The parenting myth: How kids are raised matters less than you think

DNA is more important to a child’s personality, exam results and future income than the way they are brought up – but that’s good news, says geneticist Robert Plomin

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In other words, reading to a child doesn’t seem
to influence the child’s reading behaviour. That
contradicts every piece of advice I’ve heard.

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i know Asian(especially Japanese,Chinese, Korean) have highest IQ among all races.

Proof race exists and leftists lie.

This sounds like bullshit thats meant to justify taking my child away from me because "it doesn't matter how they're raised"

Ah, so now it’s nature over nurture. Low IQ Africans are a product of their DNA and low IQ isn’t dependent on environment. Got it.

In other words, your children do not belong to you, they belong to the nannystate, so don't even fucking try to bring them up -- we know better what they need

This literally only speaks to reflex and treats personality as a component of verbal behavior while ignoring all axiomatic reasoning.

It’s literally a discussion about feelings, not thought or verbal behavior.

>DNA is more important to a child’s personality, exam results and future income than the way they are brought up
The people with these characteristics would have good, supportive parents anyways. Moot argument -- ghosting fathers create trash children. How it has always gone; most kids in adoption centers are genetic trash bins.

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I’m impressed by your AP Standard use of two hyphens and the proper spaces for an em-dash.

This is nonsense and anyone that has good parents or is a good parents knows this.

>smaltest lace in the wolld!
>*gets nuked*

I can see that -My mom was drunk, asleep, fuckin around, shppping, ditching me to o do all of the above, from pretty much year one. Had to learn all kinds of shit myself and I turned out mostly pretty good. Better than most, to be honest.

Everyone involved with this study should be filled with honey, strapped to a boat, and set to float in a swamp

this is just what people want to hear because they are too lazy to properly raise a kid

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>Nippon putting themselves on the same level as Korean and Chinese in any sentence

Spot the proxy

This is literally what it said : "That’s the other caveat: we are studying
what we actually see now in a particular
population with these existing
environmental differences. Some novel
inLluence could have a bigger effect. That
could be “tiger mums” who devote their
lives to getting their kids to play the violin.
But you can’t assume that tiger mums do
make a difference, because the mums who are
so concerned about achievement probably
have kids who are genetically more likely
to be achieving anyway. It’s an open
question as to whether those kids would
achieve as well without that sort of
pressure – or even better."

genetic heritability is way more of a big deal than people think.

I'd say humans are 70% genetic and 30% environment. Those adoption studies that show book reading is more connected to your birth parents than your adopted ones made the lightbulb turn on in my head

Genetics are important, but as the current heroin epidemic among intelligent whites goes to show? If your upbringing is bad, genetics won't help you.
Your children are people. Small people, generally bereft of the guile and worldliness of their mentors.
Smart children are the result of smart parents, but disciplined children capable of knuckling-down and doing hard work will beat raw intelligence up and down every day of the week in terms of performance. Anyone can instill discipline.
Don't circumcise, don't send your children to public wageslave camp, find out how their brain retains information most successfully. It's really not that hard.

After 9 years in LaTeX it's not the only thing you have to learn.

Drugs are addictive, it doesn't matter what race you are.
It'd be like blaming the Chinese for the Opium Wars, don't be a kike.

It fucking not, it litteraly says "But you can’t assume that tiger mums do
make a difference, because the mums who are
so concerned about achievement probably
have kids who are genetically more likely
to be achieving anyway." It's not saying start acting like a monkey nigger

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Shut up untermensch

Are you retarded this is literally speaking about our genetic differences, and that the whole jew leftist concept of everybody being equal is a jew lie

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He's right, if you're so smart how come you got blown the fuck out in ww2 and get used by the yanks as a runway now?

And the west was subjugated by the jew, and our countries are taken over.

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Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ out of all groups, that's why they dominate whites and why whites are the modern day nigger, always bitching about how dae joos are holding them back and sheeit and how they waz kangz back in the 50s and 60s

Chinese people are Jews now?

Try again

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Yes in a way.

But this invasion was only possible because of the jew and their tricks.

