>jews spread the image of white whores cucking their husband to dirty niggers
>let's make the same thing with muslim women cheating on their husband for bwc
>let's see the reaction
>if we succeed enough maybe there will be a blacked type site
Operation : cuck muslim
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wasn't there some french or belgian guy that fucked tons of muslim women and made pics that caused a major outrage?
requesting pics
if it really the case
since i'm half french half belgian i will be very proud
>implying there is a difference between France and Belgium
Just fake being a converted muslim and impregnate a lot of muslim girls.
They crave for whitr dick
80 women is nothing
I fucked more than 90 colombian women in 4 months and more than 100 thai women in 7 months
typical weak westoid low test faggot
are you retarded? guys maybe if we spread images there will be a porn site for Muslims... this frame of thought is so retarded. do you think porn sites would push this? do you think companies would loan out talent to you?
Fucking beurettes is a national sport in both of our countries.
kek so many good psyops right now
you have my support pierre
>Let's be degenerate
Bump. I love this idea.
>let's spread degeneracy
>jews are jewing
>let's retaliate against muslims
waste of time imo
This retarted
i just realized that this is basically US foreign policy
One is only 50% lazy francophones
> en.wikipedia.org
Arab women would risk getting honor killed for the taste of white cock.
thank you smith
On my old computer a had screen shots of a Muslim forum where the men and women were saying white converts to Islam are swamped by Muslim girls.
Someone probably saved it, might not be online though.
and the rest is drunk wallon
I have some videos of black girls dressed as slaves or pig with a dozens of whites boi pissing on her and fucking her.
file too large for CuckChan IMAO
site ?
Those snatches are fucking disgusting just look at this.... Ugh. Especially bottom left! Wtf
calm sown hans
Jow Forums is filled with complete degenerates
>''yes goy racemix to make mooslims mad''
what a surprise ching chong