What is Jow Forums views on marijuana?

I'm a semi-regular stoner who has a full time job as a network analyst and I've been in MMA for 6 years now. I use it to treat my anxiety when it spikes up or sometimes after a 10 hour shift at work, I'll light one up at home to relax. I'd say I live a pretty good life, making a high 5 figures and have been with the same girl since high school (6 years)

It's understandable that some people are against it wither because it's affected them personally or they see too many retards wasting their life away due to it, but back to the originally topic: What's Jow Forumss views on marijuana? Any stonerfags on Jow Forums to being with?

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The Herbal Jew?
Not even once.

Blaze that shit all you want, I don't care.


its shit but it helps for relaxation and not getting overwhelmed with information if you're working a stressful job. Basically for some people the benefits can be higher than the downs, but most people just get lazier and retarded in consequence.

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Degenerate as fuck.

Weed will never help you get anywhere, it will only ever bring you down. And the more you use the worse it affects your life..

My roommate is smart as fuck, but he will never achieve anything because of his severe dependence on pot. He sits in the basement all day high as kite playing video games, and that’s where he’ll remain for the rest of his life. It’s really sad famalam

I’m not judging though... We all cope with clownworld in different ways, and some of us are more affected by its toxicity than others. If that’s what you’ve gotta do to keep from blowing your brains out, then by all means continue to use it

druggies get the rope

>facebook frog
>facebook drug
Stopped reading there

Ah yes the herbal jew. The greatest plant on earth. Grows to the size of a tree in a season, simple to grow as tomatoes, and cost only a few dollars for even the greatest seeds you could want. It's as close to the magic beans from jack and the beanstalk as you could get. Jews hate weed because they couldn't capitalize on it until recently with their patents on vap products and genome sequencing.

I wish I was smoking weed like in high school and watching Gundam with no cares.

Ok well I'm a powerful weedzard and you wouldn't believe what I'm paid to do while stoned and it's for 6 figures. Suffice it to say I'm an electrical engineer with a masters degree.

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Never good for perpetual use... always moderation. Unlocks your brains full potential, its how Moses came up with the 10 commandments; Talking to the "Burning Bush".

Why do you think its really been illegal, especially when the new age came around... didnt want people thinking to deep.

Best breakdown here, in my perspective:

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I'm high since 6:30 am. Wake and bake. But its saturday wtf!
Woke up in the morning cause thats how I'm used to. I work and work out.
Weed is ok, just not for the weak minded. The ones that get devastated and end up doing nothing all day are the people that where kinda predisposed to act that way anyhow.

unironically, sage

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t. r/altright

>druggies get the rope
why pretend to act tough if you lost your virginity when you pegged yourself with that wine bottle?

>same girl since high school (6 years)
any babies yet? if not you're fucking up regardless of the weed.

no kids, not yet anyways.

Been growing for 2 years now. Make my own edibles and hash as well as flower. Stop being a slave to nigger dealers, grow your own like a real man.

Only nonwhites like this disgusting drug.

Smoking Marijuana should be punishable by public stoning.

hey there muhamad. how about no.

Its just for sleep. I could totally quit any time I want.

this is why Muslims shouldn't be allowed in this country.

>public stoning
sounds good to me

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That's the joke, it was a pun.

But in all seriousness, yes smoking Marijuana deserves capital punishment, it's degenerate.

as someone who smoked forever up until 27 and then was forced to quit for a job, I think all the years I spent smoking was a mistake

I sleep better, I am more clear minded and conversations flow much more naturally for me now

I don't think marijuana is bad, but I think abusing it, which most people do even though they think they aren't, is what makes it bad

It should be a once a month/special occasion type deal

Smoking every day is just pure degeneracy, I wish I could go back and take it all back.

The Herbal Jew vs. the Pharma Jew. Who will win?

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Just to reiterate, I'm not a daily smoker. Usually I only light up about twice a week, and it's just a couple light hits. A single blunt lasts me 2 weeks.

powerful medicine/entheogen as well as drug of abuse
should be as regulated as dandelions or coffee beans

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fuck dandelions always creeping up on my yard. day of the herbicide when?

