Do not spend your strength on women, your vigor on those who ruin kings (Proverbs 31:3)

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Yes, spend it on little boys instead

The Translation is incorrect. It’s actually Semen. Not strength.

I think Jesus would rather I have sex with a woman instead of little boys.
Who made up that rule anyway?

You know how much pussy Solomon got?
Mountains of it.

sex is meaningless. literally just putting your peepee in vagina.

Replace faith with dead-ass anger, and that pic is basically me.

>Listening to bronze-age fairytales authored by anonymous sandniggers who lived in a desert
lmao cuck

I wish I could spend my strength and vigor to those who ruin kings but I’m too much of a sperg to manage this like 90% of Jow Forums.

Yes, but if we obsess over it Bc we've let the electric Jew dictate what we should care about then it becomes a meaningful form of thought control and societal engineering

Don’t worry. You still fap to them like a degenerate slave. They have all your power