UK to ban Straws, Cotton buds, and Drink Stirrers

>Plastic straws and drink stirrers, and cotton buds with plastic stems will be banned from sale and use in England from next April, the government has confirmed.
>Imagine being this cucked

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Only fatties use a straw to drink.
None of these things should affect you at all.

What a nightmare police state.

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>You don’t need straws therefore they should be banned

How would you keep your ears clean?


My brother's a cripple and pretty much needs one to drink anything. Imagine being so self centered you can't even consider other people.

>British people
>Proper Hygiene
Choose one user

They dont even brush their teeth. What makes you think bongs clean their ears?

When are they going to ban food wrapped in plastic? Like instant noodles? Food from overseas will be banned, then capitalism will be overthrown, and then only government-approved paper-wrapped eco-friendly rations will be allocated.

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Why do you even keep him around, it is just a dead weight at this point ?

Good, all plastic should be banned

There are metal and paper straws moron. You're about as braindead as he is

In effect that's already happened in america. Just instead of the government it's the corporations that force you to eat paper instead.
Once again, mutts fail to realize corporations are just as bad as the government (or worse, cause you cannot vote their management)

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>banning plastic

You're a monster. Go abort your children

That's California, which should never ever be confused with America and their paper straws are wrapped in plastic.


Corporations are infinitely superior as I can choose to not interact with them. Don't like that McDonald's goes through millions of plastic straws? Great, don't go to fucking McDonald's.

I'm so sick of everyone acting like banning sissy sticks is a fucking big deal. It's not, you can live without sucking on your tube, faggot.
Q-tips with plastic stems are stupid and fucking useless, the shit tier brands are plastic. Buy a real brand.
Use a fucking wodden drink stirrer, faggots.
All you faggots are constantly going on and on about chemicals in plastic, then plastics get banned for drink and health items, and you still complain. This is boomer shit. I keep having to tell my boomer dad to shut the fuck up when he brings up this shit. Mother fucker never even uses a straw, but he's still going to cry about it. Fuck straws.

If they turn down handicapped you can bet I will.

I'm sorry I don't want to keep hindering our society with dead weights.
What are they gonna do for the greater good ?
Nothing, that's what they are gonna do.

So I don't see any problem in taking them behind the shed and popping on in the back of his head or just pushing down the stairs.

If I ever become a vegetable, I would prefer to be unplugged than being a dead weight.

People have the right to buy whatever the fuck they want you commie nigger faggot.

Anything disposable needs to be biodegrade

>You don’t need them therefore they should be banned by big daddy Government
Imagine being this much of a bootlicker. You’re more of a boomer than your father is, if you had Government’s cock any further down your throat it’d pop out of your ass.

"Disposable" paper and plastic products are terrible and need to be stopped. Their manufacture is extremely pollutant and they go straight in a landfill.
Imagine keeping a cripple who can't even drink alive.
Glass straws are best.

What about children?

This. Checked and heiled.

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fuckin a

Teach them how to function in the real world.

If you can't drink properly from a fucking can/glass you don't get to, you just get to use a baby bottle for the time being.
We already do the same with other stuff.

All the fucking plastic in the world
Why do they lock targets on straws?
Is it just a way to get their foot in the door?
Or were there other plastic items banned Im not awre of?

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they'll ban all that too here
look it up: yet another niggering fucktardry we have to thank EU for...

nothing wrong with this, gj UK

And what did your Jewish hs teacher tell you that "well regulated" means in 18th century English parlance?

He likely assumed it meant a well regulated diet of massive nigger cocks, like half of the posters ITT are already on.
The amount of bootlicking is astronomical.

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>complaining about banning single use plastics
I bet you're a right cunt. SUPs are utterly pointless and outrageously polluting. A plastic tube that's used once so that a lazy fatty can drink his jug of soda without having to lift it, that lasts for hundreds of years without biodegrading. Plus, anything that moves us away from oil and back to materials like glass and animal fibres is a good thing.

