I don't know if you idiot nazis fucks actually realize how uncool and unattractive white guys are these days

I don't know if you idiot nazis fucks actually realize how uncool and unattractive white guys are these days.

I'm a maori New Zealander and at my high school everyone uses the term "thats so fucking white" to describe shit thats not cool or nerdy ass shit.

also I'm seeing tons and tons of asian fellas with white girls its not uncommon at all, especially gym going well groomed asian guys with some of the hottest white girls in the school.

the whole era of white dudes getting a free ride in life is over and you fags are just fucking buttmad lmao

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Other urls found in this thread:


nobody cares

Fuck off, nigger.


Get another shitty face tattoo, moke fat ass

white created the world, nigger. show some fucking respect.

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A free ride is what whites gave you when they brought civilization

>that's so fucking white
Kek, you live in a white's man world abbo. Values only common for white men are spreading like wildfire and you are not even able to understand it.

That's because you live in a socialist hellhole. Kill yourself now, save yourself the misery.

Move to the South island white man.

>high school
Not 18? Mods

>I'm a maori

no chang

You should add peanut butter to the list. Its an urban legend that G. W. Carver invented it, and it triggers liberals when they are faced with the fact that the one thing niggers are known for is a lie.

I love being white it's the fucking best. We are so ingenious. We can actually imagine and bring greatness into the world. We are Like the LIon. We will put up with your shit untill it goes over the line then see how it goes. Nature has a heirarchy. White people are going no where, will always be the most powerful race on earth. We are the ones touched by the gods.

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Fuck off hapa. No one buys your gay larp.

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Yeah, but who invented tacos?

Murrys are stupid dirty cunts

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sounds like new zealand is pretty fuckin retarded

Or maybe it just fucking happened and you did nothing to deserve it. Ponder that shit loser.

Dont expect him to understand, intelligence is so fucking white

not human, fuck off

Wakate namate UUUAAA UUUAAA, thats right maori obese piece of shit, i know how to speak ya faggotry.

This whole virtue signalling idea that Whites did something to deserve being White is retarded shit. It just happened, you just exist. It means nothing.

>the average maori

would rather live next-door to an aboriginal family than you foul creatures lolololol

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A Nazi taking credit for Jewish inventions...

Go back to Bolivia.


>do you feel in charge

As a matter of fact i do.

Doesn't make up for everyone else not being White AND YOU FUCKING KNOW IT.

lol your cog dissonance

>I'm a maori New Zealander
you're trash, gl in life

Try stepping foot out of South Auckland bud, you'll see you have it the wrong way around

How you gonna hate from outside the club, WHEN YOU CAN EVEN GET IN!!! LMAOOOOO

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>I'm a maori New Zealander

Everyone at your high school! Oh wow how will I sleep.

What fucking cope? explain to me what the fuck Whites did exactly to be born genetically White?

azncel = asian guy that can't get laid

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everyone cares actually

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years of evolution?

Whites have an expression or two too! Stupider than a nigger... There are few insults greater... Imagine thinking whites could possibly care...

maori are just monkeys that tattoo their face and are decent at rugby literally no need for your race to exist as you have offered nothing to the earth

Like every other stupid narcissist Whites are incapable of being as they say GROWN UPS. Can't fucking deal with the FACT that shit is just fucking random and morality MEANS NOTHING.

White privilege is real, niggers are also dumb and violent. Jews are parasites. ALL stereotypes are mostly real.

I fucking hate you and i would fucking murder you. And your family.

Is it true Maoris are usually the alphas in new New Zealand, they bully white men and bang white women?

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>and so i said in English in a higher hdi country than my homeland
>thats so white

At least you don't pretend like it was "earned". Nah, shit just happend.

you actually stole it all. Remember all those noses you chipped off statues? Then you simply monopolized everything including ideas and attributed them all to yourselves.

who else is ready for the era of tyrone, Jamal, and Juan?

Maoris copy black American style. It's hilarious.

Didn't i already warn you about talking shit on the internet you stupid low iq cuckold?

Not me, fuck that. Whites are still less shitty overall.

