Sport is being used as racial propaganda

Organised sport is completely rigged as a racial political propaganda tool.
All to push make believe black supremacy.

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Usian Bolt roided mark my words.

>just now figuring that out
Sports has been blacked for at least two decades now


No shit. I'm close to somebody who would hate niggers if it wasn't for sports particularly basketball.

Absolutely at this point it is just a matter of when he will be exposed.

never, he'll retire and whoever finds anything proving it will be suicided with a couple of shots to the back

A lot of these people get found out after they retire if they don't die prematurely from the drugs.
Almost as if they get exposed after they have fulfilled their propaganda purpose.

It will come out when the normie public will not care anymore, such as with Lance Armstrong.

Pretty much the entire current US cycling team has ‘asthma’ and takes ‘asthma medicine.’ It is hilariously ridiculous, as asthma would be extremely prohibitive for a top level endurance athlete.

Yeah man all those white hockey players playing the most entertaining sport this continent has certainly makes me believe in black superiority

Be pk subban get all the propaganda and news on him ,Have is face on the nhl cover got a white coal burner girlfriend perfect.Get injured , team mate hate is attitude not a team player and grossly overpaid.

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And yet nobody will say Subban is a top tier player
Nobody puts him in the conversation with Crosby or Ovi for GOAT modern players

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>he doesnt watch sports with the boys
>he doesnt watch sports with his son
>he doesnt exclusively watch hockey

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Ya right faggots it will be ours soon. Race war already scheduled.

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This is true.

It’s sad because it works so well. I’d say that sports alone are what is holding back a good chunk of young white men from waking up and seeing the truth. It keeps them on the boomer neocon plantation.

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>destroys your nigger race time
Heh, nothin’ personal, kid

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I like everything about hockey except for the actual sport itself.

True, and many sports teams are owned by Jews.

OVER HALF of NFL team owners are Jewish.

Breaks down at the olympics
>wow black people are FAST
>wait, why are nords willing lifting stuff?
>why are whites so good in water?
>why are Winter Olympics so white?
>why does any sport that requires a tool that isn’t a ball dominated by whites?
>shit the Chinese are like machines, such precision
>Why are blacks only winning track events?

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It is effective because European culture is based on both the appreciation of athletics and intellectualism.
When you subvert athletics/sport you essentially have hijacked European culture.
If you go back to before the invention of PEDs sport was dominated by White men even though it was open to everyone.
After synthetic PEDs it has been subverted and continually used a propaganda tool.


>failure white unable to admit 'lesser' race is better in any possible way

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There is a common trend that any sport requiring a greater emphasis on technique and training has an absence of blacks.
This is because no amount of PEDs can make someone learn how to swim or lift weights that requires years of disciplined punishing training.

Nothing new in any of this. Go watch the end of the classic Boise State v. Oklahoma bowl game where the nigger proposes to its white girlfriend.

Also suggest Tiger Woods was good but got the full attention due to minority status. Opposite boxer Klitchko. Jewish media killed the sport of boxing so long as he was champ.

Most professional sports teams are Jewish owned and all of the sports commissioners tend also to be Jewish.

We literally bred niggers to be larger, stronger, and faster so they could be better slaves. You're surprised that now they win sporting events that require speed, strength, and agility?

It isn't new but it worth discussing since part of the propaganda campaign is to pretend like it isn't happening.

Also my theory is you could take one hundred White men and put them on PEDs and completely overturn the narrative. Using the same technique as the propagandarists.

As a proud white man who likes sports, it is important to always keep this in mind.

Negros in America were bred for 400 years to be strong for farming but not very smart, this is why you so many coaches who are older white men.

In Africa, negroes had to be fast to run away from the many predators that inhabit the continent.

So while blacks are athletic, it’s foolish to say they are superior. It’s foolish to say any race is superior, but they are all VERY different.

he wont be. he will never compete again. all his samples will be destroyed.
he is retired.

Niggers and kikes will move earth and heaven to end his career and you know it.

didn't a white kid just waste most sprinting records? can someone tell me why blood doping is illegal. a quick rundown. take blood for your self.. store it.. continue this. then start adding this blood back into your body.. nothing about this is illegal.. its science, its like buying ((jewish)) legal sups... only effective.

asthma medication is legal in amateur sporting competitions and my guess is its legal in professional leagues. the only sketchy thing is the doctors who prescribe it.

>A lot of these people get found out after they retire
True. The samples from major competitions are held in cold-storage for a long time.

Such a conveniant excuse isn't it? They claim the technology isn't invented till after the athlete stops competing and has fallen out of public attention.

To continue, it’s what held me back for so long. I was obsessed with sports growing up. The only posters I had in my room as a kid were those of nigger athletes. (Isn’t it kind of fucked up that white parents allow their kids to look up to degenerate nigger athletes?)

Although, actually playing sports with niggers did kind of start to wake me up to how primitive and unintelligent they were. It was looking up to professional nigger athletes that held me from really embracing it.

So glad I broke free from that shit.

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I see Jew!

