Why is your typical person so stupid? Even the average white person who are supposed to be smart are literal morons with very shitty logical level of i.q and knowledge about the world.
Anyone else feel like theyre surrounded by a sea of primitive animals sometimes?
the higher your iq is, the fewer number of offspring you will have, dumb people have little self control and like to fuck , Not hard to see why, You retarded faggot
Henry Clark
you r surroud bye primative amimals
Ian Smith
I could cum inside you and I wouldn't feel a thing OP
David Roberts
You IQfags always puts a smile on my face. There are so many different types of intelligence besides IQ but you "smart" people love to measure intelligence from ability to see patterns and call that "logic". But yes, people are stupid and there are many different sorts of stupid also. Dusch as the prideful "intelligent" stupid person that spent his entire lite on being indoctrinated with history for example but will out of pride never realize almost their entire education is based on propaganda. Yes, I am stupid.
Hunter Gomez
this is false
Leo Price
so its just a coincidence that just about every highly successful person has an IQ well above average then huh
Bentley Rodriguez
Because IQ is related to general knowledge about the world... dumbass