>Source: my ass
every time

So in a single law in a single country which has zero negative effects (considering glass, metal & paper straws all exist) you've managed to reduce total worldwide plastic waste by 0.012%. How is this not a good thing?


imagine caring about throwing plastic out in a landfill

most retarded soi shit ever

Sliced fruits wrapped in plastics is peak self improvement, tho

Honestly can't think of a more contrived virtue signal than everyone's sudden """aversion""" to plastic.
lmao we've all consumed so much of it in your time on this planet, and yet so many people now think they are saints because they don't use drinking straws anymore.

Cotton buds without plastic stems...

You also banned straws.

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>do something
>realise there's a problem in doing that something
>decide to stop doing that something

Easy to change rules have a compounding effect. The UK is well on its way to becoming completely carbon neutral (which will easily swing into carbon negative), and the government has successfully altered the whole population's opinion on plastics - go ask anyone on the street what they think about it. This has it's own compounding effect on reducing expensive to recycle materials, reducing dependence on oil products, reducing cost of clean water production.

Now imagine if you were in charge, instead of all of these success stories we'd just have "oh what's the point it's too late".

Cotton buds are not being banned. Cotton buds with plastic stems are being banned.

pic related

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And yet, by every metric, the UK has better dental health than the US.

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unironically nothing wrong with banning excessive use of plastics

Fuck me you took that a bit personal didn't you. Are you also a "LOOK AT ME NO STRAW :)))))))" type?

Everyone knows the deal about plastics, pollution, the environment. Everyone knows we need to use less and use more organic materials for things. Everyone should keep this to themselves rather than use it as a replacement for personality.

> I'm so sick of everyone acting like banning sissy sticks is a fucking big deal.

That's the problem. If they are willing to police something as small as this, this is only the beginning.

>California banning straws means the entirety of the United States has banned straws at the federal level
Bong Intelligence really is something

>Are you also a "LOOK AT ME NO STRAW :)))))))" type
No, but I'd rather be filled in a country full of those types of people rather than a country of Americans who don't even consider the impact of their lives on the environment around them. I can tolerate virtue signallers because it means that the government are succeeding in changing the gen pop's opinion on plastic. Go back just 5 years and you would see an evian bottle and a costa cup on every office desk in the country. So the only reason everyone knows about plastic pollution as you put it, is down to the success of the government getting everyone to talk about it and virtue signal as you put it.

I live in the South West right by the coast, and if you saw the amount of plastic waste - including straws - that washes up on our beaches daily, then you'd probably understand why this really isn't a bad thing

>has nothing
>resorts to shart meme
At least we haven't banned toilet paper or disposable wipes...

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>At least we haven't banned toilet paper or disposable wipes...
So why the fuck are you lot not using them then?

Says the Jow Forumslack who probably advocates for eugenics and genocide.

how are they gonna shart their patriotic stains, otherwise?

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with Eugenics or Genocide.

>paper straws
I hope you are forced into a shower with a wooden door

It's a pointless load of shit. It doesn't matter what the fuck we do, the size of our small country is a spit in the ocean compared to what countries like Vietnam, China and India are pumping in to the oceans.

There's a giant fucking island of plastic waste originating from mostly China, about 3/4 times the size of France in the ocean somewhere. We could throw 70 million packs of straws in to the oceans and that would be nothing compared.

These green idiots are aiming it at the wrong people. It's the east they need to be sanctioning to bring them in to the line. China's started producing CFCs again, which is undoing the work we've done in letting the Ozone layer repair. It's opening up again.

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But how will I drink my ribena strawberry?

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What are you talking about, racist?! We've never been more EMPOWERED as a nation! EVIL polluters BTFO finally, that'll be uh... 20% extra on the next tax bill but it's going to a good cause I SWEAR

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Unless it's a holocaust denial law...

>Corporations are infinitely superior

Holy fuck what an absolute bootlicker. Your a fucking retard, how do you even breathe?