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I don’t have any problem saying that niggers inherently are more explosive athletes due to more fast-twitch muscle fibers and density.

Same way I don’t have any problem saying that niggers inherently have room temperature or worse IQs and are totally incapable of building civilization.

Also, it’s funny because the only reason niggers are able to fully reach their athletic potential is because of white nutrition, industry, and medicine.

If niggers had to rely on themselves to provide food and medicine, none of them would be the athletes they are.

Your beliefs are a myth you got from the brainwashing.

Due to what I have lived I can tell you blacks have a lot of stamina, some of them also tend to be taller, and also running fast is a thing, apart from that they lack any sense of agility, to the point that they are very clunky and slow in their reactions, that's why in our countries we don't have gymnastics, because that's a white thing because they are very athletic.

Watch enough sports and it becomes amusing how much of it backfires on (((them))). Example: long history of the star nigger Quarterback FAILING to win the Super Bowl.

i've never really considered it before, but I do find it interesting how every american sport is popular relative to how black it is, almost without exception...
hockey gets about as much press as hillarys crimes

Also just to dispell the bullshit fast twitch muscle myth.
Weightlifting requires fast twitch muscles in fact the most.
Note the abscence of blacks.

Weightlifters have the most fast twitch muscle yet next to no blacks. Fullstop. people are faster runners. White people are better swimmers and power lifters

You're trolling or retarded. Can't tell which

but niggers cant swim

Nice argument retard.
Sprinters and weightlifters require the same muscle group.
You would expect to see them in competition yet you don't.
>Strength Weightlifters
Those weightlifting for strength and power, like sprinters and powerlifters, usually have more fast-twitch muscles fibers. These athletes train anaerobically, so they do not activate slow-twitch fibers which require oxygen for energy. Those who lift extremely heavy loads tend to develop more type II fast-twitch fibers. This is because these types of fibers contract quickly and can efficiently provide bursts of energy for powerful movements. However, these fibers fatigue quickly due to lactate accumulation, so have to rest often.

He’s actually correct, I believe you’re confusing Olympic-style weightlifting where there are not a great number of niggers (which he is referring to) with bodybuilding (which many niggers engage in).

Jews can't rig hockey because no amount of steroids will give a nigger the skills to learn how to skate or make them not cold
The eternal nigger is so lazy that even if a rich jew gives him steroids optimized to make them succeed, they would give up if told to learn how to skate

They also can't do gymnastics, every sport they exceed in requires them running fast, before basketball rules got tweeked to relly on running fast European teams destroyed the American team, it was until they put the timers on retention of the ball that Americans started winning again, and even with that they have lost in many times

Exactly right. The Olympf lift requires fast twitch for POWER. The same as sprinting.
The only logical conclusion is sprinters are full of PEDs and blacks avoid the Olympic lift because of the emphasis on technique, training and even a demand for more fast twitch muscle.

This is my conclusion any sport that simply requires running in a straight line or getting a ball to the other side of a field. Will have blacks using PEDs.
All other sports have an almost complete absence of blacks.

i fail to see your gripe, are you mad that niggers are fast or what

This kind of mentality shows the difference between a white supremacist stormfag and someone who simply acknoledges science (aka a "race realist"). A race realist will have no problem acknowledging that Africans are better overall athletes, especially with regards to running, because every race has evolved to be good at something. But a stormfag like OP will refuse to acknowledge this fact because to him "whites" are the master race created by God to rule the universe, and all the other races were created by accident or something, so he will reassure himself that whites are the best in every regard so he can feel like a true ubermensch despite being completely insignificant himself. This is largely why social justice has been legitimized in the last century, because the white supremacist retards have been on the same side as those stating the truth.

The real threat is the two pronged Semitic threat (jews and Muslims). Trump is a Jewish puppet, working hand in hand with Saudi Arabia (who themselves are crypto jews). The planned “Greater Israel” project involves infiltrating and taking over the west.

JFYI we already lost the war. The ship sailed in 1943 after Germany was destroyed. Our countries will be taken over by jews and Muslims. It’s going to happen whether we like it or not. In fact, it’s already happened we just haven’t felt the full impact yet. Homogenous white countries are going to be subsumed. Blacks/Hispanics are currently being used to drive a wedge in homogenous white communities (divide and conquer strategy). Any attempt (such as OP’s post) to refute these statements are just coping mechanisms. Whites will be driven out, bred out of existence, or taken as slaves. These are the facts.

i'm not a "white supremacist stormfag" merely pointing out something you can't seem to handle.
You seem to be a black supremacist though. Maybe you are a cuckold or a nigger or brainwashed but that is what you are.

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Then you're still a retard for thinking sports has anything to do with racial supremacy. By your measure humans are inferior to countless other animals because we can't even compare to them in terms of physical ability.

Yet the Olympics for example were used to make public displays of Black supremacy.
You are lying. The point is it IS being used as propaganda to push racial supremacy.

Ok maybe I see your point, that the media is pushing it to make people worship negroes. That is true. But anything the media tells you is rubbish you should not give two shits about anyway.

has a black man *ever* won worlds strongest man?
or even top 3?