Why does he still keep shilling for Zion Don? Is he bought and paid for?

Why does he still keep shilling for Zion Don? Is he bought and paid for?

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Faghammer literally has never said anything negative against the jews.

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lmao, he did comment on an old ryan dawson video urging the guy to leak his info disproving aspects of the holocaust, its only since about 2015 styx has shut up about the jews and holocaust

Cause he isnt retarded and recogonizes the viable alternatives are even wors
Yang is a meme candidate with exactly 0 chance of making it to the actual primaries, let alone winning the nomination.

>Is he bought and paid for?
No, he's just a civ nat retard.

You're a retard if you're anything other than that in USA.
What are you, a white nationalist? Shouldn't have imported all those niggers then. Shouldn't have let all those chinks build your railroads then. Should have killed more injuns then. Should be building the wall right now.

>disgusting tranny faggothammer isn't based
What a shock

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>seething memeflag civcuck lmao.
Diversity is your strength, faggot.

Nothing wrong with a different perspective. Would be really boring if everyone all agreed with the same views on trump. Do you want every political personality to be going 'Miga miga da joos' ?

>Do you want every political personality to be going 'Miga miga da joos' ?
yes, if all jews are killed, world peace will set in and all other problems will come to an end.

desu i forgot this fucking loser even existed for months until i saw this thread

is he still making his usual purple pilled shit with basic bitch takes and predictions that almost anyone on this board could do or has he moved on/up to something relevant/actually useful?

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Because despite his satanic handicap the man understands that there are no better options.
Are you telling me you are dumber than this malnourished heathen?

>Are you telling me you are dumber than this malnourished heathen?
Oh the irony

>literal satanist
>"Is he bought and paid for?"
wft you think retard

>forced e-celeb
Come on isn't it (((obvious)))?

He must be doing something right since he's getting massive negative feedback from here with no clear reason why. no bump for you!

>that there are no better options-
Tulsi Gabbard
Hell, even Bernie Sanders

Hahahahahaha. I like Styx but anyone who doesnt talk about Zionism or the Israeli state when discussing US government is showing their hand. Just look at what happens to dawson for correctly hammering away at that issue because he correctly identifies it as the one of the main important issues. Styx has decent content but he's just in it for the money.He doesn't have the integrity to fight the losing battle against Zionism . He'll probably only come in at the end if It looks like Zionism is going down when it is safe. If that ever happens

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It's interesting how some random dude in the middle of nowhere can trigger so many people that they begin shilling him on a Cambodian bricklaying forum.

And every time these threads say the same five or six disproven myths, too.
>Muh transvestite
>Muh j00z
>Muh gay

>Tulsi Gabbard
>Hell, even Bernie Sanders
A literal socialist kike. Eh, no.

As much as I hate Trump, there are no other viable options. I feel Styx has likewise grown disappointed with Trump's administration, but he continues to support him because of his utter disdain for socialism. Styx simply fears and abhors the inevitable which is the fact that America is going to become increasingly socialist, which will reflect the demographic shift of the American nation in the upcoming decades. Trump is the last essentially white president. Even if he is a Zionist cocksucker, he still represents the spirit of the old US. Once he's gone, the traditional US is gone. Styx understands this and probably argues for the lesser evil, it's as simple as that. As much as Trump is a neoconservative, Zionist cocksucker, the Orange Man probably the least dystopian candidate on the American political scene at the moment.

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