America thread

Let's go boys, post your most American pics/videos. Let's have a true kino thread about clown world central.
No butthurt Americans ITT please, only based and redpilled Americans that recognize their country for what it truly is.

Attached: poster_1b492b3627ea47599c326625b153a80b.png (1280x720, 961K)

God I hate looking at fat fucks like that

Attached: 1538154.jpg (351x351, 22K)

Attached: 1556470260740.png (1179x777, 256K)

fuck you cock sucker

Attached: 1537642149857.gif (382x554, 3.99M)

I challenge any of you to post anything simultaneously more depraved and more American than pic-related.

Attached: zenithOfDepravity.png (844x564, 369K)

is that where the jewish doctor uses my foreskin for?

Attached: jewhandrub.gif (214x199, 590K)

Likely so.

Attached: 4skin4sale.png (1060x1102, 235K)

post original video .

Attached: WAKANDA.webm (320x564, 2.05M)

>america thread
>posts video from South African protest

Superior European education everyone.