Why is France so blacked compared to other European Countries?

Why is France so blacked compared to other European Countries?

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France is the Canada of Europe

even worse
France started liberalism in the 1900s
France literally had a nigger as president around 1900

Because France was an awesome country in the past. People still talk about them like they were Atlantis or something. That's why they were targeted for ground zero of clown world.

>estimates are 3-5 millions on a population of 67 millions
>4-7% niggers

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because the natural dominance of the BLACK BVLL

We joke that France is always surrendering, but yea they completely surrendered Marsielle and Paris was not long soon after.

The ones that can afford to, have already moved

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because it's la ToléFrance.

historical connections with africa through colonialism.

Britain was pretty bad too in the last WC
We had the same number of white players

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our blacks are the blackest blacks of the blacks.

Because they're pure blacks, while English ones have a white mother

France had closer ties to their African colonies

our blacks are so black they glow black even in the night.

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It all started with the French revolution, they were the first European country to accept blacks as citizens since then, since they promote their bullshit of freedom, equality, and fraternity, kike bullshit, but hey.

Globalism and white genocide started further back, with the start of the African slave trade by the Arabs, it allowed the kikes to control the black population and only breed the strongest and big dicked blacks, it also allowed them to spread the Africans over the world, more than 800 years after that and you have the perfect biological weapon to take over the world.

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They think being degenerate = intellectual freedom. This mistake lust for cocksucking with the works like paracelsus.

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>historical connections with africa through colonialism.
That´s the ridiculous justification yeah. But many europeans territories were controlled by other europeans etc. in the past. Doesn´t mean those peoples homenation should be flooded with those other people.
Jews really fucked up france with regards to immigration. There´s a guy called jean raspaille that wrote a book about it called camp of the saints. As a warning because of how he could see where it was heading.
Which is basically about that africans and others flood into france to the point where french people don´t even exist anymore.
As for french colonialism in africa, it was quite short lived and actually built the countries for the fucking africans, since they didn´t even have any countries.
Yeah they target france just as hard as they target britain. That´s frances´s and britains reward for being greatest ally apparently. That their people get destroyed. This is why even they at this point are saying some of them. Should have fucking let hitler win the war. And their people would still be going strong and they´d have pretty much no immigration whatsoever.

France has never been the same since the french revolution. And after wwII the jews used the opportunity to really turn up the heat on the french. Inspite of them being 'allies'.

The old franks were some absolutely amazing people. It´s a big shame what is happening to france. Btw. for those who live in USA or in western europe in general. It was actually the franks and the dutch who fended off the caliphate ummayads, that invaded spain and tried to invade france to then go after all western europe afterwards.
They were both smart and very good at defense/battle.

France has been Jewd for a while. Remember that the Merovingian is an ally of the machines in The Matrix.

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>It all started with the French revolution, they were the first European country to accept blacks as citizens since then, since they promote their bullshit of freedom, equality, and fraternity, kike bullshit, but hey.
Yes, and it was an open secret, that this allowed jews to take over france in a big, after they basically guillotined their nobility and intellectual elite. Jews then put themselves in instead. Guess who (((inspired))) that uprising. It´s obvious.

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lol cucks

The coaches are always white. It's funny how even though blacks are athletically superior in many ways they still need white men to teach them and direct them.

All Western European cities will look the same in a decade.

>As for french colonialism in africa, it was quite short lived
Did you know the former colonies are required to keep their money and French companies still own everything. Seriously pull all troops and allow them to nationalise the resources or they are justified to follow the money to France.
The amount spent on development ect is a pittance compared to the value of natural resources taken.

They were the heart of Europe and the western world and they gave it all up just to win the Fifa World Cup:(

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When did Japan become so white???

TV panelist, politician, comedian, musician, manga artist, sumo wrestler, geisha, english teacher, military, youtuber.

They are all WHITO now.


the french youth and english teams are even worse, literally looks like two african nations now

Just fucking google it on Wikipedia, read some history, you fucking American shitstick
Jesus fuck man, every time. It's either the Ameriflaps or Canadians, always asking the most arrogant, dumbest fucking questions.
Just get smarter, faggot

Kek clearly you took the bait

french youth team

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england youth team

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Why arent Europeans reproducing?

Yea the French & the English are cucks. Don't drag the rest of europe with you guys.

They do, but unfortunately, mostly it's race-mixing. Half of the young white girls here are coalburners, one third are kebab grillers, and the rest are feminazis who don't want to have children. Totally fucked up.

You guys should take a census.

I want to see how they react when they're a minority.

I wish I had a chance to backpack through Europe.

Bah unfortunately I'm not French so I can do nothing. But from my point of view, I don't understand why white French people could let this situation happen. What the fuck did they think?

>I wish I had a chance to backpack through Europe
what a faggy american thing to say

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>4 mulattos

Blanda up, innit?

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French men are pansies.