Drug abuse disproportionately impacts poor and low-mobility families by giving them an easy form of escapism from the dismal reality of their shitty lot in this world as wageslave chattel. Pot and hallucinogens for the good goyim (rootless and toothless), heroin, meth, and crack for the bad goyim (racially aware, subversive to the control operation).
Drugs are shilled to the younger generations to keep the intelligent members of the non-ruling class docile and supplicant. It is remarkably effective, because if it's available then most people will gladly sign up for a prescription to make their life suck less.
Good parenting is literally the only counter to drugs. Bad parents in America WILL raise addicts, with an almost staggering frequency. If you meet someone from a single-parent household, ask them to list everything they're addicted to. You'll get at LEAST three.
Nothing to do with genetics, everything to do with market forces and incentives.

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See "Trump derangement syndrome is real - and dangerous" which indicates the deranged parents didn't pay enough attention to them when they were children.

What IQ do Chinese score without their rampant cheating?

Or maybe it's the jew media, jew psychiatrists trick in weinmerick, because how dare the goy talk about a border, and not having unlimited immigration.

Kill yourself, you fucking faggot.

That too!

Yet he forgot the period at the end.

The article says you should be following moms footsteps you dumb bitch

You can take a child out of Africa, and you can also take Africa out of a child. Personality is learned reflex, you can’t genetically predisposed someone to a type of memetic insight- it can only be taught by a culture, and parenting at all times is complimenting an education from every person a child ever sees, meets, or imagines.

If you raise a kid with trash culture and no belief in axiomatic value, religious or otherwise, then they’ll grow into a drifting animal fed on its own desires or kill themselves.

Jews do you delusional gook

>dont raise your children goy
>(((we’ll))) do it for you
>i mean (((“dna”))) will do it for you


That's litterally not true

No u.

I long suspected this.

Nurture, education, etc. is all overrated.

Chinks were just as subverted by Jews as us, they just think they're in control.

it matters less than you think, but it still matters you doofuses

jew isn't race, are you dumb?

That's liberal wishful thinking.

>why X liberal opinion is supported by a guy we paid to find things that support it, and why thats a good thing!

Its just more politically charged pop-sci clickbait bullshit.

>and you can also take Africa out of a child.

By breeding it out.

Why can't this niggers then not even into engrish, riced cracker?

sexually abusing a child has zero outcome on his personality

It's bullshit. Jewish science to get you to abandon training your kids.


Little Darius teaching dad how to read.

I unironically believe that it's less impactful than people make it out to be. Most kids who were sexually abused got abused by family, so a genetic trail of degeneracy already runs through their blood. Others were possibly raised by negligent parents which is also an indication of a lack of character, which they naturally inherited.

People look at things from the wrong direction. It's not the abuse which made them a mess, it's their genetic circumstances of which the abuse was only a side-effect.

Naw, I think its more to just tell all those single moms that they aren't doing anything wrong and that thier children growing up to become emotionally crippled failures isnt thier fault.

this is old news. has nobody here read The Blank Slate or The Nurture Assumption ?

Watch the Hjernevask documentary to see leftist social science get BTFO by biology:

it's amazing. the Norwegian government actually shut down a "gender studies" institute after that documentary exposed their BS.

take two twins, sexually abuse one, and see if you can tell the difference

Two twins wouldn't be representative. You'd have to abuse more than that.

Good goy, parenting doesn't matter now get back to work and surrender your child to the state

you're an idiot

the fact of the matter is being white doesnt guarantee good parenting, it doesnt even guarantee a good society.

whites are superior, but we aren't immune to biology. drugs effect everyone, it makes a lot of sense that whites would do more drugs at a time that whites are attacked in the media on a daily basis

>the first in my family that did uni


I'm fairly certain the main reason why kids of single moms turn out to be shit is because they inherited the irresponsible character of their parents.

I wonder if there's a study which compares children who grew up without a father due to divorce/illness and children who grew up without a father due to irresponsible behaviour on the parents' side. I'd predict that the first group grows up normal while the second group more often than not turns into failures.

And you are a liberal subhuman who is unwilling to face the reality of the world. Some people are born inferior and there is no amount of nurture that is going to change that.

>abuse and neglect have no psychological impact on somebody

Wanna know how I can tell that you're retarded?

It doesnt matter how you raise a nigger
because it is still a nigger.

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Sigh german with the ubermensch complex

There is a different between "no effect" and "significant effect".

