Why yes of course I support a war against Iran. It will be cheap and fast just as the Iraq war. MIGA

>Why yes of course I support a war against Iran. It will be cheap and fast just as the Iraq war. MIGA

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Sgt Grease Fire

A lot of foreskins are gonna be needed to fix that face

Just eliminate all the Jew's enemies then they'll have no reason to shill at us.

so you suggest to elimate every human on the earth?

There won't be a war with Iran, cletus

Start with yourself Goyim.

And it's beautiful.

>Muslims are savages and Communists are inhuman
>Would I actually risk my life for these beliefs? Lol no faggot, Thay would be a Jewish trick
Anywho Venezuela was a big nothingburger and that had the muh backyard excuse. Iran will fizzle out the same way.

it's bolton and pompeo's life's dream to start a war against iran. they've been planning it for decades, and fully intend to push as hard as they can to start one. they can easily maneuver trump into any position they want, as they already have done so. also, they have allies with kushner and ivanka.

is this one of those "war pigs" ozzy talked about?

Fuck you user, I want low oil prices. Dead Muslims are also something i want so its win-win

if war with Iran happens, oil prices will skyrocket.

No, we’ll take it all so it will basically be free, it will be like how after 9/11 gas was like 98c per gallon. I want that again. Saving money at the pump is much more important than the lives of some desert savages who would kill us in a second if given the chance

With Iran being the only serious country you fought against since ww2 I kinda doubt it will be like Iraq was.

Some americans unironically think pic related is okay. Boomers sending young people to die or get
severely disfigured to the point that they look like foreskin.

Not right now, but the US has spent the last 20 years looking for a reason. It isn't over.

Is this the guy whose wife looked traumatised in the wedding pics?

as much as all the hollywood whores get plastic surgeries for no reason, you'd think they could put a bit more effort into replacing that dude's face.

Not anymore. Dead from overdose I think after his wife left him.
Just fucking sad.

Yep. Worse photos ive seen in my fucking life. Dude ended himslef.

Are there any interesting conspiracy theories on the Madrid bombings?

The Iranian elite are just a bunch of deepstate fucks using Iran as a war puppet. The Iranian people want them gone. The beefed up military presence is to reassure the Iran people that America will defend them, not to to engage in all out war

Neocons get a hard on when they see pics like this.

After he went through hell the VA promised him $4,000 a month in payments, which you know, is basically peanuts. But they refused to pay even that, only giving him $2,700. Only after widespread press reports did they offer him the $4,000.

Now they want a war in Iran because AIPAC told them it's a good idea.

When the fuck are some wealthy white people going to push to end this lobby-controlled two party shitshow? It's unbelievable how fucked we are.

Why the fuck should America have anything to do with this crap? Let Israel and Saudi Arabia fight their own wars. Everyone I know could give two fucks about the Iranian people. They'd rather the money being spent in the Middle East went to their schools, roads and hospitals.

I thought Jew Wars were beautiful

Poor wife. How long did she stay with that monstrous freak after he came back?

He made the choice to travel to the other side of the planet to kill people that someone who he has never met labeled as his enemy

>after his wife left him


pick one

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>He made the choice to travel to the other side of the planet to kill people that someone who he has never met labeled as his enemy

implying killing brown people is bad

>Poor wife. How long did she stay with that monstrous freak after he came back?

you snow niggers absolutely have no morals I hope you suicide rate increases even more and you become part of the statistic.

Nah anyone who risks their life for Israel deserves to die

Honestly after seeing these poor guys coming home battered to hell how the fuck can you want this. Like what inhuman cunt wants this to happen to their own goddamn people. And all of its does nothing. You send these poor guys out and they did or get disfigured for nothing. Should send Bolton out there if he loves war so fucking much. Let him and all the other neocons and neoliberals lead the charge.

Boomer dad wants war with Iran, he hates Muslims but likes Israel. Fucking bizarre phenomenon that effects boomers.

I get wanting to destroy ISIS and hating governments like the Saudis but the average Iranian that I've met are similar to Med Europeans, let them live in peace rather than drag us into another endless war and debt spiral for the sale of appeasing MI-Complex CEO's and the Israeli Government

this desu

Unironically and unfortunately this