Why is this entire board so closet gay?

Why is this entire board so closet gay?

You should just accept your orientation, no need to act so tough user. I know that your conservative upbringing makes you stay in the closet, but come out it's okay!

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Why are horseshoe crabs being forced to fill bottles? That picture has so many questions.

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I'm a gay libertarian/conservative. I hate the left, socialism and SJWs more than anything. I don't see being gay as a big deal and I don't identify with the LGBTQWERTY+ movement..

Their blood is useful for medicine, real medicine, not holistic shit. Makes them pretty valuable.

I'm gay but LGBT faggotry and parade shit needs to stop

Based faggot. I had a friend like you, he hated LGBT culture/movement. It took me 3 years to even find out he was gay since he acted straight.

Not okay

Im bisexual and i wouldn't hesitate to kill you lgbt faggots


Meme phrase, you're just gay. Stop with the closest homo semantics fag.

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Because I realised that feminine boys made my peepee hard like girls did, however unlike girls, they're affectionate and have human emotions.

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I couldn't care less about anything that crawls out of a somalians mouth

I'm gay
I hate women and trans freaks

You are projecting hard.

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>constantly obsessed with sex
>human emotions


Thry think the best way for us to be seen as normal is to parade on the streets wearing nothing but leather straps on our chests, while letting kids in drag dance in our bars.

You wouldn't care if a cock slapped you up top the head faggot.

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this tbqh
i may be more inclined to come out if GIANT FAGGOTS stopped making embarrassments of themselves

also faggots like OP need to feel like part of some special club that needs to act and do certain things like pic related

why cant you faggots just act normal?
go to work, have a normal job, lead a normal life
there is no need for you to draw attention to yourselves, most normies don't care anymore.

Also thats another thing: the attention. all these fuckers want attention.

fuckers like YOU OP are the reason i cant and wont come out

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Fucking this, i have no problem with faggots but the parade faggotry and inclusivity bullshit needs to be weeded out. We'll deal with the regular faggots afterwards.

Gaslighter sucka dik

It's possible to like both you know.

their blood can detect bacterial contamination pretty much instantly

Dont you have teen girls to rape and welfare to collect

>so closet gay
nice try

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Few fags get though without being indoctrinated into being a filthy degenerate whos whole identities revolve around sucking cock.

Pretty normal for teens, 20s to be obsessed with sex, its a biological imperative. The problem is the lack of decency which is hardly isolated to fags, females are worse.

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this picture is actually horrific if you imagine this being done to humans

Homosexuality is the leading cause of loose butthole. Loose butthole is a serious medical condition. It can lead to an inability to control your own bowel movements. I recommend not engaging in homosexuality no matter your sexual orientation Jow Forums

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Shut the fuck up before I milkshake you

Nice setup commie, but I agree that Jews should be purged

This. I don't like when other gay people base their entire personality around being gay.

Yikes, too many fags here. Im out for good

You can milkshake me 6 gorrilion times and I will still fight the good fight and make sure no one suffers from this serious medical condition.

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At first I thought the crabs were dismembered, but then I noticed the tails sticking out the front. Some crabs die as a result of the bleeding but most will survive.

>regular faggots

There is no such thing you fucking weirdo, too many people on this thread think like this. Disturbing

Testing the presence of bacteria
Link: criver.com/products-services/qc-microbial-solutions/endotoxin-testing?region=3611

Don't you have foreign semenial loads to regulate?

Once a male willing deflowers himself by sexual submission towards a third-party, he loses claim to hetro normality. Period, the nuance in between is subjective but I consider it absolutely gay. Irredeemably, even if said male might still have some interest in females.

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If ur a Godless freak, control urself

you bring shame to this place

nobody cares about your gay shit
its faggots shoving it down people throads 24/7 that's pissing people off
now go have AIDS somewhere else

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When you also have to hide your ankle monitor

Idk brother, look at the comments. He might be right, everyone sounds gay

this is why i come to Jow Forums
90% of the info is bullshit, yet at the same time i learn something new every day

We exist. The media tries to hide it because they don't like when one of their token gays leaves the Democratic plantation. I think pride parades are degenerate. I like to leave straight people alone about my sexuality and for them to leave me alone about it.

shemales aren't gay

He's an in the closet fag, because most Bi sexuals I've seen usually are. Sheltering themselves under the aforementioned bull shit term to provide some sort of social comfort. Despite them very clearly deviating more towards the gay side. They even include themselves in the lgbt label for fucks sake.

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why hello there astro-turfing discord trannies

Haha you are retarded and Cant make up your mind

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Being gay aint aesthetic do you even Slaneesh bro

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Seeing faggets make me nauseous.
What closet am I in?

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Ur an abomination to God, please find Jesus and a girlfriend, cause when judgment day comes we are all going to be judged, not as individuals but as one human race

>closet gay

Normal people, naturally, are disgusted by faggots. Faggots are disgusting people. Kikes had to invent the "closeted faggot" narrative to stop normal people from voicing their honest opinions on faggots, disgust.

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Explain that image pls.
Is that a trillobite blood milking station ?

>nobody cares about your gay shit its faggots shoving it down peoples throats 24/7 that's pissing people off
I agree with this. I think other gay people are annoying as shit when they have their parades dressed up like whatever the fuck they're dresssed like and being as gay as possible. I never felt the need to broadcst my sexual orientation like that, I just wanna be a normal guy who's gay.

>le ancient retarded argument returns

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why do christians use abbreviations like that, do they think it makes them sound stupider and more in character?

The beautiful and natural state of being a homophobic, liberals hate us because they are the true bigots, I was born homophobic and you are too bruh. Homophobia is beautiful and grand!

Homos will fuck anything with legs, including animals

horshoe crab blood- valuable as the blood creates a jelly like substance around bacteria

Boys these days look like women. It should come as no surprise that some straight men would want to rape some sense into these s o y b o y faggots.

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You want more details search for lady of Fatima and her three visions. Other Christians kno what im saying, you are obviously confused.

It's a lab milking what's called LAL which is a chemical employed by the FDA to test for infection in equipment and such in petri dishes by revealing infection or bacteria because it clots up visibly around bacteria.

They supposedly only take 30% of their blood which has a mortality rate of like 30-40% so we're slowly inching them towards endangered and the shit they make is $60,000 a gallon.

What the fuck am I looking at