Not to mention that I already said: chances are the kids turn out to be shit because they inherited the shitty character of neglecting parents rather than the neglect itself.

you are a retard.
parenting and growing up is the most important.
check the jews.

germans are cancer

I might add: in the past we actually selected in favour of good character because the family was involved in the marriage process rather than the short-sighted female instinct.

this is proof that white debauchery isn't the work of jews. it's just whites being white.

That's right, Japanese are genetically superior.

as much as I hate most nigs, how you raise a child is key, I know to many white knackers to say otherwise


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This, white people are inherently self destructive, cucked. They are prone to become trannies and cucks, commit mass shootings, etc. Finally we can deal with the white problem by selectively breeding them out of the gene pool
>but but the jews
Its your genes, sorry

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Yes, and this is the crux of why OP's article is wrong. You can, if you are a diligent parent and picked your spouse intelligently, inoculate your children against drug abuse, the same way you inoculate them against all other forms of intellectual virus.
That is made easier by being white.
It is made a lot fucking harder by being raised by a single mother, and almost impossible if you're born, say, a welfare-nigger.
It's not to say that you can't do it, it's just to say that you're statistically less likely by a substantial margin.
This is true. Nurture, however, is for the next generation. Shit parents produce shit parents and the can gets kicked 20 years down the road. If you create a better household for your children than your parents did for you, you'll turn out better generationally.
Your genes may not improve immediately, but your lot sure as shit will.

Ethnicities are just races on a more granular level.

You should face reality.
Asian are much more intelligent than whitey.

As I said: I see bad nurture as a side-effect of bad genetic make-up. If anything, society needs to prevent bad match-ups. Forced monogamy, women having to look for men who will take care of them rather than guys who will run away, etc.
In the past, society has controlled that. When a serf wanted to get married he would have to ask his lord for permission who would consider whether it was a good match. Among free men, the father would choose a husband for his daughter. etc.
Nowadays, the serfs are reproducing on their own, and they're not doing so with the best of society in mind. This in turn leads to gradual degeneration. Irresponsible people breed irresponsible children. And this uncontrolled mass of serfs is not going to improve by teaching them to be good people. They need a firm hand that takes control of their lives.

A bit of both. Genetics play a part because of the allele of genes, especially to intelligence and cognitive function.
But the nurture part is incredibly strong to instilling the right values to take advantage of those traits.
You can be drug addled abusive parents or in a equilivent household and the child will grow up with PTSD and into the foster home roulette. Or they can grow up in a loving family with parents that do the right thing and bring them up to succeed. Which when coupled with their genetic traits gives them a great chance at life and passing on the genes to repeat that good cycle.
Don't you agree?

Childre quite literally require parents input to develope language, to say that "parenting no matter" is to suggest the whole process of language and social context development is non-existent

kek, that pic. this is why i come to Jow Forums. thanks perubro.

This man has it. This is the secret to parenting. Successful parent of 4 hyper intelligent and social kids.

>Personality is learned reflex
Not true in the slightest, siblings and parents know this, you can raise kids the same and they will have completely different personalities, I am the complete opposite of my brother for instance

man it's satisfying to see whites blame anything other than their genes for their own degeneracy. the absolute mental gymnastics.

>Stop caring about your kids, goyim
>Let (((us))) look after them for you.

That is what they want to push, but
>behavior and intelligence is genetic, we are not all equal
is the opposite side of the coin. They're playing with fire.

Who's narrative does this benefit?
Because it technically fits in multiple ways.
The idea that a race can be bad based on genetics, but also that a race could be bad because its fame for fatherlessness is legendary.

If this is true, then why spend any money on helping low income, high crime school districts? The kids will be criminals regardless, and the few that won't will do so whether or not they get more support. If anything, we should force sterilize niggers since it's proven they are a full standard deviation dumber and significantly more prone to violence and unlawful activity.

Eugenics when?

Genetics and environment arent mutually exclusive

Study is bullshit. All other data shows opposite. In fact, coming from two parent household is best predictor of future success. Never listen when (((they))) tell you otherwise. Just a trick to keep poor stupid and poor.

They are not stupid but they dominate because of in group preference. When they have a choice they always hire and give promotions to other jews. That's how you end up with jews running everything. We had similar situation in ussr where all the dentists the place i lived were armenians, all the repair shops were under georgians, etc. All of these guys had good cars and were stuffed pretty well while russians being engineers and scientists sucked dicks. In group preference is very important.