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>not genociding them before they reproduce

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Weed brings out the true you. If you're a lazy fuck you will rot on your arse, if you're genuinely intelligent/creative/motivated it can help you concentrate and/or relax. I've smoked daily for a decade now and I've never been out of work (industrial refrigeration engineer). The best thing I ever did was stop taking prescribed anti depressants and growing my own organic medicinal marijuana. It helps me slow my brain down so I can process my thoughts, it gives me patience to deal with clown world, it makes food and sex better. I know this is all anecdotal but weed honestly saved me from the party lifestyle (night clubs, pills/powders, easy birds) my psyche was a mess from work hard/play hard attitude and lifestyle. Nowadays I chill with my wife, work on my cars, create music - good wholesome stuff lads.

TL;DR - weed will help if you've got a good fast mind, if you're a lazy fuck it will make you worse

i get them before when they're yellow but my neighbors don't so they spread. i should probably just eliminate the entire neighborhood one of these days

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Its insideous. You think everything is fine and you can totally be a functional stoner but in reality you are addicted and everything in your life revoles around smoking. I dont think it should be illegal, but it definitely isnt the harmless plant everyone says. It can and does destroy ambition, and makes you just mellow, no highs, or lows, just meh. I just quit a month ago after smoking 2-3 ounces and month for 3 years. I am still just now staring to dream again both literally and figuratively. Its amazing how much weed takes from you, while at the same time making it all seem cool and totally fine.

If i gotta be honest, People illegalize that shit just because the government told the public that it's bad and can cause 40 million symptoms that don't even exist.

Kush is gud, m8. It's better than cigarettes any day of the week.

What is Jow Forums views on cigarettes tho?

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>Not making god tier dandelion wine
>Probably doesn't even know you can
>Calls a free abundant food a weed
>buying jew tricks this much

It must be awful being a nigger.

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I like it. Had many job opportunities pass me by the last 10 years. I quit last year and got a job at s major defense contractor. I feel dumb being a 10 years behind because I was stubborn. If I had 10 years into my career I'd be rich. I'm way behind but at least I'm starting now.

Weed allows me to focus so much but it's a shame about the short term memory loss and disconnection from body. I think I should try something like modafinil instead

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>civnat soiboi-flower cuck with lawn BLACKED by seeds from unkempt nigger front lawns

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As with most things, moderation is key.
What I've experienced is that it makes people accept what they have and desire little more, especially in regards to wisdom/knowledge.
I've seen a couple friends settle down in the retail life because they couldn't bother to reach further because they were happy with the life they had so why change it.
In my opinion it needs more research in general.
T. stoner of 6 years

Smoke all the weed you want, I don't care, but don't expect it to lead you anywhere. It just locks you in place and makes you accept your current life situation, no matter how terrible it may be.
If you're a depressed wageslave, smoking weed will keep you as a depressed wageslave. You'll never break free until you stop using the herbal jew.

Weed is the most shit-tier drug that does very little outside of ruining your brain over a long period of time.
Drinking a glass of hard liquor gives you a better high and is less harmful to you in the long term than smoking weed.
The vast majority of people who have tried weed try it once and don't understand what the hype is about. The people who fell for the DUDE WEED LMAO meme continue smoking and they turn into literal zombies.
All regular weed smokers without exception act weird, lethargic and dumb. Even the idiots who think they're normal and that no one even knows they're a weed smoker, everyone knows.

Weed should be legal because it isn't worse than booze and there's a lot of money to be made.

Yet I wouldn't use weed myself, because I'm not a degenerate.

Medicinal Herb should be available tho with a prescription note, only for those with PTSD, IED or any other mental disorder

That's true. Nothing like a cold pour of Booker's bourbon on a rainy night.
Man do I miss drinking.
I put down the bottle three months ago. I miss it so much but I can't fall off the wagon.

It increases my psychic ability.

Dont drink alcohol it is a poison in a bottle.

thanks canabro, you know that feel

i'm about to get my lawn power raked and then I'll see kentucky bluegrass for days

ive gotten off of pills so many times smoking weed. and in times of boredom or nothing to do it passes time and helps with pain

I have an auto-immune disease and it really helps. Its just how you partake. I learned to smoke out and go do stuff not lay on a couch. But that's ok too. I made 1k per week slinging it in College. So I love it. Will get back into it for my retirement and grow the shit out of it.

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No other drug addict defends their drug of choice except stoners. They're delusional beta's filled with fucking excuses as to why they need it. They're the weakest kind of drug addict.

for every one stoner who has a black belt in BJJ, a phd, a law degree and a part-time practice running a medical clinic for poor people, there are thousands who are dull retards who have not and will not ever do anything with their lives because they're too lazy and spaced out from the 4/20. most stoners are retards and losers.