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thats 1700 to many

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It's more blacked because it's more socialist.

Someone post "how the French colonize" from 100 years ago.

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based Swedes

Found it myself.

>This is from 1904.

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the only thing left white in sweden...

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Brits seem to be more into racemixing nowadays, though.

How's that bait taste, Norgie?

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they dont even record statistics on race. dead country.

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even jason kidd is black

We had a lot of colonies in Africa, we taught them French to civilise these animals and take their ressources, then they became independent, and it all backfired when they figured life in France was way better than in their shithole, so they came in masse, and our government was to much of a pussy to do anything about it. Basically.

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as your government replaces you with "refugee" workers

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because the french had the biggest ego, therefore the greatest need to virtue signal.
white people's greatest weakness is when the majority of them stop understanding their own technology they start thinking they are god, and everything is fair and magical.
white people that cannot make white people technology themselves fall prey to the white savior syndrome and believe that racism is what makes nature different from their false reality.
the jews barely have to work for it, they are so ready to believe they are god that they wear bracelets and put stickers on their cars asking 'what would jesus do' then they emulate that, as an identity, as a religion.

fucking dumb white people. no wonder kikes think they are smart when we act this way.

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France is perhaps 1% gaul. Look at them now, they're all Hispanic.

they've always been black. Remember their old saying "UGA BOOGO NGOUBU", or "Africa starts at the pyrenees?"

Is there any place in the world where frenchoids don't whorship nigger dick? It's really weird that many cancerous places have/are a big french community.

That's worse than France imo. At least the french players are pure negro. These mutts had traiterous white women involved

I can't find a picture of the nigger president.

They'll have to import 100 times more if they wanna catch up to murkuh level mixing.

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What? Redpill me on this.

At least they're American blacks and not Africoons.

oh no its a multiracial depiction of a team of human beings getting along, everyone fucking panic

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>Half of the young white girls here are coalburners
Disgusting. If this is true. Why are they so fucked up? It's like they don't care about thier future at all.

Maybe they think that the dirty nigga & maghrebi culture is something "cool". It's very common to see a white girl listening to some shitty jungle sampled rap "music" loudly on their headphones on the street or on public transport.

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And coalburners are likely to have zero education. Earlier this week I had a TGV trip, and there's a coalburner with her "product" on my coach. That child never stopped screaming loudly since he went on board and his mom didn't make any attempts to keep him quiet. She was surfing on her phone as if there were nothing.


It's obviously not true. I don't know where this nigger live but even in the niggered places of France it doesnt happen since France is more and more racially segregated every year.

I live 5km from Paris and here I'd say maybe 10 to 20% couples are biracial and there are are lot of white male/arab woman white male/chinkoid woman, actually more than white female/nigger-arab.

>Absolutely canadian

Fuck canada

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Disgusting kill yourselves

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because even in fucking sports we got affirmative Action

i was in Biathlon and wanted to get a sports Stipendium, i was literaly minutes faster than a few People with Migrant Background, and they got the Stipendium
there was some nafri who had worse results then me in every field, and they took him over me

It’s just a dishonorable leaf

Which region do you live in? (92, 93, 94, etc)

most of em are in zagreb, split and dubrovnik...
in bosnia almost all are in sarajevo


Dude plz, race-mixing is a religion in USA.

The answer is very simple. The French still maintain colonies in Africa, so those afriniggers are French citizens.
The Brits also have commonwealth colonies they still maintain to import their own niggers and muslims.

In short, all the racial problems that France and England have are because they still want to be colonial powers.

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they represent the future of France

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Complete racial and cultural replacement of the french people

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Sad but true

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Only 3200 Jews in Poland? Did Hitler really manage to kill them all there? wtf I am jealous of polaks now.

Kek, for the win

>why is a nigger loving nation such a nigger loving nation?
Come on, user. You can't be this stupid.

not that many

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That's also done so that they can have their currencies tied to the franc (now the euro) and not suffer from hyper inflation.

Black people were never perceived as a threat unlike in the US. Rather they are traditionally seen as tall children and seen as funny. It's only now that we see the effects of single motherhood, gangs and mass migration that we realize they are a bigger threat than Islam. They have no cultural defences against globalization, in fact they are the NWO's model citizens, depraved, materialistic and dumb. This is why there is an onslaught of negrified aesthetics in popular culture. Thankfully as time goes by people are learning to identify the problem instead of falling in the jewish neocon trap of the "clash of civilizations" against Islam.

I met a really nice and pretty French girl fro. Quebec we hit it off
Then I found out her ex boyfriend was a nigger
Its hard to even find niggers in Quebec but she thirsted for BBC so bad she found one
Disgusting bitch, I let her give me head and never talked to her again




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They all fled to America or Israel after the war.
funny how Jewish population correlates with no white population it's like they lobby for diversity or something

don't forget masons headquarters