>Berlin >Antifa communist >Demo next week >they try to take over the parliament >standoff Most of their followers are brainwashed Schiozs who believe to fight on the right side, manipulated to go out on the street and stir shit up. They don't know better, they just do what they think is the best. Not Questioning their own motivation, not considering their own motivation manufactured by the hidden communism propaganda. I had a friend who knew someone from the Antifa, he told me about his retarded idea. Fuck him and his delusion. He thinks those people represent the German folk, he immediately blocked as soon i questioning his idea. If an idea can't stand simple question and all the schizo can do is block, then it is a sign of manipulation. But who Brainwashed him? Anifa's communist ideology. He says, it's just an idea. And yet, he will go to the Demo and they will push him, use him as a tool. What ever he believes, no matter how strong he thinks he is, no matter how often he will tell himself lies, no matter how often he will say things like "i can not be brainwashed". No matter what he will do. He knows he is on the edge, but he keeps the lie up to escape into his safe space. Retard.
I know what Antifa is up to, be warned. Next Week, Berlin.
no, thats all so far. I could dox him but that would only get him alone in trouble, better to get all of those antifa faggots.
Isaiah Phillips
He somehow got into this antifa nonsense probably by a friend. Most people don't like the idea to lose their friend circle so they keep it going. its so sad. Its everytime the same story
Anthony Ramirez
I'm a member of die Linke and I wish Antifa just wouldn't exist. Also, fuck Katja Kipping and fuck all "open border" lefties. Mass migration is neoliberalism.
James Sanders
Digits confirm. Lafo should have become chancellor back then and not that Schröder cuck
Christian Russell
>Mass migration is neoliberalism even this is correct (importing cheap labor, outsourcing expensive work -> don't give a shit about their own people). Hippie leftwing flowerpower anarcho communists are against borders as well. You find mass immigration faggots on both sides
Jaxson Rivera
>He somehow got into this antifa nonsense probably by a friend. yes, i notic how he slowly started to believe the communist shit, he told me about how a friend from the antifa explained to him why this communist system is the best with the village example. He more and more became political but only saw one side of the coin, the side the fit better his believe he was lured in. Without considering that his believe was put on him, he went on with the thought it was his own believe. Brainwashed as always. I tried a few times to listen to him, or to get him out, but the only help for him seems to hit the ground hard. I really wish he will hit the ground of reality soon so those antifa faggots stop using him as tool. Fuck him, if he want to go down this road there is nothing i can do. He is already dead to me, the moment he switched to the communist, he turned into a fucking necro bastard.
Adrian Rogers
>>Demo next week So? ANTIFA is NWO controlled opposition.
Wyatt Smith
>best with the village example. on a very small scale it actually does work and makes sense but not on an international world where nation have over 90 million citizens. There are too many people and communism will fail because there are too many power hungry individuals. If you live in a community with 100 inhabitants everyone knows he relies on the other one and therefore there is less jewery. Nobody would betray the other one since damaging the community might cause drastic problems. or Imagine you fuck up and they throw you out and suddenly you are alone..
Commies tend to explain their system on a low scale population example but thats not reflecting the real world. They're pushing for the utopia. .. Utopia was once a term to call another one a crazy unrealistic person btw.
Noah Reyes
i am very well aware that Antifa is nothing else than the paid soliders of the soros company, or the political wing who is into this kind of shit. They themself may not see it, and just follow blindly the main order the social media and all brainwashed stereotyps keep chanting.
I wonder which political wing profit from this standoff? I mean, there are the EU votes tomorrow.
Dylan Stewart
>Nobody would betray the other one since damaging the community might cause drastic problems. blind trust? anons, trust but verify, no need to trust blindly. Not even with a group of 10 people.
David Nelson
>anons, trust but verify, no need to trust blindly. Not even with a group of 10 people. if your life depends on staying in that group you are waaaaaaaay less likely to jew someone
Adrian Hill
Then fucking do something, pussy
Cameron Martinez
>waaaaaaaay less doesn't mean 100% there will always be cracks in the wall
Christian Wood
This is 100% correct but these dissidents would get exiled
My point was to tell you they always use a small community as an example how their system works but especially on a huge scale its complete nonsense.
