Wtf Jow Forums?

>be ugly white girl
>2/10 face
>disgusting body
>get gigantic butt from eating 5 cheeseburgers a day
>wear thong in every pic/video
How in the fuck does she think she has anything to be proud of? She's got a disgusting cottage cheese ridden ass. Its fucking disgusting. Her face is gross. She also has a very large pussy.

These are everyday white woman. Holy shit! Are these the people you want to save? I sure as hell would rather have a mentally I'll happa child then have a disgusting white roastie

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Other urls found in this thread:


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lmao incel detected

as expected

FUCKING 2/10! I'm done with western civilization. Christ

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Nothing to hope from a whore who did a sextape with a pajeet.

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Young white girls want to be like her.

They want attention from black guys.

To get attention from black guys, you need to have a big ass.

It's why the Kardashians are so popular. Because girls want to be like them. Black boyfriend + mixed,non-white, child.

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How many dicks can she fit into that super wide vagina?

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imagine those dolphin pussy muscles riding your dick

Belarus, actually. I saw a flag in one of the other slide threads.

Have sex.

Why the obsession with this girl? Why the constant threads about her?

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Us men are horny
Beta man are horny and throw money at whores

They wanna hide something. We're posting in a slide thread.

Leave your basement retards. They are everywhere. This is the future of the white race. Is this how you want your daughter to grow up?

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She really is gross

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It's just a the incels who are angry.

She symbolizes modern day Western culture, and represents what every young, modern, white female aspires to be -- A nigger loving slut with a fat ass.

No wonder white Women are considered a downgrade from almost other other races except black

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The Asian looks like an insect

Jew media brainwashed them to want attention from niggers.

I fuck Asian now.

Still better then white ( women)

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Dead eyes

Have sex incels.

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Stop posting this e-celeb shit here, nobody cares. This is not political.

only thing jews want is war with iran , so thats all they could give a shit to misdirect from

White women are beautiful, stop being bullies

As a black guy, I can tell you ass shape is more important than size.

she is no 10, but, better than a 2... not ugly.

Lose weight lard ass


it's just one maniac.

She clearly hired an agency to shill her account, hoping to get views for promoted posts. Sage, report and hide, boys. Sage, report and hide.


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this, they hate women cause they can't get poon it's literally that simple

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Surely I am not the only one that finds geeky white girls in a sweeter and loose pants attractive.
It might be an IQ thing, caused by the idiocracy of our dysgenic (see William Shockley) society.

Even if we ignore the superiority of creative/emotional/general intelligence as well as physical superiority of practically every region.
We are still left with our own individual collective characters with it's own desires and destiny's, with its own attitude and soul, with
its own heart of Independence which even if we were to separate all superiority of this Aryan heart from the East Asian it would still
remain ours and ours alone. Our intrinsic morality in which we must fight for as the highest good for it is what defines as so greatly
from those other mongrel races. We must preserve our own superiority as much as our own individual morality and character.

You disgust me degenerate. Raise your daughter better, dominate your your partner and all women kind as you should care not for their whoring but your own integrity, but make them depend upon you as you are the dominant.

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And I have yet to address the problems of racial intermixing itself apart from previous statements I have made. They live in a world with
no origin, with no identity, with no set character, two men jumping out of the same face fighting for dominance and this clash is what
leads to greater likelihood of mental illnesses as well as the misery you give to your child as a sacrifice for your selfish desires.

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