This is your brain on radical collectivism.
Putting your society at such a high value that you forget about empathy towards single individuals, even if they belong to your family.
Listen to yourself, shooting your own child in the head because it won't be able to do it's part in society.

>banning wasteful shit is bad

The idea that we should be using cheap plastic shit because it's cheaper in the short term is boomer consumerism at its worst

But it's not my fucking problem I don't give a shit about the environment. For every fish you save through these retarded measures, I'll eat 3

You right, we really need to do something about the chinks.

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boof it.

Imagine needing a straw to drink. How will we ever bring liquids to our mouths without plastic straws?

Better still, how will I drink my capri sun?

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Just rinse them out in the shower? You're not supposed to put qtips in your ears, you know.

>You're not supposed to put qtips in your ears

and yet nothing bad has ever happened anywhere from doing so, please close mouth

All cartons will be converted into a small plastic bottle to compliant.

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This one could be built in

If you drink lemonade in a mylar pouch you need a straw, when you are finished just push the straw all the way down the hole so it cannot fall out.
If I could buy beer in these bags I would.

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Fibers break off and mix with wax to accelerate plug formation.

Found the English flunkie

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Ironically based and redpilled.

No, they don't.


>So the only reason everyone knows about plastic pollution as you put it, is down to the success of the government getting everyone to talk about it and virtue signal as you put it.
I support the ban on plastic straws, though I think it should be extended to plastic drinks bottles as well (glass and aluminum are fine), but it's David Attenborough and his documentary team that have exponentially increased awareness, not government.

It is very cucked when Chinese fishing is the source of over half the plastic trash in the ocean, but only white countries and also the UK have to be responsible for it

>200ml of liquid is supposed to be enough for lunch

Didn't places in america also ban straws recently?

It is for Children.

Americans are literally retarded.

Thanks for supporting my point, memefag

Agreed. Developing countries are by far the worst contributors but that doesn't mean that it alleviates responsibility for countries that are more developed.

Banning straws and porn? When did the gov get so redpilled?

You need all the support you can get, Amerilard.

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>imagine being this cucked

I'm sure it won't be hard for you mutt, just look at one of your own states for the origin.

On a more serious note though, I couldn't give less of a fuck. Oh noes, they'll have to slightly change what those products are made from. God forbid a pack of cotton buds might cost say 10 pence more. However will I cope?

I mostly think climate change is bullshit, but plastic pollution really fucking isn't. By about 2050 the ocean will have more plastic than fish, by mass. And the plastic doesn't just go away. It slowly, slowly degrades, and gets smaller. As it does so, it becomes more dangerous. Plastic isn't dangerous in and of itself, but it acts like a sponge.

And that might be fine, if the ocean wasn't a.) not exactly clean and b.) the dumping ground for shitloads of industrial waste. Plastics pick up toxins, and then when they're processed in your guts, they deposit them inside your gut. You don't absorb the plastic, but you can absorb its payload.

Nanoplastics are even worse. They're plastic that's gotten so small it can literally just slide through your digestive system into your bloodstream and cells, which means when it deposits its toxins, it does so directly into the unprotected cells.

tl;dr plastic pollution really isn't a joke. I'm fully aware nuking china and/or india would be the ideal solution, but given that won't happen I couldn't give a shit about britain at least attempting to make a difference. At least this one is based on sound logic.

daily reminder : nazis love the environment. Only cuckservatives want to kill it all because "muh freedumbs"

Being this retarded you can't imagine using a different not so utterly retarded material.....


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They're only getting rid of plastic straws for environmental reasons

don't be a bore
ban that cotton bud

This is it, this is the last straw. Time to rise up.

The cotton buds are cardboard now, you can't really tell the difference. As for straws, I don't use them.

>I mostly think climate change is bullshit, but plastic pollution really fucking isn't.

No but the issue is countries such as China produce so much, the UK banning plastics will have no affect.

If anything it gives China an excuse to keep doing it because other countries lower their plastics.

It's like a boat that is sinking with a big hole, using a small cup to pour out the water, it will make no difference.