but they can slow down the inevitable.

I'm genuinely curious to hear from someone who is from England or knows a lot about England. What exactly do you think you offer the world that you can make demand or try to negotiate out of Europe? Who do you think actually "needs" to trade goods or services with you?

> People who voted for it were in the majority
> Those who didn't want it have everything, even their own children in the way to stall it happening
> It's now gotten so messy, the PM who was trying to appease everyone, has decided it's not part of her job description and told everyone to go fuck themselves

People want it. Politicians don't.

Politicians are trying to fuck it up so badly that people will change their mind.

It's more than that mate. It's about us having our own sovereignty again. About making our own rules.
We are awash with Europeans who are allowed to walk in and take jobs just because we are part of this massive lumbering EU monster. We can't say anything against that otherwise sanctions are placed on us by Brussels.

It's multi faceted, too many different things involved to give a simple answer. But it's akin to Ottawa deciding the second amendment of your constitution needs changing, and actually having the power to force you to do it.

The bourgeois Left get a lot of money from the EU, and they don't want the gimmedats to stop. If that happened, they would have to get real jobs, and make do with normal wages. They don't want their stuck-up kids being sent to state school with Tyrone and Mohammad.

They thought they had everyone mind fucked enough to want to be in EU and politicians never thought people would want to leave...now they dont know what to do.

Never with Tyrone and Muhammed...that was for the working classes children...its a nightmare scenario for those fucking hypocrites.

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They need to start fucking shit up like the French.

every country in europe has the ability to veto an exit agreement. so you have to make every country in europe happy (including ireland and spain, where you have contested land), and at the same time sell it to at least 50% of people at home.

dad, you gotta just leave the marriage and come live in our basement and straighten out your life

Ok that's great. Now who are you going to trade goods and services with to bring money into your country?

Man..they really fucked getting into this nigroid babysitying club...theyre fd


But how's that going to happen. China is about to be in the middle of a huge HUGE war that kills most of them. What then

Um...no. No, theyre not.


The rest of Europe obviously. They will still need GB products and services. They will simply negotiate on different terms. And honestly, smart people don't need this explained to them.

Best. Post. Ever.


Businesses will still want to sell their products in the UK. British brands will still be sold abroad and on the Continent. Just new terms will be negotiated.

>They will simply negotiate on different terms.

Just new terms will be negotiated.

Sorry user. I wasn't trying to plaguarise you. Should have read others post before I weighed back in.


What exactly do you think you offer the world that can make demand or try to negotiate out of the Roman empire?

What exactly do you think you offer the world that can make demand or try to negotiate out of the Ottoman empire?

What exactly do you think you offer the world that can make demand or try to negotiate out of the Holy Catholic empire?

What exactly do you think you offer the world that can make demand or try to negotiate out of the Nazi empire?

This is just another spin.
The EU will fail, its a ship destined to sink.
Britain's best hope is to toss the lines and let her sink.

The vote was held under the assumption that it would be remain.
They used every facet of the british media to push the remain result. They martyred an mp to help ensure it.
It was an attempt to consolidate power and take brexit off the table for the next 20 years, but it failed.
Next, they changed leaders (try and re-inspire confidence in the leading party. They went from an anti-brexiter to an anti-brexiter.
For the last however many years, they've been spinning "brexit is already ruining our economy" shit stories, and feet-dragging the country into another shithole depression.
Brexit has had ZERO negative consequences, because it hasn't happened. A full scale stop of all trade on the day of the vote would have had less economic impact than all this retarded mongoloid knuckle dragging they've been doing.
The leaders of the UK are actively trying to cut off the voter in spite of the state.
In any other country, there would be lynchings. The so called leaders would be hanging from trees and turned into lampshades.
The british citizen is robbed of even the most minimal agency in his life; the act of large revolt is utterly alien to his caged mind.
The british consciousness is imprisoned in a psychic cage; the bars are wrought of lies and mistrust. The british consciousness could not handle freedom; if the veil of untruth was lifted from british eyes, the bars to evaporate, the british would only cry "let me back in; there I was safe."

There can be no allies in a self defeating people.

>So they’re trying to make a Brexit that makes everyone happy
You were correct until this point. May was purposely tanking negotiations and the rest of parliament was happy to pretend they were trying to get something done. They're trying to turn public opinion against Brexit by making all of their options seem bad until they have a chance to hold a second referendum. They have no intention of actually leaving