>>I'm seeing tons and tons of asian fellas with white girls
>>era of white dudes getting a free ride in life is over

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you will never be asian

How was it not earned? Whites earned their way.

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This looks like a Hey Donny meme

Yes my ancestry is deep in the advancement of England. My direct line has done so much for the world. I deserve everything and I take what I want because I can, like my ancestors. You don't even know your lineage, do you. My ancestors and fellows are me. I can be fucking proud and I am.

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What a fag, you hide behind cops and shit because you know Nature/Life is unfair and the muds are at the gates. The kikes really are going to fucking kill all of you and you know what? GOOD. I don't give a shit, existence was a mistake anyway. I'm not interested.

I don't even give a shit, fuck this whole world.

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I get it bro they would call brownies minorities but me and my fellow blue eyes were the minorities in our school. Luckily I am big and strong and brownies are are weak so I out lifted them and kicked a few asses and earned respect. But honestly why does school have to be like prison where I have to beat ass to earn respect? Because even though I kicked ass I would worry that they would send family members after me or shoot/stab me like they threatened to do. It was a horrible environment to try to learn in.

Lol, you are so colonized you can’t make fun of white man without speaking white man language.

Just end it. No one will care.

HA! fuck cares about "earned" you virtue signalling faggot? shit means nothing.

I would rape your inner child to death, not your actual child that would be wrong. Because there is an objective right and wrong, you agree.

Beat your drum faggot

as if

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ur a gay hahahahahahhahahahhahaahahahhah

ok fbi do your thing


Hopefully within my lifetime

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Ya it seem thing here man.

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You sound like a broken human being

Underage poster. MODS.

Feminism soi gays porn gtfo

We are a product of our parents, and theirs. Ability, intelligence, etc are hereditary. Chance is not involved. Humans aren't interchangeable, I couldn't have been born anywhere else just like you could never have been born white. Why are you sudaca mutts so attracted to communism?

80IQ mongrel genetics with no written language. Absolute proto-human.

Despite making up 15% of the population, your kind make up over 50% of prisoners.

Your entire genetic lineage is a burden on decent white people.

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Soon Rabbi.


fr*ck yes he got VANNED

life is just slipping away dude be part of it, be outgoing, be happy

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>Seethes non stop from childhood
We don't think about you at all.


>nerdy ass shit
You mean entertainment for actual evolved human beings?
This is the problem with nignogs, if anything requires more than 80 IQ, they see it as nerdy or white. Kys.

>the whole era of white dudes getting a free ride in life
White men never got a free ride but worked for everything they have ever accomplished. The free ride is what sub-humanity like yourself is getting precisely because White men paved the way for it to be possible.

The bootlips on that nigboi.

>I'm a maori New Zealander and at my high school everyone uses the term "thats so fucking white" to describe shit thats not cool or nerdy ass shit.
This is how we know the world is fucked. I was hearing black students getting told that 15 years ago for getting good grades, and just watched a video of a crowd cheering on a black man for running from the police.

You're such a low IQ animals. If of wasn't for the white man you wouldn't even be using the Internet right now or have learned the greatest language on the planet. Just go home and beat your wife up mate

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watch out for zombies frens

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you'll always be a nigger.

based bong

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You're actually the impostor Satan of the world. You've robbed, raped and murdered and taken all these people's cultures and wealth and even identity... then attempted to cover up history.. this monolithic lie is now dissolving just like your minds. You will even shoot your own foot in order to try and frame someone else.

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>talking about others getting a free ride in life
... Are you sure you want to go down this route?

careful what you wish for, nigger.

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They're just like your Mexican's, filthy, poor, unwashed and usually the stupidest person in the room.

>also I'm seeing tons and tons of asian fellas with white girls
You gave it away, go back to plebbit.

Hey, that's kinda catchy.

kys untermensch
you niggers aren't even human, just another kind of ape who should live in a zoo and get feed with bananas

>maori New Zealander

who? where?

It's just too bad that niggers can't steal the ability to live like human beings rather than savage beasts. It's one of the few things your species have never figured out how to steal.

Fuck up hori no one cares