Why do christcucks want infanticidal degenerates to have and raise children?
Why do christcucks want infanticidal degenerates to have and raise children?
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why isn't not being a whore a possibility for the modern woman?
It is. Why do christcucks want to turn whores into mothers?
How do you expect to spread and colonize without those sadistic genes?
>Abortion has existed since the beginning of time
That's why God gave women motherly instincts, retard.
>i'm going to treat my kid like shit just to spite conservatives
really makes me think
Why do secularists want to turn potential mothers into whores?
Why should society have sluts? Reminder that woman actually settled down and became civil mother before abortion. It wasn’t until the woman’s rights (which includes abortion) that woman started acting like sluts.
So what she is saying that women are shitty?
Breaking news: women dont like the government forcing them to be mothers. They only want the government to force men to be fathers.