other Arguments can be made like that every rich person will leave the country when a communist revolution starts and the communistic state will have nothing to redistribute
Julian Thomas
They’re German males . They think violence is not letting your wife get fucked by a Muslim for one day out of the week
Then if you aren't pussies, do something, shoot merkel or something
Jonathan Hughes
>If you live in a community with 100 inhabitants everyone knows he relies on the other one and therefore there is less jewery I seem to remember in the Russian collective farms when shit hit the fan they just chucked out all the old people who could no longer work. But back to the topic, communism and capitalism are both promoted by the same people and used solely as a mechanism to promote chaos and conflict. The minute a country gets happy and stable, capitalism will be pushed to extremes, the poor will increase dramatically, and left wing revolutionary movements will pop up. It’s all a device to introduce chaos alongside the odd war and totally fake
Benjamin Morgan
what are you doing Mr. Chong? And you can't get close to merkel and even if she dies there are backup politicians for her
David Harris
>But back to the topic, communism and capitalism are both promoted by the same people and used solely as a mechanism to promote chaos and conflict both is jewish 3rd position is the solution
Andrew Hernandez
>The minute a country gets happy and stable, capitalism will be pushed to extremes, the poor will increase dramatically, and left wing revolutionary movements will pop up. It’s all a device to introduce chaos alongside the odd war and totally fake this, we don't even have to look very far, this antifa communism shit just got big agains as soon trump became president. (((They))) try to stir shit up because they knew they will lose.
Gabriel Roberts
Well are you just going to sit in your shitty villages and pretend like you're making a change. Go out and make your own group, gather support and know you aren't just some fag that wished mosqueland could change, fucking make your motives clear
Easton Gutierrez
this, it doesn't matter how often someone cut the head of the snake, another one will pop up.
If one is aware of the deep state shit, the mafia and what not, would it help to simply remove one of them? If the system is corrupt, if law doesn't work and the notion 'to big for jail' is common sense, how does a revolt help at all?
You would have to get to the end of the rat tail, a process that doesn't happen over night.
Carson Walker
What have you done so far?
Christian Johnson
>Go out and make your own group gets co-opted the moment it pops up
Luke Davis
>head of the hydra
to put it simply we need to redpill the entire west to make changes
Brayden Phillips
It doesn't matter what I'm doing, my country isn't losing itself I dunno, krauts are smart, I'm sure you can figure something out
Easton Lewis
>It doesn't matter what I'm doing, my country isn't losing itself so you are doing nothing but blame others. and your country is going to hell as well
Ayden Cooper
I'm not blaming anyone, you just have to do something
Chase White
I'm constantly dropping the truth to others here in Germany. I'm sometimes surprised how easy it is to get them into a "thinking mode". Thats all i can do without getting fucked by the state.
Brandon Ortiz
Well I believe you user, if that's all, that's enough
that "something has to be done" is sure something that needs to be considerd, but putting the blame on everyone doesn't help to focus on the actually consideration
one have to be very wise, need a lot of knowledge about CoIntelPro, MK monarch/ultra and all that social engeenirinig stuff and what not from all those infiltraded social meda, web 2.0 etc etc etc.....
only by taking everything into account when considering any option you might come up with something, i am not this guy but i am here, ready to listen and watch how it could work out.
Jordan Davis
This is actually true. The youth party of the SPD (Social democrats) have documents on their page where they demand more money for demonstrating. Including overnight bonuses free rides and so on. It is unironically on their official website
Tyler Williams
i could imagin that they are actually behind this, and now they use antifa dogs to get what they want
i guess they know already that they will lose tomorrow
Ethan Howard
Antragsbuch der jusos, the youth party of the SPD, (I don' remember the exact year) ~2014 page 95 ++ . It was somewhere between page 95 to 105
Jackson Nguyen
>If you live in a community with 100 inhabitants everyone knows he relies on the other one and therefore there is less jewery. This is the concept of Dunbar's number, i.e. the number of individuals that someone is capable of conceptualizing as real people, generally who they know and understand how their actions can affect, as opposed to some nebulous mass of "people" that they don't really give a fuck about. It's the upper limit on the size of cohesive social groups, and sizes above this naturally fragment unto groups
Jack Phillips
Good post
Caleb Jones
>Dunbar's number yeah, i remember this too, got any pdf? I mean there was a whole book about this.
Its because no one explained people how the revolution started. They have a wrong chronological sense on how the 20th century went down. The groups that "opposed" fascism actually existed before shit went down. they wanted plain and simple revolution like the soviets, most of socialist groups went full retard and started to despise democracy in favor of violence and totalitarianism, this lasted even while the war was going on.
In Spain we had to deal with people burning convents while the republic was going on, instead of stopping this madness and trying to calm everyone down our politicians went full retard and instigated it making the justification of a coup even more obvious. We had the russian secret service all over the place and when war broke out they started murdering people.