The Absolute State of Comedy

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The world needs Jesus.

Trex arms

>cross legged
>misshapen bodies

Holy fuck, dude, who gives these freaks jobs telling others how to think?

I can't fucking stand that flid fuck, infact I can't stand any British comedians anymore, they're a bunch of paid shills

I'm doing my full spaz face...


I'm also sick of the 'it's like...' format of '''''comedy'''''.

when have any of these three been funny? literally why do they have a decade or so of screentime in the uk for just shitty pub talk that hasnt even ever been funny

I was watching some Blackadder videos just last night. Now that shit is funny.

the sad thing about this is that the Brits used to be considered the undisputed masters of comedy and this just looks like a cheap knock-off of American comedy in the style of "The Daily Show".

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>watching TV in the current year.

gtfo Normie.

I'd like to formally apologize for Adam Hills but I am thankful hes in England now, they deserve him.

jewtube algorithms

Blackadder is great, and your digits agree

>yeezy's, game of thrones, george w bush

why are bongs so obsessed with the jewnited states

Friendly reminder that Channel 4 once broadcast the call the prayer every morning during ramadan and is a leftist propaganda platform.

A lot of them are great but the Andy Parsons is just spot on.
I miss Enfield and Chums.

nonononono you can't talk yourself out of this

I'm phone posting but this is the panel show skit right?

clips of "the Last Leg" is in my recommended videos every day. it's trending here every day. even when it has

if they have to mention all the political paryts why not name one the muslimpigfuckers all one word so they cant shorten it

have a pakistani who lives next door to me,
He said the other day to me "I'm a better man than you"
I said "I never said you fucking wasn't, but what makes you think your a better man than me?"
He said "I don't have a fucking Paki, living next door to me"

that's a real brain teaser

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this is one of the least popular 'panel' shows in the UK. There are way better and popular ones.

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Is that naked attraction programme just an excuse for women to gawp at chads and BBC? I can't imagine average or slightly overweight blokes ever get dates off it.

I really hate how with these people, the way they debate is through the use of snarky comments to get a laugh. What's worse is that a lot of the audience falls for it. half truths half lies told in a jokingly manner is an extremely powerful tool to use infront of an audience to get them on your side.

Fucking hell.
Is it just us, do we have a disproportionate amount of fat and/or ugly women? Because I see so many fat and/or ugly women in this country.

stopped watching comedy since it got woke and anti-white/right/male.

>do we have a disproportionate amount of fat and/or ugly women?
it certainly seems that way

No, the world needs another George Carlin.